Warehouse worker using a tablet
Warehouse worker using a tablet

Supplier Resources Supplier Resources

Analog Devices, Inc. is committed to ethical procurement practices, and we hold our entire supply chain to the same high standard of integrity.

As a global semiconductor leader, Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) places significant value on our global supplier base. We are committed to ethical procurement practices, and we expect our suppliers to match this commitment to social responsibility. These supplier resources define the standards of integrity and excellence to which we hold our entire supply chain.

ADI is proud of the strong relationships we have developed with our suppliers, which we continue to develop to position ourselves for the future. Together, we are working to bridge the physical and digital worlds and enable breakthroughs at the Intelligent Edge. We combine analog, digital, and software technologies into solutions that help transform factories, mobility, and healthcare; combat climate change, and reliably connect humans and the world. Upholding high standards of supplier integrity and continuous improvement enables us to deliver innovation ahead of what’s possible.

ADI Supplier Diversity Program

ADI recognizes the importance and value of supplier diversity in all business endeavors. By building stronger relationships in the communities in which we serve, we promote economic development and viability for all parties involved.

Learn about ADI’s Supplier Diversity Program (PDF)

Depicting of digital hands on a circuit board

Supplier Documents

Cobalt mining

Responsible Mineral Sourcing

Analog Devices has participated as a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative since 2014 and has implemented processes in response to legal and ethical concerns on mineral sourcing.

Read Our Conflict Minerals Policy (PDF)

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Supplier Ethics Commitment and Code of Conduct

This Code of Business Conduct and Ethics outlines ADI’s approach to conducting business ethically, in compliance with the law, and in a way that reflects our deeper values. All new ADI vendors are required to sign this commitment and agree to comply with ADI’s Code of Corporate Social Responsibility (CCSR) and Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (COC).
Learn about Supplier Sustainability Expectations. (PDF)

Read Code of Conduct

Download Ethics Statement (PDF)

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Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

Any purchase by ADI and/or its subsidiaries is expressly made conditional on the seller’s acceptance of these Terms and Conditions of Purchase.

Download Terms and Conditions of Purchase (PDF)

stack of coins

No PO, No Pay

ADI follows a standard no purchase order, no pay policy that requires that the procurement of all goods and services must be based on purchase orders issued by a valid ADI legal entity and procurement system.

Supplier Contacts

For AP Contacts

Please defer to your ADI purchase order for invoicing instructions and accounts payables contact information.

For Logistics

Please defer to your ADI purchase order for logistics/shipping instructions and/or logistics contact information to reach out to.

Supplier Feedback

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Need additional support? ADI experts are standing by to help. We welcome your comments and suggestions about how we can improve the ADI supplier experience, including but not limited to ideas for driving increased productivity, streamlining the way we work, and raising questions or concerns. Please use the form below to share your feedback.

Submit Feedback