About Analog Dialogue

Analog Dialogue is a free technical magazine published by Analog Devices Inc. Published monthly since 1967, Analog Dialogue offers answers and insights related to circuits, as well as systems and software for real-world signal processing system design.

Written by Engineers for Engineers

From the very first issue until the present, Analog Dialogue has been a gateway to ADI’s state-of-the-art signal acquisition and processing technology. In doing so, it has become a leading resource for products, system solutions, applications and design techniques in the realm of high-performance analog, digital and mixed-signal processing. Written by ADI engineers for engineers, Analog Dialogue is dedicated to inspiring and helping you to realize your next generation system designs.

Dialogue Premier Issue

Decades of Electronics History at Your Fingertips

With a string of issues stretching back to the 1960s, Analog Dialogue has also become a chronicle of technical progress—both within ADI and the electronics industry itself. Wander through our archives and get a sense of the excitement and wonder around some of the biggest innovations of the last half century.

Dialogue History Issues

There’s No Dialogue Without You 

Analog Dialogue has always been about helping and sharing with you − engineers, scientists, electronic technicians, and now EE students. You can rely on us to stay true to our objectives:

  • To provide information about new ADI products and technologies, how to apply them, and what they can do for your next design project (and ultimately for your customer).
  • To alert you to newly available products, solutions, published articles, webcasts and other resources that contribute to innovative design.
  • To listen to your suggestions, provide a forum for Q&A, and foster technical discussion.

We believe Analog Dialogue is more than a magazine. It’s an educational resource with links and tendrils connected to all aspects of linear, mixed-signal and system design. And most of all, it’s a community that includes you. 
