Analog Devices, Inc. ("ADI")
ADC Software Download Agreement

Before downloading or installing the Emulation Software or any Application Models (collectively the "Software"), please read and accept the license agreement shown below. If you do accept these terms, the user should stop now and not download or install the Software.

This Software is protected under the United States copyright laws. © Copyright Analog Devices, Inc. 2003.


ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS: By downloading, installing or using the Software, the user accepts these terms for his or her company or business (the "Licensee"). Upon acceptance of these terms, Analog Devices, Inc. ("ADI") hereby grants the Licensee a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use this Software for as long as the Licensee abides by the terms of this Agreement.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This Software produces an approximation of the performance of ADI semiconductor products. The Software may not include all features of the ADI semiconductor products nor model all of the product behaviors. The actual performance of ADI semiconductor products may vary from that produced by the Software, and the variation may be material. The Licensee is strongly encouraged to validate simulation results against actual units in an actual system design before committing to a given design.

DISCLAIMERS: This Software is provided "AS IS," AND ADI EXCLUDES ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Analog Devices assumes no liability for any product designs or infringement of patents. In no event will ADI be liable for special, collateral, incidental, or consequential damages.

CHANGES: ADI reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Newer releases of Software may be available on ADI's web site from time to time.

RESTRICTIONS: Licensee agrees to keep the Software confidential. Licensee's users may make copies of this Software for use within the Licensee company only. The Licensee may not sell, loan, rent, transfer, copy, lease, or license the Software, in whole, in part, in any form, to anyone outside the Licensee's company. Rights not expressly granted are reserved. The terms of this Agreement also apply to any documentation.