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Analog Devices offers a solution that combines analog front-end, dual wavelength LEDs, and photodiodes into a small package, greatly simplifying the optical design and reducing the smoke detector footprint. The integration of the photodiode and AFE also provides high ambient light rejection and wide dynamic range to better reduce false alarms.

An integrated optical design greatly simplifies the optical design and offers significant system enhancements.

Our solution uses a Mie scattering approach with closer proximity of the LED to the photodiode. This reduces circuit board size and allows for smaller smoke detectors that are more architecturally compatible for residential and commercial use. It also offers an easier supply chain because the whole solution is manufactured, tested, and verified by us. This significantly reduces the risk to the customer. The Accumold 28800X smoke chamber was developed in partnership with Analog Devices and tuned to the ADPD188BI smoke sensor to offer the complete optical sub-system solution for smoke detectors. We have also developed a smoke detector reference design including UL 217 test data set and an algorithm designed and tested to meet UL requirements, accelerating development cycles, and reducing cost and project risk.


Value and Benefits

Leveraging our deep sensor expertise, we provide integrated solutions to help manufacturers engineer better smoke detectors.

Our integrated design uses two colors to separate particle sizes, increasing the ability to detect and classify smoke types and reject nuisance sources in challenging environments, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Our module is engineered to help manufacturers meet UL217/268 requirements as well as EN54/14604 specifications. The analog front end (AFE) and integrated design result in better power management to extend battery life, allow for sensors, and support wireless product designs. Integrating circuitry and components allows for a smaller, simplified chamber design to improve manufacturing flow efficiency. It also reduces calibration requirements at production test and assembly, which contributes to an overall reduced system cost. On-chip calibration reduces factory end-of-line calibration requirements.

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Increase ability to detect and classify smoke types

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Enable better power management

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Improve manufacturing flow efficiency

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