Exterior of the Catalyst Centre building at dusk
Exterior of the Catalyst Centre building at dusk




ADI Catalyst is a collaboration hub for customers looking to get to market faster, generate revenue more efficiently, and strengthen and evolve their ecosystem. Catalyst is an R&D environment with a focus on forming stronger collaborative partnerships, exchanging ideas, creating living labs, and developing breakthrough solutions. This collaboration hub ushers in a new era of speed and collaboration by utilizing a true partnership approach to help customers resolve their toughest challenges.

Collaborations and ecosystems of experts are the key to success in today’s complex technology world. Together, we can co-create within this collaboration hub groundbreaking technologies and solutions at an accelerated pace and achieve breakthroughs across a vast array of industries—from automotive and communications to digital healthcare and industrial automation.

Experience the Catalyst Advantage

Leader discusses whiteboard diagram with a group

Strategy Briefing

A strategic business and technical discussion helps customers gain an understanding of their goals and challenges, followed by an alignment of ADI’s capabilities and solutions.

Advisor explains strategy to team members

Envisioning Workshop

An in-depth, collaborative workshop to generate forward-thinking, vision-setting concepts and developing a customized, strategic roadmap with actionable steps.

Engineer talks with colleague while holding a circuit board

Hands-On Pilot Lines and Labs

A hands-on, immersive experience to provide customers with the skills and familiarity of ADI technologies to enable solution development and adoption.

Team with laptops engage in an animated discussion

Customer Collaboration

An intensely collaborative and inclusive sprint to determine the applicability of specific ADI technologies and how they match up against a set of business use cases.

Team discusses whiteboard covered in post it notes

Design Session

Leveraging insights gained, customers synthesize the business and technical requirements for a solution, including an initial scope to drive next steps.

Engineer operates a robotic arm via his tablet computer

Rapid Prototype

A tailored, immersive experience demonstrating the key technical capabilities of a solution and addressing any challenges to accelerate decision making.


Icon of a wind turbine rotating in the wind

Industry 4.0 and Smart Energy

Icon of an electric car with plug

Automotive Electrification

Icon of a 5G radio antenna emitting radio waves

5G and Next-Gen Connectivity

ADI Catalyst - Vincent Roche, CEO Analog Devices, Inc.

A Catalyst for Collaboration and Innovation

Technological innovation is increasingly complicated, requiring knowledge and expertise from more fields than ever before in order to meet the needs of a dynamic market.

Learn more

Team of programmers work on a new project

The Impact of Collaborative Partnerships and Full Solution Applications on End Use

Collaborations and ecosystems of experts are the key to success in today’s complex technology world. Together we can deliver impactful solutions that address the needs across different industries.

Read more on Signals+

Catalyst Centre bustling during the Hackathon event
Catalyst Centre bustling during the Hackathon event