ObsoleteCMOS, ±5 V/+5 V, 4 Ω, Single SPDT Switch (Make-Before-Break Action)
Part Details
- 6.5 Ω (maximum) on resistance
- 0.8 Ω (maximum) on-resistance flatness
- 2.7 V to 5.5 V single supply
- ±2.7 V to ±5.5 V dual supply
- Rail-to-rail operation
- 8-lead SOT-23, 8-lead MSOP
- Typical power consumption (<0.1 μW)
- TTL-/CMOS-compatible inputs
The ADG619/ADG620 are monolithic, CMOS single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switches. Each switch conducts equally well in both directions when the device is on.
The ADG619/ADG620 offer a low on resistance of 4 Ω, which is matched to within 0.7 Ω between channels. These switches also provide low power dissipation, yet result in high switching speeds. The ADG619 exhibits break-before-make switching action, thus preventing momentary shorting when switching channels. The ADG620 exhibits make-before-break action.
Product Highlights
- Low on resistance (RON): 4 Ω typical.
- Dual ±2.7 V to ±5.5 V or single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supplies.
- Low power dissipation.
- Fast tON/tOFF.
- Tiny, 8-lead SOT-23 and 8-lead MSOP.
- Automatic test equipment
- Power routing
- Communication systems
- Data acquisition systems
- Sample-and-hold systems
- Avionics
- Relay replacement
- Battery-powered systems
Data Sheet 1
User Guide 1
Application Note 1
Technical Articles 4
Product Selection Guide 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.