Single T1/E1/J1 Transceiver
Single-Port T1/E1/J1 Transceiver Is a Single-Chip Framer and LIU Combination for T1, E1, and J1 Applications
Part Details
- Complete T1, E1, or J1 Long-Haul/Short-Haul Transceiver (LIU plus Framer)
- Internal Software-Selectable Transmit- and Receive-Side Termination for 100Ω T1 Twisted Pair, 110Ω J1 Twisted Pair, 120Ω E1 Twisted Pair, and 75Ω E1 Coaxial Applications
- Crystal-Less Jitter Attenuator can be Selected for Transmit or Receive Path; Jitter Attenuator Meets ETS CTR 12/13, ITU-T G.736, G.742, G.823, and AT&T Pub 62411
- External Master Clock can be Multiple of 2.048MHz or 1.544MHz for T1/J1 or E1 Operation; This Clock is Internally Adapted for T1 or E1 Usage in the Host Mode
- Receive-Signal Level Indication from -2.5dB to -36dB in T1 Mode and -2.5dB to -44dB in E1 Mode in Approximate 2.5dB Increments
- Transmit Open- and Short-Circuit Detection
- LIU LOS in Accordance with G.775, ETS 300 233, and T1.231
- Transmit Synchronizer
- Flexible Signaling Extraction and Insertion Using Either the System Interface or Microprocessor Port
- Alarm Detection and Insertion
- T1 Framing Formats of D4, SLC-96, and ESF
- J1 Support
- E1 G.704 and CRC-4 Multiframe
- Controlled by 8-Bit Parallel Port Interface or Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
The DS26521 is a single-channel framer and line interface unit (LIU) combination for T1, E1, and J1 applications. Each channel is independently configurable, supporting both long-haul and short-haul lines.
- Channel Banks
- Channel Service Units (CSUs)
- Data Service Units (DSUs)
- Muxes Switches
- T1/E1 Test Equipment
Data Sheet 1
Reliability Data 1
Application Note 2
Design Note 5
Technical Articles 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.
Hardware Ecosystem
Tools & Simulations
BSDL Model File 1
IBIS Model 1
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