AN-876: AN-876 Replacing National’s LM75 with the Analog Devices, Inc. ADT75


The ADT75 has two grades, the ADT75A and the ADT75B. The ADT75B is a higher temperature accurate part, and the ADT75A is designed as a second source for the LM75. The ADT75 is a functional and pin- and package-compatible replacement for the LM75. No software or hardware change is required when replacing the LM75 with the ADT75.

Figure 1. ADT75 Pin Configuration
Figure 1. ADT75 pin configuration
Figure 2. LM75 Pin Configuration
Figure 2. LM75 pin configuration

Temperature Error Performance Over Temperature

The performance capabilities of the ADT75A grade and LM75 over temperature are completely compatible. Both parts have similar performance graphs (see Figure 3).

Note that if more accuracy is required, the ADT75B grade is recommended.

Figure 3. ADT75 and LM75—typical temperature accuracy


Table 1. Feature Comparison of the ADT75 and the LM75 
Feature ADT75A  LM75 
I²C Interface  Yes Yes
I²C Bus Address Yes Yes
8-Lead MSOP and 8-Lead SOIC  Yes Yes
Identical Register Addresses1 Yes Yes
Identical Register Content  Yes Yes
Identical Temperature Accuracy  Yes Yes
9-Bit Resolution Yes Yes
3.3 V and 5 V Operation  Yes Yes
Similar AC/DC Parameters Yes Yes
Identical OS and Configuration Functions Yes Yes
Twos Complement Coding  Yes Yes

1 The ADT75 and the LM75 have identical register content. The ADT75 contains additional register bits for one shot mode, SMBus alert enable, and extra temperature resolution bits. The contents of all these additional registers can be ignored without having to modify LM75 software.

Overtemperature Modes

  • The ADT75 powers up in default as an OS pin. The LM75 also powers up in default as an OS pin.
  • The comparator mode is the default overtemperature power-up mode for both the ADT75 and the LM75.
  • Both parts can be programmed to have the OS pin be either active low or active high. Both parts follow the interrupt response shown in Figure 4.

Note that there is an additional feature on the ADT75 that is not available on the LM75. This is the SMBus alert function. If the user chooses to employ this feature on the ADT75, Bit 7 of the configuration register must be set to enable.

Figure 4. OS/Alert output temperature response diagram

Differences Between the ADT75 and the LM75

The ADT75 has two grades, the ADT75A and the ADT75B. The ADT75B is a higher temperature-accurate part. The ADT75A is designed as a second source for the LM75. There are small differences between the ADT75A and the LM75 that do not affect the capability of either part being used in the same socket. The ADT75A differences are an enhancement on the LM75 and are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Differences Between the ADT75A and the LM75
Address LM75 ADT75A
Comments  Conditions  Comments Conditions
VDD   3.3 V only and 5 V only    3.0 V to 5.5 V
Data Sheet Specifications at VDD   3.3 V and 5 V    3 V to 5.5 V 
Temperature Range   −55°C to +125°C    −55°C to +125°C 
Temperature Accuracy  TA = −55°C to +125°C ±3°C maximum TA = +100°C to +125°C  4.5 V to 5.5 V, ±2°C typical
Resolution (Bits)   8, 9    8, 9, 10, 11, 12  
Temperature Conversion Time (Maximum)    100 ms    60 ms
Supply Current (I2C Inactive)  LM75B @ 3.3 V and 5 V
LM75C @ 3.3 V and 5 V
500 μA 
1 mA 
VDD = 3.3 V 
VDD = 5 V 
500 μA 
525 μA
Shutdown Current (3.3 V)   4 μA typical Typical = 3 μA  8 μA maximum  
 Shutdown Current (5 V)   6 μA typical   Typical = 5.5 μA    12 μA maximum 
 One-Shot Register   Not present on LM75 N/A   Present on ADT75;1 current consumption @ 3.3 V  78.6 μW typical   
 SMBus Alert   Not present on LM75  N/A  Setting Bit D7 in the configuration register enables SMBus alert function, if required    

1Specially designed to reduce power consumption.

The temperature accuracy specifications of the ADT75B are far better than those of the LM75, as shown in Table 3.

Table 3. Comparison of Temperature Accuracy Specifications for the LM75 and the ADT75B
Temperature Range  Accuracy  Temperature Range  Accuracy 
 TA = −25°C to +100°C  ±2°C maximum TA = 0°C to 70°C  ±1°C maximum
TA = −55°C to +120°C  ±3°C maximum  TA = −25°C to +100°C
TA = −55°C to +100°C 
TA = 100°C to 125°C @ 3 V to 3.6 V VDD
±2°C maximum
±3°C maximum 
±3°C maximum  

One-Shot Register

One-shot mode is a feature of the ADT75. It is not available in the LM75. LM75 software has no effect on this register and, therefore, does not need to be modified.

This register is specifically designed to minimize power consumption. See the ADT75 data sheet for more information.

When one-shot mode is active, the following sequence of events occurs:

  1. The ADT75 is powered down.
  2. 0x04 is written to the address pointer register.
  3. A conversion is performed
  4. The part returns to power-down.
Table 4. ADT75 Registers 
Pointer Address Register Name Power-On Default
0x00  Temperature Value  0x00
0x01  Configuration 0x00
0x02  THYST 0x4B00 (75°C) 
0x03  TOS Setpoint  0x5000 (80°C) 
0x04 One Shot  0xXX 



Donal McNamara