ObsoletePrecision Analog Microcontroller:1-Cycle 8052 MCU + 24-Bit ADC + 16-Bit ADC + 12-Bit DAC + 62 K-Byte Flash in 8 mm x 8 mm Chip-Scale-Package (CSP)
Part Details
The ADuC844 MicroConverter is a fully integrated 24-bit data acquisition system-on-a-chip and is a higher speed-core (single cycle) upgrade to the existing ADuC824 and ADuC834. Like all of ADI's MicroConverter products, it features precision A/D and D/A conversion and a Flash microcontroller on a single chip.
For detailed documentation on the ADuC844, please click the "Datasheets" and "Documentation" buttons at left.
The ADuC844 is available in 52-pin PQFP or 56-pin CSP packages and operates on a 3 V or 5 V power supply.
Suggested Replacement Parts
MicroConverter®, Dual 16-Bit/24-Bit Σ-Δ ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash MCU
Application Note 8
Technical Articles 1
Tools & Simulations
Sigma-Delta ADC Tutorial
An interactive illustration showing the behavior of an idealized sigma-delta A/D converter.
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