AN-6558: How to Interface the MAX30205EVSYS with the MAX32630FTHR
The MAX30205 human body temperature sensor adds value to any health centric platform by providing 0.1°C resolution in the temperature range 37°C to 39°C. To enable complete health monitoring using the MAX30101WING, an expansion terminal block was incorporated to easily interface with the MAX30205EVSYS. This quick start guide provides detailed steps on how to interface the MAX30205EVSYS with the MAX30101WING and MAX32630FTHR and provides a demo program to test functionality.
The MAX30205 is a clinical grade temperature sensor that requires minimal configuration to interface with a central microcontroller. The MAX30205EVSYS provides a convenient breakout board that enables two methods of interfacing with the MAX32630FTHR. The first method requires the MAX30101WING. The MAX30101WING includes a flat ribbon connector specifically designed for integration with the MAX30205EVSYS. The second method requires header installation on the MAX30205EVSYS for fly-wire connections to the MAX32630FTHR. This quick start guide explains how to interface the MAX30205EVSYS with the MAX32630FTHR using both methods. A demo program (MAX30205_Demo) is used to show proper functionality and reports the temperature every second.
Required Equipment
- Computer with two USB ports
- MAX32630FTHR microcontroller
- Any Mbed® programmer, MAX32625PICO recommended
- MAX30205EVSYS (MAX30205 evaluation kit)
- One 5 × 1 header pin array
- Five jumper cables to connect the MAX30205EVSYS to the MAX32630FTHR
- Two 3.3kΩ pullup resistors
- MAX30101WING
- One fine-pitch, 10-pin ribbon cable, included with the MAX32630FTHR
- Two USB cables to connect the MAX32625PICO and MAX32630FTHR to a computer
- One 10-pin flex cable, included in the MAX30205EVSYS
Hardware Assembly (with the MAX30101WING)
- Connect the MAX32625PICO to the MAX32630FTHR using the 10-pin ribbon cable used for programming and communication. The 10-pin header on the MAX32630FTHR and MAX32625PICO boards have a mating groove and can only connect in the proper orientation.
- Ensure jumper JP1 of the MAX30101WING is in the 1-2 position, enabling +3.3V logic.
- Stack the MAX30101WING on top of the MAX32630FTHR. The MAX30101WING form factor has 16 pins on one side of the board and 12 pins on the other. Make sure the 16-pin header (H1) and 12-pin header (H3) align on each board when stacking. Figure 1 shows the MAX30101WING stacking on the MAX32630FTHR.

Figure 1. Stack the MAX30101WING on top of the MAX32630FTHR as shown above. Make sure to align the 16-pin and 12-pin sides of each board.
- Connect the MAX30205EVSYS to the MAX30101WING using the 10-pin flex cable. The J1 connector on the MAX30205EVSYS and MAX30101WING have a locking mechanism to secure the flex cable, once inserted. To disengage the lock, pull the black face plate out away from the board, enabling easy insertion of the flex cable. Insert the flex cable into the J1 connector with the blue side facing up. Push the black face plate into the board to secure the flex cable. Figure 2 displays a properly connected flex cable with the MAX30205EVSYS.
- Plug in the USB cables to the MAX32625PICO and MAX32630FTHR.
Hardware Assembly (without the MAX30101WING)
- Connect the MAX32625PICO to the MAX32630FTHR. Refer to step 1 of the Hardware Assembly instructions for the setup with the MAX30101WING for instructions on how to do this.
- Solder the header pins to the J2 junction of the MAX30205EVSYS.
- Solder the pullup resistors to R1 and R2 pads of the MAX30205EVSYS. Figure 3 highlights the unpopulated locations of R1 and R2 pads with red boxes.
- Connect the MAX30205 and MAX32630FTHR according to the table below.
3V3 | VDD |
P3_2 | OS |
P3_4 | SDA (pulled up to 3V3) |
P3_5 | SCL (pulled up to 3V3) |
- Connect the MAX32625PICO and MAX32630FTHR to a PC using the USB cables.
Software Configuration
- Go to and log in. If you do not have an account, create one.
- After signing in, navigate to the MAX32630FTHR Mbed landing page by clicking the following link: On the right-hand side, click the Add to your Mbed compiler button to add the MAX32630FTHR as a target microcontroller board to your compiler. Figure 4 highlights the Add to your Mbed compiler button with a red box on the MAX32630FTHR landing page.

Figure 4. Highlights the Add to your Mbed Compiler button in a red box on the MAX32630FTHR Mbed landing page.
- Install the Windows® OS driver for Mbed microcontrollers by scrolling down the MAX32630FTHR Mbed landing page to reach the PC Configuration section; follow the installation instructions. Figure 5 displays the PC Configuration section.
- Import the MAX30205_Demo at into your program work space by clicking the Import to Compiler button on the right-hand side. Figure 6 highlights the import button on the MAX30205_Demo repository page with a red box. This automatically opens the Mbed compiler in a new window. When this window opens, select Import to import the program.

Figure 6. Highlights the Import into Compiler button with a red box on the MAX30205_Demo repository.
- Select the MAX30205_Demo program in your program work space. In the upper right corner, the target microcontroller is displayed. Confirm the MAX32630FTHR is the target microcontroller. Figure 7 highlights the location of the target microcontroller on the compiler webpage with a red box. If the MAX32630FTHR is not selected, click this area to select a target microcontroller. Once clicked, the selection window appears; select MAX32630FTHR.
- With the MAX30205_Demo program selected in the program work space, click the Compile button in the command banner at the top of the screen. Figure 8 highlights the Compile button. This initiates the download of the program’s binary file.
- The MAX32625PICO board appears as a USB drive with the name DAPLINK in your native file navigation program. Figure 9 highlights the DAPLINK drive with a red box. Program the MAX32630FTHR by dragging the binary file onto the DAPLINK drive. Red LEDs flash on the MAX32625PICO until programming is complete. This typically takes a few seconds.
- Install the serial terminal program Tera Term by visiting this link and following the installation instructions:
- Open Tera Term and select the Serial radio button and the Mbed device from the pull-down menu, as shown in Figure 10. The Mbed device could be on a different COM port than what is shown in Figure 10. Click OK.

Figure 10. Tera Term opening window. Select the Serial radio button and the mbed Serial Port from the drop-down menu.
- Set the baud rate to 115200bps by navigating to Setup/Serial Port. This opens a new configuration window. Select 115200 in the baud rate pull-down menu, as shown in Figure 11.
- Press the reset (SW1) button on the MAX32630FTHR, as displayed in Figure 12.
- Data begins streaming to the serial terminal, as displayed in Figure 13.
This completes the integration and setup of the MAX30205EVSYS with the MAX32630FTHR using either the MAX30101WING or the header installations. Please continue to use this quick start as an example for making your own applications using the MAX30205 human body temperature sensor. Maxim has several Wing evaluation boards to enable rapid development of entire systems. Check out Maxim’s Feather and Wing solutions for your next project!