
Product Details

Linduino One controller board (commonly referred to as Linduino or DC2026C) is Analog Device's Arduino compatible system for developing and distributing firmware libraries and example code for Linear Technology’s integrated circuits. The code is designed to be highly portable to other microcontroller platforms, and is written in C using as few processor specific functions as possible. LTSketchbook is the entire code base that holds sketches to talk to Analog Devices’s integrated circuits using Linduino. It allows you to test out the code directly, using the standard demo board for the particular IC.

The Linduino One board is compatible with the Arduino Uno, using the Atmel ATMEGA328 processor. This board features a 14-pin “QuikEval” connector that can be plugged into nearly 100 daughter boards for various Analog Devices parts, including Analog to Digital converters, Digital to Analog Converters, high-voltage power monitors, temperature measurement devices, RF synthesizers, battery stack monitors, and more.

An LTM2884 USB Isolator breaks the ground connection to the PC, allowing projects to operate at a differentground potential than the computer that is controlling it. Contact linduino@analog.com or check our EngineerZone forum for any questions. For a list of frequently asked questions, please visit our FAQ.

The Linduino board ships with firmware that allows it to communicate with the QuikEval program, which provides all of the GUIs for compatible demo boards. Installing QuikEval is also the recommended way to install the correct USB drivers for the Linduino One board. To modify the code, and to load programs into the Linduino, download the Arduino IDE LTSketchbook.


Evaluation Software

20.37 M
LTSketchbook is the entire code base that holds sketches to talk to Analog Devices’s integrated circuits using Linduino.

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