Enhancing Speed and Efficiency for High Transient Automotive Applications


How do patented ADI coupled inductors enhance the performance of multiphase voltage regulators in automotive applications with increasing current slew rates and efficiency demands?

Enhancing Speed and Effiiency for High Transient Automotive Applications


Patented ADI coupled inductors are specifically designed to address the challenges posed by the rising current demands and fast transients in automotive applications. Ideally, small current ripple in a large inductor value is needed for high efficiency, while the fast transient requires a small inductor value. The coupled inductors effectively reduce current ripple by utilizing a unique coupling mechanism that makes it look like a large inductor in the steady state. At the same time, a coupled inductor behaves as a small and fast inductor in the transient event. This results in smaller size while maintaining high efficiency, crucial for supporting load voltages below 1 V. Additionally, their design facilitates faster response times, enabling the voltage regulator to manage aggressive transient loads without compromising performance. By optimizing inductance values, these coupled inductors help achieve the necessary voltage tolerance, high efficiency and transient specifications required for advanced semiconductor processes in ADAS and other high current applications.


High current, low voltage applications frequently employ a multiphase buck converter topology for the voltage step down. This multiphase buck can utilize traditional discrete inductors (DL), as shown in Figure 1a, or coupled inductors (CL), as depicted in Figure 1b. In the case of CL, the windings are magnetically coupled, providing the advantage of current ripple cancellation.1–6

Figure 1. Multiphase buck converter with (a) discrete inductors and (b) coupled inductors.

Automotive ADAS applications face a challenge in maintaining tight regulation for GPU or ASIC rails within the 0.4 V to 1 V range, especially under fast transient conditions. A loading transient generally causes all phases to turn the switching nodes VX high to VIN, so the inductor current in each phase ramps up with a slew rate (Equation 1), where VIN is input voltage, Vo is output voltage, and L is inductance value. An unloading transient typically causes all phases to turn low to GND and the inductor current ramps down (Equation 2). Given the low output voltage value VOUT < 1 V and assuming that the input voltage is typically 5 V or even higher, it is easy to see from the comparison of equations 1 and 2 that the unloading transient creates the main problem as there is only a small voltage to ramp the current down.

Equation 1

Equation 2

The simple solution involves increasing the number of ceramic output capacitors in COUT. However, the size and cost of this approach can swiftly become impractical. In the automotive industry, voltage regulators are often configured to switch at a relatively higher frequency (FS), typically exceeding 2 MHz. This is in contrast to regulators in cloud or industrial applications. The higher switching frequency is necessary in automotive settings due to specific electromagnetic interference (EMI) requirements. While this choice helps to decrease inductance values in the regulator, further enhancements are still required.

The current ripple in each phase of the conventional buck with DL can be found as Equation 3, where the duty cycle is D = VOUT/VIN, VOUT is the output voltage, VIN is the input voltage, L is inductance value, and FS is the switching frequency.

Equation 3

Replacing the DL with CL that has a leakage inductance LK and the mutual inductance LM, the current ripple in CL can be shown as Equation 4.6 The term defined as figure of merit (FOM) is expressed as Equation 5, where NPH is the number of coupled phases, ρ is a coupling coefficient (Equation 6), and j is a running index, which just defines an applicable interval of the duty cycle (Equation 7). The parameters of the CL are the leakage inductance LK and the mutual inductance LM.

Equation 4

Equation 5

Equation 6

Equation 7

The meaning of FOM in equations 4 and 5 for the particular CL design can be interpreted as an additional multiplier in current ripple cancellation as compared to the conventional buck with discrete inductor L. The definition of FOM and its meaning were also generalized and extended11 to compare any systems with arbitrary current ripple and transient performances. The proposal is to use a ratio of the normalized transient slew rate (desired high) to the normalized current ripple (desired low) (Equation 8). The transient slew rate and the current ripple are normalized by related numbers for some benchmark converters with discrete inductors (so any system with DL will still lead to FOM = 1). The SRTR and ΔIL are transient current slew rate and current ripple in a steady state of the chosen design or technology, while SRTR_DL and ΔILDL are the same parameters but for the benchmark DL design.

Equation 8 can be simplified into Equation 9, using the fact that the current slew rate for the discrete inductor is the same in transient and steady state. This way, any actual reference to DL design is completely removed, while the benchmarking ideology is still there.

Equation 8

Equation 9

Notice that using the generalized FOM definition, Equation 9, for the CL will result in Equation 5, so the new definition is backward compatible, but can also be used for technologies where both current ripple and transient slew rate are arbitrarily different from the DL equations (for example, TLVR9).

CL Design and Considerations

The application specifications are VIN = 5 V, VOUT = 0.8 V, FS = 2.1 MHz, and NPH = 8. As a starting point, DL = 32 nH is chosen to support the fast transient, while each inductor occupies 4.2 mm × 4.2 mm × 4.2 mm. Ideally, these would be substituted with an 8-phase coupled inductor (CL). However, the low height requirement of h = 4 mm presents a challenge, as it would make such a lengthy component unmanufacturable due to being excessively thin and long, while also increasing sensitivity to board flex. Therefore, the 4-phase building block was chosen for CL. This also enables better flexibility with placement and layout. As the faster transient is targeted and knowing that the CL will have smaller ripple than the starting DL value, the recently introduced Notch CL (NCL) structure was proposed to minimize the leakage value LK.7,8,10 The NCL0804 was designed with LK~17 nH and OCL = LM + LK = 100 nH, NPH = 4, phase pitch 6.9 mm/phase, and a height h = 4.0 mm max (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Developed NCL0804-4-R17 (h = 4 mm max).

A good way to compare different designs is an FOM plot.10 Any DL design will have FOM = 1, as the trade-off between the current slew rates in steady state and transient is 1:1. The NCL structure of the coupled inductor maximizes LM/LK ratio in a given size, so it generally results in the highest FOM.9 The FOM comparison is shown in Figure 3, where the developed NCL is ~4.4× better than DL around the targeted output voltage.

Figure 3. FOM for the developed NCL = 4× 17 nH and theoretical NCL = 8× 17 nH as a function of the output voltage VOUT compared to the FOM of any DL (VIN = 5 V).

The corresponding current ripple comparison is shown in Figure 4 and Table 1. While the DL value can be chosen in a wide range for a different compromise between current ripple and transient slew rate, the advantage of developed NCL is always 4.4×. This correlates to 2.35× smaller current ripple than the ripple of DL = 32 nH while NCL is 1.88× faster. Then 2.35 × 1.88~4.4, matching the predicted FOM = 4.4. The current ripple can also be lowered by using DL = 100 nH, which makes it 1.33× smaller current ripple than that in NCL, but NCL is then 5.88× faster, resulting in the same 5.88/1.33~4.4× advantage of NCL over any DL (FOM = 4.4 for NCL).

Figure 4. Current ripple for the developed NCL = 4× 17 nH and theoretical NCL = 8× 17 nH compared to DL = 32 nH and DL = 100 nH as a function of the output voltage VOUT.
Table 1. Comparison of the Different Magnetics Options for the Four-Phase Building Block
Inductor Height: mm/Relative Efficiency, Relative Current
Transient, Relative Relative Transient/
Ripple Benefit (Equation 9)11
NCL0804-4 4.0 max/1× OK 4.4×
DL = 32 nH 4.4 max/1.1× larger Low 2.35× larger 1.9× slower
DL = 100 nH 6.4 max/1.6× larger OK 1.33× smaller 5.9× slower

Looking at a theoretical FOM for the same NCL in Figure 3 but considering if NPH = 8 is manufacturable, we see performance advantage of NCL over DL would increase from 4.4× to 5.8× and make even more relative difference at a lower VOUT.

Looking ahead, it might be worth considering a different design for the NCL. One possibility is arranging the phases in two rows to maintain a low aspect ratio (length/height) of the ferrite core, making it conducive to manufacturing. In this scenario, the NCL could potentially be positioned at the bottom of the PCB, directly above the ceramic bypass for the GPU, with power stages surrounding the NCL on the perimeter. The approach, akin to a vertical power delivery (VPD) arrangement, could potentially enhance the trade-off between transient and ripple (effectively transient efficiency). However, it’s crucial to note that implementing such a change would be a significant departure from the existing design and layout. Whether this proposed approach is considered in the future will depend on customer preferences.

Experimental Results

Substituting the DL = 32 nH inductors with NCL0804-4 resulted in enhanced efficiency, as shown in Figure 6. This improvement is mainly attributed to the significant reduction in current ripple (Figure 4), leading to lower rms currents in windings, power stages, and traces. Additionally, it contributes to lower AC losses, as depicted in Figure 6. At the same time, the 17 nH/phase NCL (Figure 5b) offers ~1.9× faster current slew rate in transient and generally improves the phase margin in the feedback loop. Stepping down on ripple with DL = 100 nH (Figure 5a) recovers the efficiency, Figure 6, but such DL is significantly taller than the allowed h = 4 mm height, while also being ~5.9× slower than developed NCL. The latter would cause extreme implications for the amount of needed output capacitors. The results confirm the fundamental performance advantage of NCL as expected from the FOM estimates, against the different trade-off options of the discrete inductor approach.

Figure 5. The voltage regulator four-phase building block with inductor footprint that accepts (a) DL = 100 nH (h = 6.4 mm max) and (b) NCL0804-4 (h = 4.0 mm max).
Figure 6. Efficiency comparison of the DL = 32 nH (h = 4.4 mm), DL = 100 nH (h = 6.4 mm), and NCL = 4× 17 nH (h = 4.0 mm): 5 V to 0.8 V, four phases.


In summary, a new coupled inductor with the NCL structure was developed to optimize performance for an application with very low output voltage and aggressive load transient specifications. This CL was also done to fit the specified low profile for the automotive design. The NCL structure was chosen to minimize leakage, achieving a formal benefit of over 4× in transient/ripple performance compared to the conventional discrete inductor option.

To match the efficiency of the developed NCL, a discrete inductor (DL) with 1.6× the height (DL = 100 nH) would be needed. However, this alternative would fall 5.9× behind in transient speed, significantly impacting the size and cost of the output capacitance. The comparison in Table 1 highlights the advantages of the NCL0804-4 in terms of height, efficiency, current ripple, and transient speed.


1 Aaron M. Schultz and Charles R. Sullivan. “Voltage Converter with Coupled Inductive Windings, and Associated Methods.” U.S. Patent 6,362,986, March 2001.

2 Jieli Li. Coupled Inductor Design in DC-DC Converters. M.S. thesis, Dartmouth College, 2002.

3 Pit-Leong Wong, Peng Xu, P. Yang, and Fred C. Lee. “Performance Improvements of Interleaving VRMs with Coupling Inductors.” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol. 16, No. 4, July 2001.

4 Yan Dong. Investigation of Multiphase Coupled-Inductor Buck Converters in Point-of-Load Applications. Ph.D. thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, July 2009.

5 Alexandr Ikriannikov and Di Yao. “Addressing Core Loss in Coupled Inductors.” Electronic Design News, December 2016.

6 Alexandr Ikriannikov. “Coupled Inductor Basics and Benefits.” Analog Devices, Inc., 2021.

7 Alexandr Ikriannikov and Di Yao. “Switching Power Converter Assemblies Including Coupled Inductors, and Associated Methods.” U.S. Patent 11869695B2, November 2020.

8 Alexandr Ikriannikov. “Evolution and Comparison of Magnetics for the Multiphase DC-DC Applications.” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, March 2023.

9 Amin Fard, Satya Naidu, Horthense Tamdem, and Behzad Vafakhah. “Trans-inductors Versus Discrete Inductors in Multiphase Voltage Regulators: An Analytical and Experimental Comparative Study.” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, March 2023.

10 Alexandr Ikriannikov and Di Yao. “Converters with Multiphase Magnetics: TLVR vs CL and the Novel Optimized Structure.” PCIM Europe, May 2023.

11 Alexandr Ikriannikov and Brad Xiao. “Generalized FOM for Multiphase Converters with Inductors.” 2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, October 2023.


Jon Wallace

Jon Wallace

Jon Wallace received his B.S. degree in computer and electrical engineering from Purdue University. Jon has been working in the automotive industry for 30 years. Prior to joining Analog Devices, Jon worked for 11 years as a software and hardware engineer at TRW Automotive, Inc. developing hardware and software for safety electronics. In 2005, he joined Maxim (now part of ADI) as a product definer for automotive power and related products. He has 25 issued U.S. patents in the fields of vehicle bus communications and software algorithms. The revenue for his defined products has exceeded $800M to date.

Issac Siavashani

Issac Siavashani

Issac Siavashani is a senior application engineer for the Automotive Business Team at Analog Devices. He received his M.S.E.E. degree in embedded system and electrical engineering from San Francisco State University. In 2010, he joined Maxim (now part of ADI) and focused on multiphase buck management IC for Intel (consumer) definition and development. In 2017, Issac joined the Automotive Business Team. He is currently working on high current multiphase system and radar PIMIC for low noise applications.

Alexandr Ikriannikov

Alexandr Ikriannikov

Alexandr Ikriannikov is a fellow for the Communications and Cloud Power Team at Analog Devices. He received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the California Institute of Technology in 2000, where he studied power electronics from Dr. Slobodan Ćuk. His graduate school projects ranged from power factor correction for AC-to-DC applications to 15 V to 400 V DC-to-DC for Mars rovers. After graduate school he joined Power Ten to redesign and optimize multi-kW AC-to-DC power supplies, then in 2001 joined Volterra Semiconductor, concentrating on low voltage high current applications and coupled inductors. Volterra was acquired by Maxim Integrated in 2013, which is now part of Analog Devices. Currently, Alexandr is a senior member of IEEE. He holds more than 70 issued U.S. patents plus more pending and has authored multiple publications in the field of power electronics.