Obsolete8 - Channel Analog Multiplexer
Part Details
- DTL/TTL/CMOS Direct Interface
- Power Dissipation: 30 µW
- RON: 170 µ
- Standard 16-Lead DlPs and 20-Terminal Surface Mount Packages
The AD7503 is a monolithic CMOS, 8-channel analog multiplexer which switch one of eight inputs to a common output, depending on the state of three binary address lines and an "enable" input. The AD7503 is identical to the AD7501 except its "enable" logic is inverted. All digital inputs are TTL/DTL and CMOS logic compatible.
Suggested Replacement Parts
4 Ω Ron, 8 - Channel ±15 V /12 V /±5 V iCMOS Multiplexer
Obsolete Data Sheet 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.