Product Details
Demonstration circuit 2437A is an adjustable 500mA linear regulator featuring the LT3066. The LT3066 is a micropower, low noise and low dropout voltage linear regulator that operates over a 1.8V to 45V input voltage range. The device supplies 500mA of output current with a typical dropout voltage of 300mV. Jumper-selectable output voltages include 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.0V, 2.5V, 3.3V and 5V. A 10nF bypass capacitor reduces output noise to 25μVRMS across a 10Hz to 100kHz bandwidth and soft-starts the reference. The LT3066’s ±45V input voltage rating combined with its precision current limit make the IC an ideal choice for robust, high reliability applications. LT3066 features an NMOS pull-down that discharges the output if SHDN or IN is driven low.
Applicable Parts
Documentation & Resources
DC2437A - Schematic3/11/2016PDF53K
DC2437A - Demo Manual3/11/2016PDF205K
DC2437A - Design Files4/21/2016ZIP827K