Global Citizen’s Vax Live Concert to Support COVAX

By Marnie Seif, Chief People Officer and Analog Devices Foundation Board Member
As a company guided by a responsibility to “engineer good,” ADI and the Analog Devices Foundation are continuing the commitments made in 2020 to support efforts to eliminate COVID-19. Despite the huge strides in testing, treatments and vaccines, there’s still much more to do to keep people safe and free from infection. The alarming surges our ADI colleagues in India, the Philippines and other sites are coping with are stark reminders that we can’t stop now.

“As a company of problem solvers, ADI is resolved to support global endeavors to end COVID-19.”Marnie Seif
Chief People Officer and Analog Devices Foundation board member
Since the beginning of the pandemic, our first priority has been the health and safety of our employees and that focus remains. However, as a company of problem solvers, we are also resolved to support global endeavors to end COVID-19. These efforts include:

Global Citizen’s VAX Live Concert & Employee Matching Gifts
As we did last year, the Analog Devices Foundation teamed up again with Global Citizen in the ongoing fight against COVID-19. On May 8, 2021, Global Citizen's VAX Live concert event raised funds for COVAX, a global program under Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
The Foundation committed to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance through a contribution and employee matching program with a minimum $1 million donation. For every $1 dollar of employee donations, the Foundation contributed $4.

Massachusetts General Hospital’s Vaccine & Immunotherapy Clinic
In 2021, the Foundation once again donated $500,000 as part of our continued support of the Vaccine & Immunotherapy Clinic’s (VIC) research on testing, treatments and vaccines. In addition, our Digital Healthcare business group continues to partner with VIC to advance development of digital healthcare solutions.
At ADI, we are committed to playing our part, contributing to the solution and pushing ourselves to leverage the collective talent, ingenuity and resources of our organization to engineer good – for our people, for our societies and for the world around us.
I hope you will join us in this effort.