
Features and Benefits

  • Easy Evaluation of the MAX14001/MAX14002
  • EV Kit is USB Powered
  • Daisy-Chainable SPI Interface
  • Internal Voltage Reference or External Voltage Reference
  • Half-Wave Input Rectification Filter or Full-Wave Input Rectification Filter
  • Windows XP®, Windows® 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Compatible Software
  • Fully Assembled and Tested
  • Proven PCB Layout
  • RoHS Compliant

Product Details

The MAX14001/14002 evaluation system (EV system) provides the hardware and software necessary to evaluate the MAX14001 and MAX14002 isolated, single-channel, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with programmable voltage comparators and inrush current control optimized for configurable binary input applications. The MAX14001/ MAX14002 EV kit has Pmod™ compatible connectors for SPI communication. The EV system includes the USB2PMB2 adapter board that receives commands from a PC through the USB cable to create an SPI interface for communication between the software and the MAX14001/MAX14002 on the EV kit.

The EV system includes a graphical user interface (GUI) that provides communication between the target device and the PC. The MAX14001/MAX14002 EV kit has two MAX14001/MAX14002 devices (U1 and U2) that can operate in multiple modes, as shown in Figure 1:

  1. Single Channel mode: The USB2PMB2 adapter connects to connector PMOD1 or PMOD2 on the EV kit, depending on which channel is preferred, allowing differently configured analog inputs with signal conditioning circuitry.
  2. Daisy-Chain mode: The USB2PMB2 adapter connects to connector PMOD1, and DOUT from U1 connects to DIN of U2. Both U1 and U2 are controlled from a single SPI interface.
  3. Dual Channel mode: The USB2PMB2 adapter connects to connector PMOD1 and uses two chipselect signals (CS1 and CS2) to control each chip through a single connector/GUI interface.


  • Distribution Automation
  • High-Voltage Binary Input (12V–300V)
  • Industrial Control, Multi-Range, Digital Input Modules with Individually Isolated Inputs
  • Substation Automation

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Tools & Simulations