How to Program the MAX22000 Configurable Analog IO
The MAX22000 is a configurable analog IO device. It supports a 1-channel universal voltage/current input output (IO) together with an RTD or thermocouple input as an industry-standard 4-terminal interface. Alternatively, it can be used to create two-channel differential analog inputs or six-channels of single-ended analog inputs. A microcontroller-compatible serial peripheral interface (SPI) provides access to many advanced features. This application note provides example C-code implementation including setup, monitoring, and diagnostic functions.
The MAX22000 integrates a 24-bit ADC, an 18-bit DAC, and an analog front-end (AFE) to create a software-configurable IO that supports all standard industrial analog interfaces: -10V to +10V analog input or output, -20mA to +20mA analog input or output, as well as an RTD or thermocouple input for temperature measurement. When used as an analog input (AI), the device supports either differential input channels with two single-ended inputs or up to six single-ended input channels. Additionally, one differential input channel (AI5 and AI6) has an integrated low-noise Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) designed for thermocouple or RTD measurements.
If the analog output (AO) is used, then it needs one differential pair of analog inputs in current-output mode, or one single-ended analog input channel in voltage-output mode.
This application note presents a series of functions to provide a faster and proven solution to programming the MAX22000 Figure 1. They are written in C and should prove easy to port over to any common microcontroller. For detailed information regarding the MAX22000 pins, operating modes, and control registers, refer to the MAX22000 data sheet.
Figure 1. MAX22000 Functional Diagram<.
MAX22000 SPI
The MAX22000 SPI commands are 32 bits long (8-bit instruction + 24-bit data) with CRC disabled, and if CRC is enabled this adds 8 more bits for the CRC8; for details about CRC calculation, please see Application Note 7072: Guidelines to Implement CRC Programming for the MAX22000 Configurable Analog IO, which shows CRC8 encoding in more detail. The SPI command structure is shown in Table 1. SPI mode for the MAX22000 is CPOL = 0 (CLK idle = 0), CPHA = 0 (rising/first edge samples the data), the data/commands need to be clocked in MSB first.
Address | Control | Data |
7-bits A[6:0], MSB to LSB | R/W bit, Read = 1, Write = 0 | 24-bits D[23:0], MSB to LSB |
Full details of SPI read and write cycles, along with register tables and instructions, can be found in the MAX22000 data sheet.
Figure 1 shows the main function blocks of the MAX22000. Essentially, there are four main parts to the device:
- Sigma-delta ADC with an internal voltage reference – the main function is to convert the analog data that can be read using the SPI.
- DAC with internal voltage reference – the main function is to convert digital data to an analog voltage.
- AFE with multiplexer – the main function is to select channels and switch modes (i.e., current/voltage).
- Logic-side interface – SPI port for accessing all device registers and hardware flags for diagnostic.
MAX22000—Application Examples Configurable, Multi-Range Analog Input/Output
The MAX22000 is designed to support industrial applications in end equipment such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) that require configurable analog I/O. A typical application circuit is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Configurable Analog IO + 3 Single-Ended Analog Voltage Inputs.
The terminal labeled 'Universal Analog I/O' is the software-configurable and fully flexible analog IO port, which in conjunction with the terminal labeled 'Return' provides either:
- Current Input ±20mA (nominal) full-scale range is ±25mA.
- Current Output ±20mA (nominal) full-scale range is ±25mA.
- Voltage Input ±10V (nominal), full-scale range is ±12.5V.
- Voltage Output ±10V (nominal), full-scale range is ±12.5V.
To simplify systems which require galvanic isolation, the MAX22000 supports six logic-level GPIOs (GPIO[5:0]), which can be used in case external components (MUXes/FETs/power supplies) need to be switched or digital signals need to be read back through the isolation barrier.
Source Code
This application note provides C source code examples, essentially providing driver functions to access the multiple registers within the MAX22000 for configuration, control, and diagnostic features. All software has been implemented and tested using MAX22000 EVkit.
Globals to allow easy channel/mode selection:
public enum Register_address { GEN_PROD = 0x00, GEN_REV = 0x01, GEN_CNFG = 0x02, GEN_CHNL_CTRL = 0x03, GEN_GPIO_CTRL = 0x04, GEN_GPI_INT = 0x05, GEN_GPI_DATA = 0x06, GEN_INT = 0x07, GEN_INTEN = 0x08, GEN_PWR_CTRL = 0x09, GEN_TST_MODE_1 = 0x1a, GEN_TST_ENTRY = 0x1c, GEN_TST69 = 0x1d, DCHNL_CMD = 0x20, DCHNL_STA = 0x21, DCHNL_CTRL1 = 0x22, DCHNL_CTRL2 = 0x23, DCHNL_DATA = 0x24, DCHNL_N_SEL = 0x25, DCHNL_N_SOC = 0x26, DCHNL_N_SGC = 0x27, AO_DATA_WR = 0x40, AO_OFFSET_CORR_WR = 0x41, AO_GAIN_CORR_WR = 0x42, AO_CNFG_WR = 0x43, AO_DATA_RD = 0x44, AO_OFFSET_CORR_RD = 0x45, AO_GAIN_CORR_RD = 0x46, AO_STA_RD = 0x47, }; // DAC is 18bit, full-range = 262144; Half because bipolar: 131072, Theoretical factor = V(range) / half-range public const double phy_AO_25V_factor = (double) 25 / (double) 262144; //0.00009536743164; public const double phy_AO_25V_offset = -131072; public const double phy_AO_12V_factor = (double) 25 / (double) 262144; //0.00009536743164; public const double phy_AO_12V_offset = 0; // DAC is 18bit, full-range = 262144; Theoretical factor = mA(range) / half-range (bipolar) public const double phy_AO_25mA_factor = (double) 50 / (double) 262144; // 0.0001907348633; public const double phy_AO_25mA_offset = 0; public const double phy_AO_2mA_factor = (double) 5 / (double) 262144; // 0.00001907348633; public const double phy_AO_2mA_offset = 0; public enum Channel_select { AI1_SE_b12V = 0x00, AI2_SE_b12V = 0x01, AI1_2_diff_b1V = 0x02, AI3_SE_b12V = 0x03, AI4_SE_b12V = 0x04, AI3_4_diff_b25V = 0x05, AI5_SE_b12V = 0x06, AI6_SE_b12V = 0x07, AI5_6_diff_b25V = 0x08, AI5_SE_b0p125V = 0x09, AI5_SE_b0p250V = 0x0a, AI5_SE_b0p500V = 0x0b, AI5_SE_b2p500V = 0x0c, AI6_SE_b0p125V = 0x0d, AI6_SE_b0p250V = 0x0e, AI6_SE_b0p500V = 0x0f, AI6_SE_b2p500V = 0x10, AI5_6_diff_b0p125V = 0x11, AI5_6_diff_b0p250V = 0x12, AI5_6_diff_b0p500V = 0x13, AI5_6_diff_b2p500V = 0x14, AUX1_SE_u2V = 0x15, AUX2_SE_u2V = 0x16, AUX1_2_diff_b2V = 0x17, }; public enum AOut_Mode { high_impedance = 0, AO_25V = 1, AO_12V = 2, AO_6V = 3, AO_1V = 4, AO_0p6V = 5, AO_25mA = 6, AO_12mA = 7, AO_2mA = 8, AO_1mA = 9, out_of_range1 = 10 } public enum MAX22000_CIO_Mode { Current_Input, Voltage_Input, Current_Output, Voltage_Output, RTD_Input, PGA_Input, PGA_Input_with_Current_sourcing, Off }; //******************************************************************** //* //* Function: MAX22000_read_register //* Description: Read one Register from MAX22000 //* //* Input: Register-Address (take from definitions in header-file) //* Output: 24bit register content //* //* if CRC is enabled, then crc8-Command is required //* //********************************************************************/ public UInt32 MAX22000EVKIT_read_register(Register_address address) { UInt32 result = 0; UInt32 CRC_read = 0; if (CRC_Enabled == false) { max22000_port.SPI_CS0Enable(); max22000_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( (address << 1) + 0x01 ); result = max22000_port.SPI_R_transaction_24(); max22000_port.SPI_CS0Disable(); } else { max22000_port.SPI_CS0Enable(); max22000_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( (address << 1) + 0x01 ); result = max22000_port.SPI_R_transaction_24(); CRC_read = max22000_port.SPI_R_transaction_8(); // read the CRC max22000_port.SPI_CS0Disable(); // calculate and check... byte CRC_TX1 = (address << 1) + 0x01; // TX byte (was sent) byte CRC_RX1 = (result >>16) & 0xff; // 1st RX byte byte CRC_RX2 = (result >>8 ) & 0xff; // 2nd RX byte byte CRC_RX3 = (result ) & 0xff; // 3rd RX byte byte CRC_Calc = crc8(CRC_TX1, CRC_RX1, CRC_RX2, CRC_RX3); if (CRC_Calc != CRC_read) printf("CRC read from MAX22000 is incorrect."); } return result; } //******************************************************************** //* //* Function: MAX22000_write_register //* Description: Write one Register to MAX22000 //* //* Input: Register-Address (take from definitions in header-file) //* 24bit data (new register content) //* //********************************************************************/ public UInt32 MAX22000EVKIT_write_register(Register_address address, UInt32 data) { if (CRC_Enabled == false) { max22000_port.SPI_CS0Enable(); max22000_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( (ushort) ( ((byte)address << 1) ) ); max22000_port.SPI_W_transaction_24(data); max22000_port.SPI_CS0Disable(); } else { byte CRC_TX1 = (address << 1); byte CRC_TX2 = ((data> >16) & 0xff); byte CRC_TX3 = ((data >>8 ) & 0xff); byte CRC_TX4 = ( data & 0xff); byte CRC_Calc = crc8(CRC_TX1, CRC_TX2, CRC_TX3, CRC_TX4); max22000_port.SPI_CS0Enable(); max22000_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( address << 1 ); max22000_port.SPI_W_transaction_24(data); max22000_port.SPI_W_transaction_8( CRC_Calc ); max22000_port.SPI_CS0Disable(); } } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_CIO_Setup // Description: Sets up MAX22000 for one of the CIO Modes // Assuming HW is connected like the standard application diagram // // Input: Desired Mode // Output: None (MAX22000 will be setup by this routine) // // ******************************************************************** uint32_t MAX22000_CIO_Setup (MAX22000_CIO_Mode mode) { uint32_t ADC_result = 0; switch (mode) { case MAX22000_CIO_Mode.Current_Input: // set calibration factors for Current Input MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x100000); // Stop any potentially running conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000000); // No channel selected MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_N_SEL, 0x000003); // Select CH AI1-2 diff calibration factor MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_N_SOC, 0xFFFFE1); // Write Offset (regular low-side) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_N_SGC, 0xBD934B); // Write Gain (regular low-side) // END restore calibration uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x008000; // AI1-2 diff (CSA-Mode) new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xf0ffff) + 0x020000; // AO voltage output mode +/- 12.5V range MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_DATA_WR, 0x000000); // Write AO Voltage to 0V so current can flow // Prepare ADC MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000300); // AI1-2 diff channel selected MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000300); // select AI1-2 diff mode MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) (0x340000 = 50sps) ADC_result = MAX22000EVKIT_read_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_DATA);// read Data break; case MAX22000_CIO_Mode.Current_Output: // Set DAC calibration MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_OFFSET_CORR_WR, 0x00F5C0); MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_GAIN_CORR_WR, 0xFA3E80); // END restore calibration // Set AO Mode (Register 0x02: GEN_CNFG) uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x008000; // AI1-2 diff (CSA-Mode) new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xf0ffff) + 0x060000; // AO current output mode +/- 25mA range new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xeFffff) + 0x000000; // Set 4-wire Mode new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xffefff) + 0x001000; // enable AI3 SE new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xbfffff) + 0x000000; // Internal Reference MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_PWR_CTRL, 0x000000); // Normal operation (especially make sure GEN_PD=0 // Set Hex value / physical Value MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_DATA_WR, 0);//new_AO_value<<6); // Write new DAC value break; case MAX22000_CIO_Mode.Voltage_Input: // restore calibration MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x100000); // Stop any potentially running conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000000); // No channel selected MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_N_SEL, 0x000003); // Select CH AI3 SE calibration factor MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_N_SOC, 0xFFFFE1); // Write Offset MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_N_SGC, 0xBD934B); // Write Gain // END restore calibration uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xffefff) + 0x001000; // AI3 SE enabled new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xf0ffff) + 0x000000; // AO High-Impedance mode new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xeFffff) + 0x000000; // Set 4-wire Mode new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xbfffff) + 0x000000; // Internal Reference MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000400); // Select Channel AI3 / Single Ended //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case MAX22000_CIO_Mode.Voltage_Output: MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_OFFSET_CORR_WR, 0x00F5C0); MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_GAIN_CORR_WR, 0xFA3E80); // END restore calibration uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xf0ffff) + 0x020000; // 10V is 0b0010 -> 2 new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xeFffff) + 0x000000; // Set 4-wire Mode new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xbfffff) + 0x000000; // Internal Reference MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Set Hex value / physical Value MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_DATA_WR, 0);//new_AO_value<<6); // Write new DAC value break; case MAX22000_CIO_Mode.Off: // Make AO high-impedance, Stop ADC, Disable all Amplifiers MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x100000); // Stop any potentially running conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000000); // No channel selected MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, 0x000000); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value break; case default: // Make AO high-impedance, Stop ADC, Disable all Amplifiers MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x100000); // Stop any potentially running conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000000); // No channel selected MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, 0x000000); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value break; } } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_ADC_Setup // Description: Sets up MAX22000 for to read one of the ADC Channels in selected Mode // Assuming all ADCs (at least the selected one) is open / connected to a voltage source // // Input: Desired ADC-Channel +Mode // Output: None (MAX22000 will be setup by this routine, Conversion will be started) // // ******************************************************************** uint32_t MAX22000_ADC_Setup (ADC_CH_Mode CH_and_Mode) { switch(CH_and_Mode) { case ADC_CH_Mode.AI1_SE: // Setup Channel 1 for Single Ended and continuous sampling uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x006000; // make AI1 and AI2 SE active MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000100); // Select Channel AI1 / Single Ended //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI2_SE: // Setup Channel 2 for Single Ended and continuous sampling uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x006000; // make AI1 and AI2 SE active MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000200); // Select Channel AI1 / Single Ended //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI3_SE: // Setup Channel 3 for Single Ended and continuous sampling uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x001800; // make AI3 and AI4 SE active MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000400); // Select Channel AI3 / Single Ended //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI4_SE: // Setup Channel 4 for Single Ended and continuous sampling uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x000800; // make AI4 SE active MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000500); // Select Channel AI4 / Single Ended //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI12_DIFF: // Setup Channel 1-2 for Differeential and continuous sampling uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x008000; // enable AI1-2 diff (CSA) mode MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000300); // Select Channel AI1-2 / Differential //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI34_DIFF: // Setup Channel 3-4 for Differeential and continuous sampling uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x001800; // enable AI3-AI4 diff MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000600); // Select Channel AI3-4 / Differential //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI56_DIFF: // Setup Channel 5-6 for Differeential and continuous sampling uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x000400; // enable AI5-6 diff +/- 25V range MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000900);// Select Channel AI5-6 / Differential +/-25V //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI56_PGA_2p500V: // Setup Channel 5-6 for Differeential and continuous sampling (PGA Path +/-2.5V range) uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x000400; // enable AI5-6 diff +/- 2.5V range (in PGA Mode) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000c00); // Select Channel AI5-6 / Differential PGA Path //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI56_PGA_0p500V: // Setup Channel 5-6 for Differeential and continuous sampling (PGA Path +/-0.5V range) uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x000440; // enable AI5-6 diff +/- 0.5V range MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000c00); // Select Channel AI5-6 / Differential PGA Path //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI56_PGA_0p250V: // Setup Channel 5-6 for Differeential and continuous sampling (PGA Path +/-0.250V range) uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x000480; // enable AI5-6 diff +/- 0.250V range MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000c00); // Select Channel AI5-6 / Differential PGA Path //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AI56_PGA_0p125V: // Setup Channel 5-6 for Differeential and continuous sampling (PGA Path +/-0.250V range) uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x0004c0; // enable AI5-6 diff +/- 0.125V range MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000c00); // Select Channel AI5-6 / Differential PGA Path //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AUX1_SE: // Setup Channel AUX1 for Single Ended and continuous sampling // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000d00); // Select Channel AUX1 / Single Ended //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AUX2_SE: // Setup Channel AUX2 for Single Ended and continuous sampling // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000e00); // Select Channel AUX2 / Single Ended //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case ADC_CH_Mode.AUX12_DIFF: // Setup Channel AUX1-2 for Differential and continuous sampling // Select Internal REFs, set all channels to single-ended leave as is MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL1, 0x010000); // Continuous Single cycle conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CTRL2, 0x000000); // Internal OSC, use coefficients, ... MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000f00); // Select Channel AUX1-2 / Differential //MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x330000); // Start conversion (30sps) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x310000); // Start conversion (10sps) break; case default: // Make AO high-impedance, Stop ADC, Disable all Amplifiers MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_CMD, 0x100000); // Stop any potentially running conversions MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CHNL_CTRL, 0x000000); // No channel selected MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, 0x000000); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value break; } } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_ADC_Read // Description: Reads the currently selected and running ADC Channel // as setup per MAX22000_ADC_Setup // // Input: None // Output: Current ADC Reading in LSB (24bit wide) // // ******************************************************************** uint32_t MAX22000_ADC_Read (void) { uint32_t adc_result = 0; wait_for_RDYB(); // When RDYB pin is low, the ADC finished conversion. adc_result = MAX22000EVKIT_read_register(MAX22000_DCHNL_DATA);// read Data return adc_result; } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_DAC_Setup // Description: Sets up the DAC for the selected Mode // after this the DAC can be updated with DAC_Set_LSB or DAC_Ser_PHY // // Input: DAC range // Output: None, DAC in MAX22000 will be setup according to setting // // ******************************************************************** void MAX22000_DAC_Setup (DAC_Range range) { switch (range) { case DAC_Range.AO_25V: uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xf0ffff) + 0x010000; // AO_CNFG = 0001: AO Current Mode, 25V setting MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Restore Calibration MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_OFFSET_CORR_WR, 0x00F5C0); MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_GAIN_CORR_WR, 0xFA3E80); break; case DAC_Range.AO_12V: uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xf0ffff) + 0x020000; // AO_CNFG = 0010: AO Current Mode, 12.5V setting MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Restore Calibration MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_OFFSET_CORR_WR, 0x00F5C0); MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_GAIN_CORR_WR, 0xFA3E80); break; case DAC_Range.AO_25mA: uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xf0ffff) + 0x060000; // AO_CNFG = 0110: AO Current Mode, 25mA setting new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x008000; // AI1-2 diff (CSA-Mode) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Restore Calibration MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_OFFSET_CORR_WR, 0x00F5C0); MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_GAIN_CORR_WR, 0xFA3E80); break; case DAC_Range.AO_2mA: uint32_t new_GEN_CNFG = 0; new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xf0ffff) + 0x080000; // AO_CNFG = 1000: AO Current Mode, 2.5mA setting new_GEN_CNFG = (new_GEN_CNFG & 0xff1fff) + 0x008000; // AI1-2 diff (CSA-Mode) MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_CNFG, new_GEN_CNFG); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value // Restore Calibration MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_OFFSET_CORR_WR, 0x00F5C0); MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_GAIN_CORR_WR, 0xFA3E80); break; default: // In case invalid range select, do nothing break; } } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_DAC_Set_LSB // Description: Writes a new LSB value to the DAC, // assuming it is already setup in a specific mode, use DAC_Setup first // If LDAC-pin is high, it must be toggled after setting up update the output // // Input: new DAC value in LSB // Output: None // // ******************************************************************** void MAX22000_DAC_Set_LSB (uint32_t data) { // DAC must be setup before using this function // Below will simply write the new Value to the DAC MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_AO_DATA_WR, data); } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_DAC_Set_PHY // Description: Writes a new PHY value (Volt or mA) to the DAC, // assuming it is already setup in a specific mode, use DAC_Setup first // If LDAC-pin is high, it must be toggled after setting up update the output // // Input: new DAC value in physical value (either Volt or Miliampere, NOT AMPERE) // Output: None // // ******************************************************************** void MAX22000_DAC_Set_PHY (float volt_V_or_current_mA, DAC_Range range) { // DAC must be setup before using this function // Calculate new LSB Value uint32_t DAC_LSB_value = 0; switch (range) { case DAC_Range.AO_25V: if (volt_V_or_current_mA < 25) { DAC_LSB_value = 0x1ffff + ((volt_V_or_current_mA / (phy_AO_25V_factor))) + phy_AO_25V_offset + 1; } else { DAC_LSB_value = -0x1ffff + ((volt_V_or_current_mA / (phy_AO_25V_factor)) + phy_AO_25V_offset - 0); } break; case DAC_Range.AO_12V: if (volt_V_or_current_mA < 0) { DAC_LSB_value = 0x3ffff - ((-volt_V_or_current_mA / (phy_AO_12V_factor))) + phy_AO_12V_offset + 1; } else { DAC_LSB_value = ((volt_V_or_current_mA / (phy_AO_12V_factor)) + phy_AO_12V_offset - 0); } break; case DAC_Range.AO_25mA: if (volt_V_or_current_mA < 0) { DAC_LSB_value = 0x3ffff - ((-volt_V_or_current_mA / (phy_AO_25mA_factor))) + phy_AO_25mA_offset + 1; } else { DAC_LSB_value = ((volt_V_or_current_mA / (phy_AO_25mA_factor)) + phy_AO_25mA_offset - 0); } break; case DAC_Range.AO_2mA: if (volt_V_or_current_mA < 0) { DAC_LSB_value = 0x3ffff - ((-volt_V_or_current_mA / (phy_AO_2mA_factor))) + phy_AO_2mA_offset + 1; } else { DAC_LSB_value = ((volt_V_or_current_mA / (phy_AO_2mA_factor)) + phy_AO_2mA_offset - 0); } break; default: DAC_LSB_value = 0; // default means non-existend range selected break; } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_GPIO_Setup // Description: Sets up all 6 GPIO Pins, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ... // Since the command includes everything Enable/Disable as well as // GPIO Direction, this function is faster than GPO_Set // because it doesn't have to read back the setup from the part // // Input: GPIO_enable (byte) Bit0 = GPIO0, Bit1 = GPIO1, ... (0 = Off, 1 = On) // GPIO_direction (byte) Bit0 = GPIO0, Bit1 = GPIO1, ... (0 = Input, 1 = Output) // GPO_Setting (byte) Bit0 = GPIO0, Bit1 = GPIO1, ... (0 = Low, 1 = High) // Output: None // // ******************************************************************** void MAX22000_GPIO_Setup (uint8_t GPIO_enable, uint8_t GPIO_direction, uint8_t GPO_Setting) { uint32_t new_gpio_value = ((GPIO_enable & 0x3f)<<16) + ((GPIO_direction & 0x3f)<<8) + (GPO_Setting & 0x3f); MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_GPIO_CTRL, new_gpio_value); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_GPO_Set // Description: Sets GPOs high or low, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ... // GPOs must be setup and enabled prior this use MAX22000_GPIO_Setup // // Input: GPO Setting, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ... (0 = Low, 1 = High) // Output: None // // ******************************************************************** void MAX22000_GPO_Set (uint8_t GPO_Setting) { uint32_t gpio_setup = MAX22000EVKIT_read_register(MAX22000_GEN_GPIO_CTRL); // read Setup gpio_setup = gpio_setup & 0xffff00; // Mask out previous GPO settings MAX22000_write_register(MAX22000_GEN_GPIO_CTRL, gpio_setup); // Write new_GEN_CNFG_value } // ******************************************************************** // // Function: MAX22000_GPI_Get // Description: Gets all GPI readings high or low, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ... // GPIs must be setup and enabled prior this use MAX22000_GPIO_Setup // // Input: None // Output: GPI Setting, bit0=GPIO0, bit1=GPIO1, ... (0 = Low, 1 = High) // // ******************************************************************** uint8_t MAX22000_GPI_Get (void) { uint32_t gpi_result = MAX22000EVKIT_read_register(MAX22000_GEN_GPI_DATA); // read GPI Data return gpi_result & 0x3f; }
CRC Function
Please note, the below CRC function is described in more detail in Application Note 7072, but since some of above functions depend on CRC, the code is provided here as well for more convenience. For more details, please refer to the Application Note 7072.
public byte crc8(byte BYTE1, byte BYTE2, byte BYTE3, byte BYTE4) { byte crc8_start = 0x00; byte crc8_poly = 0x8c; // rotated 0x31, which is our polinomial byte crc_result = crc8_start; // BYTE1 for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { if( ( (( BYTE1>>i ) ^ (crc_result) ) & 0x01 ) > 0 ) { crc_result = (byte) (crc8_poly ^ crc_result>>1 ); } else { crc_result = (byte) (crc_result>>1); } } // BYTE2 for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { if( ( (( BYTE2>>i ) ^ (crc_result) ) & 0x01 ) > 0 ) { crc_result = (byte) (crc8_poly ^ crc_result>>1 ); } else { crc_result = (byte) (crc_result>>1); } } // BYTE3 for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { if( ( (( BYTE3>>i ) ^ (crc_result) ) & 0x01 ) > 0 ) { crc_result = (byte) (crc8_poly ^ crc_result>>1 ); } else { crc_result = (byte) (crc_result>>1); } } // BYTE4 for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { if( ( (( BYTE4>>i ) ^ (crc_result) ) & 0x01 ) > 0 ) { crc_result = (byte) (crc8_poly ^ crc_result>>1 ); } else { crc_result = (byte) (crc_result>>1); } } crc8_2_for_testing(BYTE1, BYTE2, BYTE3, BYTE4); return crc_result; }