
Product Details

Development System for evaluation of the ADuC812, 8-Channel 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DAC + 8K-Byte Flash MCU.

The QuickStart Kits for the ADuC8x-series (8052-core) Precision Analog Microcontrollers feature serial-port download/debug capability and an assembly-source debugging environment. 

Applicable Parts


Code Examples

Evaluation Software

IAR EW51 4kByte limited evaluation version is included in specified kits. Tools provide IDE, C Compiler, ARM7TDMI core Simulator & Debugger
Keil µVision MDK51
Keil µVision MDK51 2kByte limited evaluation version is included in specified kits. Tools provide IDE, C Compiler, ARM7TDMI core Simulator & Debugger.
498.77 K
ADSIM Simulator
Standalone Windows-based assembly simulator supporting the ADuC812, ADuC814, ADuC816, and ADuC824 devices (zip)
3.86 M
WASP-Analog Analysis Routine V6.04
Windows-based ADC performance analysis software, facilitates flexible ADC performance analysis without requiring firmware development. (exe)