PRODUCTIONDual Ultrafast Voltage Comparator
- Part Models
- 1
- 1ku List Price
- Starting From $4.71
Part Details
- 250 ps propagation delay input to output
- 50 ps propagation delay dispersion
- Differential PECL compatible outputs
- Differential latch control
- Robust input protection
- Input common-mode range −2.0 V to ±3.0 V
- Input differential range ±5 V
- See datasheet for additional features
The ADCMP567 is an ultrafast voltage comparator fabricated on Analog Devices, Inc., proprietary XFCB process. The device features 250 ps propagation delay with less than 35 ps overdrive dispersion. Overdrive dispersion, a particularly important characteristic of high speed comparators, is a measure of the difference in propagation delay under differing overdrive conditions.
A fast, high precision differential input stage permits consistent propagation delay with a wide variety of signals in the common-mode range from −2.0 V to +3.0 V. Outputs are complementary digital signals fully compatible with PECL 10 K and 10 KH logic families. The outputs provide sufficient drive current to directly drive transmission lines terminated in 50 Ω to VDD − 2 V. A latch input is included, which permits tracking, track-and-hold, or sample-and-hold modes of operation.
The ADCMP567 is available in a 32-lead LFCSP package.
- High speed instrumentation
- Scope and logic analyzer front ends Window comparators
- High speed line receivers and signal restoration
- Threshold detection
- Peak detection
- High speed triggers
- Patient diagnostics
- Disk drive read channel detection
- Hand-held test instruments Zero-crossing detectors
- Clock drivers
- Automatic test equipment
Data Sheet 1
Frequently Asked Question 1
Product Selection Guide 1
ADI has always placed the highest emphasis on delivering products that meet the maximum levels of quality and reliability. We achieve this by incorporating quality and reliability checks in every scope of product and process design, and in the manufacturing process as well. "Zero defects" for shipped products is always our goal. View our quality and reliability program and certifications for more information.
Part Model | Pin/Package Drawing | Documentation | CAD Symbols, Footprints, and 3D Models |
ADCMP567BCPZ | 32-Lead LFCSP (5mm x 5mm) |
Part Models | Product Lifecycle | PCN |
Mar 23, 2012 - 11_0104 Conversion of Select Sizes of LFCSP Package Outlines from Punch to Sawn and Transfer of Assembly Site to ASE-Korea. |
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.