
Product Details

Demonstration circuit 1414B-A features the LTM4601A, the high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down power module. The input voltage range is 5V to 20V with a jumper selectable output voltage from 0.6V to 5V. The rated load current is 12A, although derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT and thermal conditions. The PLLIN pin supports synchronizing the µModule® regulator to an external clock. The TRACK/SS pin allows the user to program output ramp-up and ramp-down rates which may coincidentally or ratiometrically track with another voltage rail. Output voltage margining of ±5% from the nominal value is available via the margin control pins MARG0 and MARG1. The LTM4601A data sheet must be read in conjunction with this demo manual prior to working on or modifying demo circuit DC1414B-A.

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