Silicon (SOI) Switches

ADI’s new silicon SOI switch family offers unmatched performance in compact SMT form. Using proprietary silicon-on-insulator technology, our switch products attain superior insertion loss, improved isolation, wider bandwidth and faster switching/settling times than any other solution.

Compare these benefits, then switch to gain an unfair competitive advantage.

ADRF5024 / 25 Features

  • Low insertion loss 1.5dB to 40GHz
  • Wide bandwidth 9kHz to 44GHz and beyond
  • Excellent isolation performance up to 60dB
  • As fast as <10ns switching speed, fast settling time with NO gate lag
  • CMOS compatible positive control interface
  • No need for external components
  • Robust ESD protection on all pins
  • Small 2.25mm x 2.25mm SMT footprint

Silicon (SOI) Wideband Switch Family