

Multimodal Sensor Front End

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1ku List Price
Starting From $3.40

Part Details

  • Multimodal analog front end
  • 4 input channels with multiple operation modes to accommodate the following measurements: PPG, ECG, EDA, impedance, and temperature
  • Dual-channel processing with simultaneous sampling
  • 12 programmable time slots for synchronized sensor measurements
  • Flexible input multiplexing to support differential and single-ended sensor measurements
  • 4 LED drivers, which can be driven simultaneously
  • Flexible sampling rate from 0.004 Hz to 9 kHz using internal oscillators
  • On-chip digital filtering
  • SNR: 105 dB (100 kΩ TIA gain, 100 Hz ODR, 80 pulses, CPD = 70 pF, 0.5 Hz to 10 Hz bandwidth)
  • AC ambient light rejection: 60 dB up to 1 kHz
  • 400 mA total LED peak drive current
  • Total system power dissipation: 30 μW (combined LED and AFE power), continuous PPG measurement at 75 dB SNR, 25 Hz ODR, 100 nA/mA CTR
  • SPI communications supported
  • 512-byte FIFO size
Multimodal Sensor Front End
ADPD4200 Functional Block Diagram ADPD4200 Pin Configuration
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Evaluation Kits

eval board

Evaluating the ADPD4200 Multimodal Sensor Front End

Features and Benefits

  • Board supports ADPD4200 population
  • ADPD4200 (SPI) is the default board population
  • All inputs and outputs are accessible to the user
  • 3 separately driven green LEDs are included
  • 1 red and 1 IR LED included
  • Metal baffle to block optical crosstalk
  • Works with the Wavetool Evaluation Software allowing
    • Time domain graphing and logging
    • Frequency domain graphing
    • Statistical analysis
    • Data streaming to other applications

Product Details

The EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG evaluation board provides users with a simple means of evaluating the ADPD4200 photometric front end. The EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG evaluation board implements a simple, discrete optical design for vital signs monitoring applications, specifically wrist-based photoplethysmography (PPG).

The EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG has three green light emitting diodes (LEDs), one infrared (IR), and one red LED, which all separately driven. A single 7 mm2 photodiode is populated on the board. The photodiode has no optical filter coating. However, a pin for pin alternative device with an IR block filter is available.

The full evaluation system includes the Wavetool Evaluation Software graphical user interface (GUI) that provides users with low level register access and high level system configurability. Raw data streamed to this tool can be displayed in real time with limited latency. Views are provided for both frequency and time domain analysis.

A user datagram protocol (UDP) transfer capability from the Wavetool Evaluation Software (available for download on the EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG product page) allows data stream connections and register configurability to external analysis programs, such as LabVIEW® or MATLAB®, in real time.

The EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG board is powered by the EVAL-ADPDUCZ microcontroller board (obtained from the EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG product page). In addition to the power requirements, serial port interface (SPI) (default) data streams are received from the ADPD4200 by the microcontroller.

A ribbon cable connects these two boards. The microcontroller repackages the data, sending it to a virtual serial port over the USB to the PC, displayed on the Wavetool Evaluation Software.

The EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG can also be connected directly to the microcontroller development system of the user, using the SPI for the ADPD4200.

For full details on the ADPD4200, see the ADPD4200 data sheet, which should be consulted in conjunction with the user guide when using the EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG evaluation board.

Evaluating the ADPD4200 Multimodal Sensor Front End
EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG Evaluation Board EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG Evaluation Board - Top View EVAL-ADPD4200Z-PPG Evaluation Board - Bottom View

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