AN-2033: Calibrating the ADPD188BI Optical Smoke and Aerosol Detection Module


The ADPD188BI is a complete photometric system for smoke detection using optical, dual-wavelength technology. The module integrates a highly efficient photometric front end, blue and infrared (IR) light emitting diodes (LEDs), and a photodiode, housed in a custom package that prevents light going directly from the LED to the photodiode without first entering the smoke detection chamber. The ADPD188BI is used with an EVAL-CHAMBER smoke chamber to create a complete, optical smoke detection solution for implementation in residential and industrial smoke detectors. The EVAL-CHAMBER is available for purchase with an order of the EVAL-ADPD188BIZ-S2.

This application note describes the calibration of the ADPD188BI using calibration coefficients that are programmed into the on-chip, nonvolatile memory (NVM) to reduce device to device variation to <+10%.

For specific LED drive settings and test/application environments, the ADPD188BI exhibits device to device variability in LED response. The LED response has a slope (gain) and intercept (offset) that varies from device to device, which results in device to device variation in response to a common environment and can be calibrated with gain and offset calibration coefficients. The primary application of this calibration is to allow more effective comparison of multiple device outputs as they are instantiated in the end application. This calibration significantly reduces any device to device optical variation and allows simplified observation of the variations specific to the application environment.

Calibrating the ADPD188BI

Test Method

Each LED/driver pair operates into a reflector at multiple LED currents, and the reflector response is measured by the photo-diode inside the ADPD188BI module. The slope of the response is calculated for each LED/driver pair and the intercept is derived from a linear regression. Calibration coefficients are then calculated and stored in the on-chip NVM, otherwise known as the eFuse registers, for later use in the final application. The calibration coefficients are calculated based on a per pulse measurement for a specific device and are normalized to the mean of a large distribution of collected data from different devices. This normalization ensures that device to device variability is minimized in a population of devices.

Reading eFuse Registers

The offset and gain calibration coefficients are stored in on-chip, eFuse registers. The gain calibration coefficients, LED1_GAIN_ COEFF and LED3_GAIN_COEFF, are stored in Register 0×71 and Register 0×72, respectively. The offset calibration coefficients, LED1_INT_COEFF and LED3_INT_COEFF, are stored in Register 0×73 and Register 0×74, respectively.

To access the eFuse registers, take the following steps:

  1. Set Register 0×4B, Bit 7 = 1 to enable the 32 kHz oscillator.
  2. Write 0×1 to Register 0×10 to force the device into program (idle) mode.
  3. Write 0×1 to Register 0×5F to enable the 32 MHz first in, first out (FIFO) clock.
  4. Write 0×7 to Register 0×57 to enable access to the eFuse registers.
  5. Read Register 0×67. When Register 0×67 = 0×04, the refresh of the eFuse registers is complete, and they are ready to be accessed for reading.
  6. Apply the error correction code (ECC) function to the eFuse data before applying the calibration coefficients (see the Using ECC to Detect and Correct Errors in EFUSE Values section).
  7. Confirm that the contents of Register 0×70 are 0×1E, 0×1F, 0×21, or greater for Module ID 30, Module ID 31, Module ID 33, or greater respectively.
  8. Read gain and offset calibration coefficients for desired LED/driver pair(s). The final gain calibration coefficients must be calculated as defined in the Calculating Calibration Coefficients section, using the contents of the eFuse register. When the final gain calibration coefficients are calculated, load them into a user-accessible memory for future use.
  9. When reading of the eFuse registers is complete, disable the eFuse registers as follows:
    1. Write 0×0 to Register 0×57 to disable access to the eFuse registers
    2. Write 0×0 to Register 0×5F to disable the 32 MHz FIFO clock.

Calculating Calibration Coefficients for Module ID 30 and Module ID 31

The final calibration coefficients must be calculated using the contents of Register 0x71 to Register 0x74, as shown in the following equation:


x_GAIN is BLUE_GAIN for the blue LED channel and is IR_GAIN for the IR LED channel.
BLUE_GAIN = (17/256)(LED1_GAIN_COEFF − 112) + 17.
IR_GAIN = (34/256)(LED3_GAIN_COEFF − 112) + 34.
LEDx is the LED drive current in milliamperes, for example, if the drive current = 200 mA, enter 200. LEDx is LED1 for the blue LED channel and is LED3 for the IR LED channel.
x_INTERCEPT is BLUE_INTERCEPT for the blue LED channel and is IR_INTERCEPT for the IR LED channel.
x_MEAN_GAIN is 17 for the blue LED channel and is 34 for the IR LED channel.
x_MEAN_INTERCEPT is 622 for the blue LED channel and is 128 for the IR LED channel.

Table 1. Contents of eFuse Registers for Module ID 30 and ID 31
Address Name Bits Description
0×70 MODULE_ID [7:0] Module ID = 30 or 31
0×71 LED1_GAIN_COEFF [7:0] Blue LED gain coefficient
0×72 LED3_GAIN_COEFF [7:0] IR LED gain coefficient
0×73 LED1_INT_COEFF [7:0] Blue LED intercept coefficient
0×74 LED3_INT_COEFF [7:0] IR LED intercept coefficient
0×7E ECC [7:0] ECC

Calculating Calibration Coefficients for Module ID 30 and Module ID 33

To calculate the final calibration coefficients use the contents of Register 0x71 to Register 0x74, as shown in the following equation:


x_GAIN is BLUE_GAIN for the blue LED channel and is IR_GAIN for the IR LED channel.
BLUE_GAIN = (21/256)(LED1_GAIN_COEFF − 112) + 21.
IR_GAIN = (42/256)(LED3_GAIN_COEFF − 112) + 42.
LEDx is the LED drive current in milliamperes, for example, if the drive current = 200 mA, enter 200. LEDx is LED1 for the blue LED channel and is LED3 for the IR LED channel.
x_INTERCEPT is BLUE_INTERCEPT for the blue LED channel and is IR_INTERCEPT for the IR LED channel.
x_MEAN_GAIN is 21 for the blue LED channel and is 42 for the IR LED channel.
x_MEAN_INTERCEPT is 753 for the blue LED channel and is 156 for the IR LED channel.

Calibrating 32 KHz and 32 MHz Oscillators for Optimum System Performance

Calibrate the 32 kHz and 32 MHz on-chip oscillators for best performance. The 32 kHz oscillator determines the overall sampling rate of the ADPD188BI, and the 32 MHz oscillator affects the overall gain of the ADPD188BI. For devices with Module ID = 33, read the eFuse registers (Register 0×77 and Register 0×78) and write those values into the device registers (Register 0×4B and Register 0×4D, respectively. Alternatively, users can determine the optimum settings manually by following the procedures described in ADPD188BI data sheet for calibrating the 32 kHz clock and calibrating the 32 MHz clock.

Applying the Correct Equation Based on the Module ID

For best operation, read eFuse Register 0×70 to determine the module ID and apply the appropriate equation. An example case statement follows that can be a part of the software of the user.

// check module ID
Case (Module ID):

// For IDs 30 & 31
Case 30, 31:

GAIN_CAL_BLUE = (use equations shown in Calculating Calibration Coefficients for Module ID 30 & Module ID 31)
GAIN_CAL_IR = (use equations shown in Calculating Calibration Coefficients for Module ID 30 & Module ID 31)

// For ID 33
Case 33:

GAIN_CAL_BLUE = (use equations shown in Calculating Calibration Coefficients for Module ID 33)
GAIN_CAL_IR = (use equations shown in Calculating Calibration Coefficients for Module ID 33)

Case TBD1: leave for future expansion
Case TBD2: leave for future expansion
Default: raise error

Table 2. Contents of eFuse Registers for Module ID 33
Address Name Bits Description
0×70 MODULE_ID [7:0] Module ID = 33
0×71 LED1_GAIN_COEFF [7:0] Blue LED gain coefficient
0×72 LED3_GAIN_COEFF [7:0] IR LED gain coefficient
0×73 LED1_INT_COEFF [7:0] Blue LED intercept coefficient
0×74 LED3_INT_COEFF [7:0] IR LED intercept coefficient
0×77 32kHz_OSC_OPT_ADJUST [7:0] 32 kHz oscillator optimum adjust setting
0×78 32MHz_OSC_OPT_ADJUST [7:0] 32 MHz oscillator optimum adjust setting
0×7E ECC [7:0] ECC

Applying Calibration Coefficients

To apply the calibration coefficients in the final application, take the following steps:

  1. Configure the ADPD188BI device as desired.
  2. Write 0x2 to Address 0x10 to start normal sampling operation.
  3. Take a measurement at the desired LED level and perform the following calculation:

Normalized Output (LSBs) = AFE_OUT/GAIN_CAL_x

AFE_OUT = Raw output measurement with LED on.
GAIN_CAL_x = GAIN_CAL_BLUE for the blue LED channel and is GAIN_CAL_IR for the IR LED channel.

Applying the calibration coefficients results in greatly reduced device to device variation. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show histograms from before and after calibration for the blue LED and IR LED. Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate that in both cases, the distribution of device to device variation is narrowed to ±10%.

Applying the calibration coefficients results in greatly reduced device to device variation. Figure 1 and Figure 2 show histograms from before and after calibration for the blue LED and IR LED. Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate that in both cases, the distribution of device to device variation is narrowed to ±10%.

Figure 1. Blue LED Response Before and After Calibration

Figure 1. Blue LED Response Before and After Calibration

Figure 2. IR LED Response Before and After Calibration

Figure 2. IR LED Response Before and After Calibration

Effect of eFuse Contents on Normal Device Operation

The calibration coefficients that are written into the eFuse registers of the ADPD188BI do not modify any device performance or specification. All data sheet specifications and device performance are inherently unaffected by the programming of the eFuse registers.

The calibration coefficients are intended to be used in post-processing of the sampled data in order to calibrate variations in device to device optical characteristics. There is no difference in the performance of the ADPD188BI whether the eFuse registers are programmed or not. In situations where the eFuse registers are programmed with calibration coefficents, the data stored in the eFuse registers can only have an impact if a postprocessing calibration routine is implemented on the sampled data in software.

Using ECC to Detect and Correct Errors in eFuse Values

The C code shown in the C Code for ECC section contains routines to utilize Hamming codes to detect and correct errors in stored eFuse register values. These functions use a traditional, 127,120 Hamming code, truncated to 119,112. An additional global parity bit is added to provide single-bit correction with 2-bit fail detection. The final form is 120,112 that adds an 8-bit parity code to each 112-bit (14-byte) block.

This code detects and repairs 100% of single-bit errors in each data block and detect 100% of 2-bit fails in each data block.

The methodology is as follows: read the eFuse data and parity bytes into local memory. The user must read Register 0×70 to Register 0×7E. Register 0×70 to Register 0×7D are associated with input pointer, data, and must be read into a data array. Register 0×7E is associated with input pointer, parity, and must be read in as a parity value. Use the fix_hamm_parity command to verify the block. This function repairs single broken bits in place. If the fix_hamm_parity command returns an error, flag the device as bad.

This process fixes all single-bit failures, detects all 2-bit failures and about 6% of 3-bit failures, and detects most even number failures.

Effect of Solder Reflow on Calibration Coefficients

Solder reflow in a reflow oven, where the level of oxygen present is uncontrolled, can result in a reduction in the photodiode response to the blue LED. On average, the shift in photodiode response to the blue LED is ~7% per reflow. Because the calibration coefficients are programmed at final test, prior to any reflow of the ADPD188BI, the blue coefficients are no longer accurate when the ADPD188BI goes through solder reflow in an oven with uncontrolled oxygen levels.

Figure 3 shows the raw and calibrated blue response following reflow in an oven with uncontrolled oxygen levels. This group of devices was reflowed three times. The data includes checkpoints following each reflow. As seen in the data, there is a shift of ~7% in the blue LED response following each reflow.

Figure 3. Blue LED Response Shift with Uncontrolled Oxygen Levels During Solder Reflow

Figure 3. Blue LED Response Shift with Uncontrolled Oxygen Levels During Solder Reflow

To avoid the response shift, use a reflow oven that uses nitrogen to reduce the levels of oxygen in the oven. When a nitrogen controlled reflow oven is used to control the oxygen level to <1000 ppm, there is no shift in the blue LED response.

The data shown in Figure 4 shows raw and calibrated blue LED response values for devices that have been reflowed three times in an oven where the oxygen level was reduced to <1000 ppm using a nitrogen purge. The data includes checkpoints following each reflow. As seen in Figure 4, there is no shift due to reflow under these conditions.

The IR response is not affected by reflow regardless of whether the oven has uncontrolled oxygen levels.

Figure 4. Blue LED Response Shift with a Nitrogen Purge to Control Oxygen Levels During Solder Reflow

Figure 4. Blue LED Response Shift with a Nitrogen Purge to Control Oxygen Levels During Solder Reflow

C Code for ECC

int generate_hamm_block_parity( data )

int data[ ];

// Define parity mapping for parity byte generation/testing
// traditional hamming coding for 127,120 truncated to 120,112
// plus extra parity to make 120,112 code for SECDED.
// this table determines which parity bits are involved in each data bit.
// MSB is global "all data parity"
// this function does not include the parity bits in the global bit
// so it can be added differently in the generate_hamm_parity
// and generate_hamm_syndrome functions as needed

const int paritymap [112]={

131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142,
143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153,
154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164,
165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174,
175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195,
196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205,
206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215,
216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225,
226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235,
236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245,
246, 247 };

int  bit,byte; // pointers
int  h;  // parity byte

h=0;  //  init parity byte
//  calculate parity for the 112 data bits according to map
for (byte=0; byte < 14; byte++)  {

for (bit=0x0; bit < 8 ; bit++)  {

if( (data[byte] & (1<<bit) )!=0){ h ^= paritymap[(byte<<3)+bit];



  return(h); // return the parity byte for the 112bit block only
int generate_hamm_syndrome( data, parity_in )

int data[ ],*parity_in;

// generate final hamm parity using two steps
// - generate parity for 112 bit data block
// - include input parity into global parity bit
int bit; // pointer
int h; // parity byte

h=generate_hamm_block_parity(data); // get parity byte for 112 bits

// add the parity of the 7 input parity bits into the global
for(bit=0;bit<6;bit++) {

if ((*parity_in&(1<<bit))==(1<<bit)) h^=0x80;

return(h); // return the final parity
//  This function checks the data and parity byte
//  for consistency and corrects single bit problems
//  Return Values:
//   - 0 if the data/parity is correct. (NO REPAIR DONE)
//   - 1 if there is a single bit error in the data region (REPAIRED)
//   - 2 if there is a single bit error in the parity byte (REPAIRED)
//   - 3 if there are multiple errors (NO REPAIR DONE)
int fix_hamm_parity (data, parity)

int data[ ]; int *parity;

int calculated_parity;
int syn, glob;
int bit, byte;

if(glob==0)  {

if  (syn==0) return(0);  // no errors (no fix needed)

else return(3);  // double error (can't fix)

else {

if (syn>=120)  return(3);  // also double error
switch (syn) {  //  error in lower parity (fix the bit)
case 0:  *parity=*parity  ^  0x80;  return(2);
case 1:  *parity=*parity  ^  0x01;  return(2);
case 2:  *parity=*parity  ^  0x02;  return(2);
case 4:  *parity=*parity  ^  0x04;  return(2);
case 8:  *parity=*parity  ^  0x08;  return(2);
case 16:  *parity=*parity  ^  0x10;  return(2);
case 32:  *parity=*parity  ^  0x20;  return(2);
case 64:  *parity=*parity  ^  0x40;  return(2);
default:  //  error in data block (fix it)

//  if it gets here there is a single bit data error
//  first adjust the address to account for the
//  parity bits being outside the data region

syn =
(syn>64)  ?  syn - 8  :
(syn>32)  ?  syn - 7  :
(syn>16)  ?  syn - 6  :
(syn>8)  ?  syn - 5  :
(syn>4)  ?  syn - 4  : 0;
byte  = syn  >> 3;
bit  = syn  & 0x7;
data[byte]=data[byte]^(1<<bit);   //  fix the data bit
return(1);     // single data error (fixed)


