AN-1082: Automatic IEEE 802.15.4-2016 Operating Modes
This application note describes automatic IEEE 802.15.4-2006 operating modes for the ADF7241 and ADF7242 transceiver ICs, which are enabled by the radio controller code module, RCCM_IEEEX_R6. The RCCM_IEEEX_R6 code module adds the following features to the ADF7241 and ADF7242:
- Automatic IEEE 802.15.4-2006 frame filtering
- Automatic acknowledgment of received valid IEEE 802.15.4-2006 frames
- Automatic frame transmission using unslotted carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA-CA) with automatic retries
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the ADF7242 low power 2.4 GHz transceiver IC. The transceiver contains a custom microcontroller unit (MCU) core with a mask read only memory (ROM), which implements packet handling functions and translates radio commands into internal control sequences. An additional 2 kB of program random access memory (PRAM) is available and serves as reconfigurable program code memory. It enables the addition of radio controller commands to provide modified or extended functionality. The radio controller code module described in this application note is based on program code downloads into the PRAM program code memory.
Figure 1. ADF7242 Block Diagram.
The PRAM block is volatile memory and must be reloaded each time the transceiver wakes up from a sleep state. The PRAM locations can be accessed sequentially through the serial peripheral interface (SPI). The length of the RCCM_IEEEX_R6 module is less than 2 kB. At an SCLK clock speed of 10 Mbps, the code module can thus be downloaded into the PRAM in less than 1650 μs. The details of the code download mechanism are explained in the Code Download Sequence section.
Register Map Extension
The RCCM_IEEEX_R6 module is configured with the additional registers listed in Table 1. To enable the code module and the associated register map extension, the pkt_cfg.addon_en configuration bit must be set.
All registers listed in Table 1 are in an undefined state after the PRAM code download. Therefore, it is important that all registers listed in Table 1 are initialized prior to setting the pkt_cfg.addon_en bit. Also, write 0x8D to the modem configuration register (MCR), Register 0x3FB and write 0x6B to the MCR, Register 0x3FC.
Register Address | Register Name | Bit Field | Bit Field Name | Access Mode | Reset Value | Description |
0x112 | pan_id0 | [7:0] | pan_id0 | R/W | X | Lower 8 bits of MAC PAN ID (pan_id) for frame filtering |
0x113 | pan_id1 | [7:0] | pan_id1 | R/W | X | Higher 8 bits of MAC PAN ID (pan_id) for frame filtering |
0x114 | short_addr_0 | [7:0] | short_addr_0 | R/W | X | Lower 8 bits of MAC short address (short_addr) for frame filtering |
0x115 | short_addr_1 | [7:0] | short_addr_1 | R/W | X | Higher 8 bits of MAC short address (short_addr) for frame filtering |
0x115 | short_addr_1 | [7:0] | short_addr_1 | R/W | X | Higher 8 bits of MAC short address (short_addr) for frame filtering |
0x116 | ieee_addr_0 | [7:0] | ieee_addr_0 | R/W | X | Bits[7:0] of IEEE MAC address for frame filtering |
0x117 | ieee_addr_1 | [7:0] | ieee_addr_1 | R/W | X | Bits[15:8] of IEEE MAC address for frame filtering |
0x118 | ieee_addr_2 | [7:0] | ieee_addr_2 | R/W | X | Bits[23:16] of IEEE MAC address for frame filtering |
0x119 | ieee_addr_3 | [7:0] | ieee_addr_3 | R/W | X | Bits[31:24] of IEEE MAC address for frame filtering |
0x11A | ieee_addr_4 | [7:0] | ieee_addr_4 | R/W | X | Bits[39:32] of IEEE MAC address for frame filtering |
0x11B | ieee_addr_5 | [7:0] | ieee_addr_5 | R/W | X | Bits[47:40] of IEEE MAC address for frame filtering |
0x11C | ieee_addr_6 | [7:0] | ieee_addr_6 | R/W | X | Bits[55:48] of IEEE MAC address for frame filtering |
0x11D | ieee_addr_7 | [7:0] | ieee_addr_7 | R/W | X | Bits[63:56] of IEEE MAC address for frame filtering |
0x11E | ffilt_cfg | 0 | accept_beacon_frames | R/W | X | Frame filter 0: discards beacon frames 1: accepts beacon frames |
1 | accept_data_frames | R/W | X | Frame filter 0: discards data frames 1: accepts data frames |
2 | accept_ack_frames | R/W | X | Frame filter 0: discards ACK frames 1: accepts ACK frames |
3 | accept_maccmd_frames | R/W | X | Frame filter 0: discards MAC command frames 1: accepts MAC command frames |
4 | accept_reserved_frames | R/W | X | Frame filter 0: discards reserved frames (FCF[2:0] = reserved) 1: accepts reserved frames |
5 | accept_all_address | R/W | X | Frame filter 0: enabled 1: accept all addresses |
[7:6] | Reserved | R/W | X | Reserved; set to 0 | ||
0x11F | auto_cfg | 0 | auto_ack_framepend | R/W | X | Controls Bit FCF[5] (frame pending) in ACK frame transmitted during automatic Rx |
1 | is_pancoord | R/W | X | 0: device is not PAN coordinator 1: device is PAN coordinator |
2 | Reserved | R/W | X | Reserved, set to 0 | ||
3 | rx_auto_ack_en | R/W | X | 0: disable 1: enable automatic ACK on Rx |
4 | csma_ca_turnaround | R/W | X | 0: disable 1: enable automatic turnaround |
[7:5] | Reserved | R/W | X | Reserved; set to 0 | ||
0x120 | auto_tx1 | [3:0] | max_frame_retries | R/W | X | Specifies number of attempts to retransmit unacknowledged frames while in automatic CSMA-CA Tx mode (auto_csma_tx_en = 1) |
[6:4] | max_cca_retries | R/W | X | Specifies number of attempts to repeat CSMA-CA algorithm prior to cancellation of RC_TX command (tx_auto_csma_en = 1); valid range is 0 to 5; 7: CSMA-CA algorithm is off | ||
7 | Reserved | R/W | X | Reserved; set to 0 | ||
0x121 | auto_tx2 | [3:0] | csma_max_be | R/W | X | Specifies the maximum back-off exponent used in the CSMA-CA algorithm; valid range is 3 to 8 |
[7:4] | csma_min_be | R/W | X | Specifies the minimum back-off exponent used in the CSMA-CA algorithm; valid range is 0 to csma_max_be | ||
0x122 | auto_status | [2:0] | csma_max_be | R/W | X | 0: SUCCESS 1: SUCCESS_DATPEND 2: FAILURE_CSMACA 3: FAILURE_NOACK 4: ERROR_CFG 5...7: Reserved |
The RCCM_IEEEX_R6 code module provides an additional interrupt source named address_match to signal the detection of an address match in a received frame. The address_match interrupt is asserted when frame filtering has been enabled (pkt_cfg.addon_en = 1 and ffilt_cfg.accept_all_address_en = 0) and the received frame meets all requirements of the frame filtering algorithm described in the Frame Filtering Algorithm section.
Table 2, Table 3, and Table 4 list the locations of the control bits for the address_match interrupt in the irq1_en1, irq2_en1 and irq_src1 registers, respectively. The conventions outlined in the Interrupt Controller section in the ADF7241 and ADF7242 data sheets fully apply
Register Name | Bit Field | Bit Field Name | Access Mode | Reset Value | Jumper Function | Description |
0x3C8 | irq1_en1 | 0 | cca_complete | R/W | 0 | CCA result in status word valid |
1 | rx_sfd | R/W | 0 | SFD detected during Rx operation | ||
2 | tx_sfd | R/W | 0 | Start of SFD transmit | ||
3 | rx_pkt_rcvd | R/W | 0 | Packet received in RX_BUFFER | ||
4 | tx_pkt_sent | R/W | 0 | Packet in TX_BUFFER sent | ||
5 | frame_valid | R/W | 0 | Allowed frame detected during Rx | ||
6 | address_valid | R/W | 0 | Address match detected during Rx | ||
7 | csma_ca_complete | R/W | 0 | csma_ca operation has finished |
Register Name | Bit Field | Bit Field Name | Access Mode | Reset Value | Jumper Function | Description |
0x3CA | irq2_en1 | 0 | cca_complete | R/W | 0 | CCA result in status word valid |
1 | rx_sfd | R/W | 0 | SFD detected during Rx operation | ||
2 | tx_sfd | R/W | 0 | Start of SFD transmit | ||
3 | rx_pkt_rcvd | R/W | 0 | Packet received in RX_BUFFER | ||
4 | tx_pkt_sent | R/W | 0 | Packet in TX_BUFFER sent | ||
5 | frame_valid | R/W | 0 | Allowed frame detected during Rx | ||
6 | address_valid | R/W | 0 | Address match detected during Rx | ||
7 | csma_ca_complete | R/W | 0 | csma_ca operation has finished |
Register Name | Bit Field | Bit Field Name | Access Mode | Reset Value | Jumper Function | Description |
0x3CC | irq_src1 | 0 | cca_complete | R/W | 0 | CCA result in status word valid |
1 | rx_sfd | R/W | 0 | SFD detected during Rx operation | ||
2 | tx_sfd | R/W | 0 | Start of SFD transmit | ||
3 | rx_pkt_rcvd | R/W | 0 | Packet received in RX_BUFFER | ||
4 | tx_pkt_sent | R/W | 0 | Packet in TX_BUFFER sent | ||
5 | frame_valid | R/W | 0 | Allowed frame detected during Rx | ||
6 | address_valid | R/W | 0 | Address match detected during Rx | ||
7 | csma_ca_complete | R/W | 0 | csma_ca operation has finished |
Register Name | Bit Field | Bit Field Name | Access Mode | Reset Value | Jumper Function | Description |
0x3B1 | agc_readback | [1:0] | lna_out | R | 0 | LNA gain readback 0: 22 dB 1: 10 dB 2, 3: −2 dB |
[5:2] | pga_out | R/W | 0 | PGA readback PGA gain (dB) = 30 dB − 3 dB × pga_out |
Register Name | Bit Field | Bit Field Name | Access Mode | Reset Value | Jumper Function | Description |
0x3B3 | manual_gain_control | 0 | man_lna_gain | R | 0 | 0: auto LNA gain control 1: manual LNA gain control |
[2:1] | lna_gain | R | 0 | User set LNA gain value when man_lna_gain = 1 | ||
3 | man_pga_gain | R | 0 | 0: auto PGA gain control 1: manual PGA gain control |
[7:4] | pga_gain | R | 0 | User set PGA gain value when man_pga_gain = 1 |
Frame Filtering Algorithm
Frame filtering is only available when the ADF7241 and ADF7242 operate in IEEE 802.15.4-2006 packet mode (rc_cfg.rc_mode = 0). The frame filtering function rejects received frames not intended for the wireless node. The filtering procedure is a superset of the procedure described in Section (third filtering level) of the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 standard.
The pkt_cfg.addon_en bit controls whether frame filtering is enabled or not. If ffilt_cfg.accept_all_address = 1, the address information contained in the received frame is ignored, while the configuration bits in the ffilt_cfg register still control filtering of the frame control field (FCF).
Frame Filtering Requirements
If ffilt_cfg.accept_all_address = 0, only frames fulfilling all of the requirements noted in the following sections are accepted.
Frame Integrity
- The Frame Type subfield of the FCF must contain a nonreserved frame type
- The Frame Version subfield of the FCF must contain a nonreserved value.
- All source and destination address modes in the FCF are nonreserved values.
Destination Address
- If a destination personal area network (PAN) identifier is present, it must match pan_id or the broadcast PAN identifier (0xFFFF).
- If a short destination address is included in the frame, it must either match short_addr or Broadcast Address 0xFFFF.
- If an extended destination address is included in the frame, it must match ieee_addr_0 to ieee_addr_7.
Frame Type—Beacon
- Configuration Bit ffilt_cfg.accept_beacon_frames must be set.
- The destination address mode is 0 (no destination address).
- A source address is included (a Source Address Mode 2 or Source Address Mode 3).
- The source PAN identifier must match pan_id or pan_id = 0xFFFF. If pan_id = 0xFFFF, the beacon frame is accepted regardless of the source PAN identifier.
Frame Type—Data Frame
- The ffilt_cfg.accept_data_frames configuration bit must be set
- A destination address and/or source address must be included in the frame. If no destination address is included in the frame, the auto_cfg.is_pancoord bit must be set and the source PAN identifier in the FCF must be equal to pan_id.
Frame Type—Acknowledgment (ACK)
- The ffilt_cfg.accept_ack_frames configuration bit must be set.
- Length byte must equal 5.
Frame Type—Media Access Control (MAC) Command Frame
- The ffilt_cfg.accept_maccmd_frames configuration bit must be set.
- A destination address and/or source address must be included in the frame. If no destination address is included in the frame, the auto_cfg.is_pancoord bit must be set and the source PAN identifier in the FCF must be equal to pan_id.
Frame Type—Reserved Frame
- Configuration Bit ffilt_cfg.accept_reserved_frames must be set.
- A destination address and/or source address must be included in the frame. If no destination address is included in the frame, the auto_cfg.is_pancoord bit must be set and the source PAN identifier in the FCF must be equal to pan_id.
More on Frame Filtering
If a frame is detected and its type is received, a frame_valid interrupt is generated. If enabled, an address_valid interrupt is also generated when a received frame is accepted by the frame filtering algorithm. While the transceiver is in the Rx state, the RX_BUFFER is overwritten each time a frame is received, even if the frame is subsequently rejected during the frame filtering procedure.
Prior to performing address filtering, Bit 7 of the length byte is cleared. The address_match interrupt is asserted even if the frame check sequence (FCS) field of received frame is invalid. When enabled, the rx_pkt_rcvd interrupt is only asserted when the received frame is accepted by the frame filtering algorithm and its FCS is correct.
It is not a requirement to exit the Rx state when changing the values of the pan_id, short_addr, ieee_addr registers or the configuration bits contained in Register ffilt_cfg. However, if the changes are applied between the reception of a valid start of frame delimiter (SFD) and the source address field, the frame filtering function is undefined because the ADF7241 and the ADF7242 use either the old or updated values.
Rx Automatic Acknowledgement
The ADF7241 and ADF7242 offer a feature that enables the automatic transmission of acknowledgment frames after successfully receiving a frame. The Rx automatic acknowledge feature can only be used in conjunction with the address filtering feature. It is enabled when the auto_cfg.rx_auto_ack_en bit field is set, and the ffilt_cfg.accept_all_address = 0 bit field is reset. For correct operation, the pkt_cfg.auto_fcs_off bit field and the buffercfg.rx_buffer_mode bit field must both be set to 0.
When enabled, an acknowledgment frame is automatically transmitted when the following conditions are met:
- The received frame is accepted by the frame filtering procedure.
- The received frame is not a beacon or acknowledgment frame.
- The acknowledgment request bit is set in the FCF of the received frame.
Figure 2 shows the format of the acknowledgment frame assembled by the ADF7241 and ADF7242. The sequence number (SEQ NUM) is copied from the frame stored in the RX_BUFFER. The Rx automatic acknowledgment feature utilizes the TX_BUFFER to store the constructed acknowledgment frame prior to its transmission. Any data present in the TX_BUFFER is overwritten by the acknowledgment frame prior to its transmission.
Figure 2. ACK Frame Format.
When the acknowledgment frame is sent in response to a data request MAC command frame, the content of the frame pending bit in the FCF of the constructed acknowledgment frame is defined by the auto_cfg.auto_ack_framepend bit. Otherwise, the frame pending bit is set to 0.
The transmission of the ACK frame starts after the combined delay given by the sum of the delays specified in Register delaycfg1. tx_mac_delay and Register delaycfg2.mac_delay_ext has elapsed. The default settings of delaycfg1.tx_mac_delay = 192 and delaycfg2.mac_delay_ext = 0 result in a delay of 192 µs, which suits networks using unslotted CSMA-CA.
Optionally, Register delaycfg2.mac_delay_ext can be updated dynamically while the delay specified in Register delaycfg1. tx_mac_delay elapses. This option enables accurate alignment of the acknowledgment frame with the back off slot boundaries in networks using slotted CSMA-CA.
When Rx automatic acknowledgment mode is enabled, the ADF7241 and ADF7242 remain in an Rx state until a valid frame is received. When enabled, an rx_pkt_rcvd interrupt is generated when a valid frame is received. The ADF7241 and ADF7242 then automatically enter Tx state until the transmission of the acknowledgment frame is complete. When enabled, a tx_pkt_sent interrupt is generated to signal the end of the transmission phase. Subsequently, the ADF7241 and ADF7242 return to the PHY_RDY state.
Tx Automatic Unslotted CSMA-CA Operation
The automatic CSMA-CA transmit operation automatically performs all necessary steps to transmit frames in accordance with the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 standard for unslotted CSMA-CA network operation. It includes automatic clear channel assessment (CCA) retries with random back off, frame transmission, reception of the acknowledgment frame, and automatic retries in the case of transmission failure. Partial support is provided for slotted CSMA-CA operation.
Command | Code | Description |
RC_CSMACA | 0xC1 | Available when the RCCM_IEEEX_R6 module is loaded into PRAM; initiates CSMA-CA channel access sequence and frame transmission |
The automatic CSMA-CA transmit sequence is initiated when command RC_CSMACA is issued. Table 7 lists the command details. The RC_CSMACA command is available when the firmware module is successfully loaded into the PRAM. The command is valid when the ADF7241 and ADF7242 are in the PHY_RDY state. It is used like other SPI commands. Command access and status word details can be found in the ADF7241 and ADF7242 data sheets.
Command RC_CSMACA is similar to command RC_TX with the addition of an automatic CSMA-CA channel access sequence and automatic ACK validation. The number of CSMA-CA CCA retries is specified with Register auto_tx1.max_cca_retries, which must be between 0 and 5 in accordance with the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 standard for unslotted CSMA/CA network operation. Setting auto_tx1.max_cca_retries = 7 disables the CSMA-CA procedure and causes the transmission of the frame to commence immediately after the MAC delay expires. This configuration facilitates the implementation of the transmit procedure in networks using slotted CSMA-CA. In this case, the timing of the CCA operation must be controlled by the user MCU, and the value of Register auto_tx1.max_frame_retries must be set to 1.
The number of frame transmission retries is configured with Register auto_tx1.max_frame_retries. It specifies the number of unacknowledged or incorrectly acknowledged frame transmissions before the radio controller cancels the operation and signals a failure condition.
Prior to the transmission of the frame stored in the TX_BUFFER, the radio controller checks if the acknowledge request bit in the FCF of that frame is set. If set, an acknowledgment frame is expected following the transmission. Otherwise, the transaction is complete after the frame is transmitted. The acknowledge request bit is Bit 5 of the byte located at the address contained in txpb.tx_packet_base + 1.
Figure 3 depicts the automatic CSMA-CA Tx procedure when a CSMA-CA phase is requested (auto_tx1.max_cca_retries = 0 ... 5). It is initiated with the RC_CSMACA command. Prior to the ADF7241 and ADF7242 starting the CSMA-CA phase, the total Rx MAC delay comprised of the delay defined by Register delaycfg0.rx_mac_delay and Register delaycfg2.mac_ delay_ext elapses.
Figure 3. Automatic CSMA-CA Tx Operation (with CCA).
During the CSMA-CA phase, the algorithm outlined in Section in the IEEE 802.15.4-2006 standard for unslotted CSMA-CA is executed. It begins with the ADF7241 and ADF7242 delaying the first CCA by a random number of back off periods with a nominal length of 320 μs each. The maximum number of back off periods is determined by the back off exponent, BE, according to 2BE − 1. The back off exponent is initialized with the value contained in Register auto_tx2.csma_min_be.
The random number is derived from a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) generator. If a busy channel is detected during the CCA, the back off exponent, BE, is incremented until it reaches the value configured in Register auto_tx2.csma_max_be. The radio controller performs the next delay/CCA cycle until the maximum number of CCA retries specified with Register auto_tx1. max_cca_retries is reached. If the maximum number of allowed CCA retries is reached, the operation is aborted with the status auto_status.auto_status = FAILURE_CSMACA.
If the CCA is successful, the radio controller changes from a CCA state to a Tx state and transmits the frame stored in the TX_BUFFER. If neither the acknowledge request bit in the transmitted frame nor the csma_ca_turnaround bit are set, the radio controller falls back to the PHY_RDY state immediately upon completion of the frame transmission.
The procedure exits with auto_status.auto_status = SUCCESS and triggers the csma_ca_complete interrupt. Otherwise, it enters Rx. If the acknowledge request bit is set in the transmitted frame, the radio controller enters the Rx state upon completion of the frame transmission. While in the Rx state, it is waiting for a valid acknowledgment frame. If an acknowledgment frame is not received within 864 µs, the radio controller checks if the maximum number of frame retries specified with Register auto_tx1.max_ frame_retries is reached. If not, the radio controller remains inside the frame transmit retry loop and starts the next CSMA-CA cycle. If the maximum number of frame transmission retries is reached, the procedure exits to PHY_RDY with auto_status.auto_ status = FAILURE_NOACK.
If an acknowledgment frame is received while the Rx state is active, the radio controller compares the sequence number contained in that acknowledgment frame with the sequence number of the frame stored in the TX_BUFFER. The sequence number is expected at location txpb.tx_packet_base + 3 in the TX_BUFFER. If the sequence numbers do not match, the radio controllers start a further iteration of the transmit retry loop if the maximum number of retries is not yet reached. If the sequence numbers match, the radio controller checks the frame pending bit in the received acknowledgment frame. If the frame pending bit is set, the procedure exits to Rx with status auto_status.auto_ status = SUCCESS_DATPEND. If the frame pending bit is not set, the procedure exits with status auto_status.auto_status = SUCCESS. If the csma_ca_turnaround bit is set, the radio controller enters Rx; otherwise, it enters the PHY_RDY state.
Note that the acknowledgment frame overwrites the contents of the RX_BUFFER. Irrespective of a successful or unsuccessful outcome of the transmit procedure, a csma_ca_complete interrupt is generated when enabled. The status word contained in auto_status.auto_status is only valid after the csma_ca_complete interrupt is asserted or the radio controller status word indicates a PHY_RDY state.
The automatic CSMA-CA Tx operation can be aborted at any time by means of an appropriate SPI command. In this case, no tx_pkt_sent interrupt is generated and the status register auto_status.auto_status is undefined.
Gain Control During CCA
The RCCM_IEEEX_R6 module adds the option to use manual gain control during CCA. Manually setting the gain enables improved repeatability for CCA measurements. The firmware checks the Register 0x3B3 setting to determine whether manual gain control is selected for use during CCA and, if so, what the manual gain setting is. The range of received signal strength indication (RSSI) readings, which may be obtained with a fixed gain manually set, is typically 16 dB.
To optimize accuracy when the channel energy is close to the target CCA threshold, it is recommended to set the manual gain so that the threshold is centered within this range. If the energy is much higher or lower than the threshold, a valid busy or clear assessment can be made, though the result clamps to the higher or lower end of the RSSI readback range, respectively. For a CCA threshold of −68 dBm, a Register 0x3B3 setting of 0x4B is recommended.
If a modification to the target threshold is desired, the center of the range can be increased by 3 dB by setting Register 0x3B3 to 0x5B, while setting it to 0x3B decreases the center of the range by 3 dB. There is also an option to read Register 0x3B1 with a signal applied at the target threshold level and the default AGC enabled. The readback pga_out and lna_out gain settings from Register 0x3B1 can then be applied in Register 0x3B3. This readback process is useful if a very different CCA threshold is desired.
If manual gain is selected, the firmware reverts the device to automatic gain control when receiving an acknowledge by updating the Register 0x3B3 setting back to 0x00. If manual gain control for CCA is selected and an expected acknowledge is not received, the device automatically returns to manual gain control during the next CCA period.
Code Download Sequence
The PRAM is organized into eight pages with a length of 256 bytes each. The RCCM_IEEEX_R6 code module must be stored in the PRAM starting from Address 0x0000 or Address 0x00 in Page 0. The current PRAM page is selected with the prampg. pram_page register.
Prior to downloading the PRAM, the radio controller code module must be divided into blocks of 256 bytes commensurate with the size of the PRAM pages. Each 256-byte block is downloaded into the currently selected PRAM page using the SPI_PRAM_WR command.
Table 8 shows the command relevant for the PRAM code upload. Figure 4 shows the sequence required for downloading a code block of 256 bytes to a PRAM page. In the first step, the current PRAM page number is configured. The page number must increase for every 256-byte block written. Subsequently, the module code block is downloaded into the selected page using the SPI_PRAM_WR command. The SPI_PRAM_WR command code is followed by Address Byte 0x00 to align the code block with the base address of the PRAM page.
Figure 4. Download Sequence for a PRAM Page.
Command | Code | Description |
SPI_PRAM_WR | 0x1E | Write data sequentially to current PRAM page selected with prampg.pram_page, starting from address following command code. |
Figure 5 shows the overall download sequence for the code module. With the exception of the last page written to the PRAM, all pages must be filled with 256 bytes of module code.
Figure 5. Download Sequence for the Code Module.
The SPI_PRAM_RD command reads from the program RAM, which can verify that a firmware module is correctly written to the program RAM. Like the SPI_PRAM_WR command, the host MCU must select the program RAM page to read via Register prampg.pram_page. Following this, the host MCU can use the SPI_PRAM_RD command (0x3E) to block read the selected program RAM page. The structure of this command is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Read Sequence for a PRAM Page.