图1. MAXQ20内核的程序员模型包括16个通用累加器,两个循环计数器和一组数据指针。
图2. 有效累加器通过AP寄存器指定,AP寄存器本身可通过累加器访问指令来修改。
通用寄存器(GR)有助于从16位字中提取单独字节。程序员可以使用GR将字节组装为一个字:低字节加载到GRL (通用寄存器-低字节)内,高字节加载到GRH (通用寄存器-高字节)内,然后可从GR中读取组装完毕的字。反过来,程序员也可以使用GR将一个字分解为两个字节。加载到GR的字可以在GRS (通用寄存器-字节交换)中以字节交换的形式读出。最后,通过读取GRXL (通用寄存器扩展低字节),可以将加载到GRL寄存器的字节扩展为有符号的字。参见图3。
图3. GR寄存器支持字节提取、字节交换以及16位符号扩展功能。
提供两个循环计数器:循环计数器0 (LC[0])与循环计数器1 (LC[1])。这些寄存器可以作为通用寄存器来使用,但主要用作循环计数器,从而在计数器值不为零时执行递减和跳转(DJNZ)操作。
move Ma[b], Mc[d] or move Ma[b], #immediate_value其中,标识符Ma[b]指示寄存器模块a与寄存器子译码b。简而言之:包括ADD、位操作和寻址外部存储器在内的每一条指令,都可编程为两个寄存器之间的传送操作,或将立即数传送至寄存器的形式。
图4. MAXQ20内核中的寄存器划分为两大部分:寄存器组0到5是外设寄存器,不同的MAXQ器件会有所不同;寄存器组7到15是系统寄存器,在所有MAXQ器件中保持相对固定。
图5. MAXQ系统寄存器分配表,包括所有MAXQ20处理器共有的寄存器和用来执行指令集的附加寄存器。
因为每条MAXQ指令实际上都是一个传送操作,每条指令都可划分为三个字段:源(SOURCE)指定数据从何处移出;目标(DESTINATION)指定数据传送到何处;格式位则指明源是一个立即数(FORMAT == 0),还是一个寄存器标示符(FORMAT == 1) (图6)。
图6. 一条MAXQ指令包含三个部分:一个源标识符、一个目的标识符和一个用来指明源标识符是立即操作数还是寄存器操作数的源格式位。
第二个例子可考虑操作码0xBF09。在这条指令中,FORMAT位被置为1,表示源标识符应当被看作是一个寄存器。上文已对模块9的寄存器0进行了分析:即表示累加器A[0]。在目的字段,模块F是数据指针模块,寄存器3 (指令中第12至14位)表示数据指针DP[0]。因此,这条指令将A[0]的内容传送至DP[0]中。
注意,在某些情况下寄存器模块中的个别位置并不一定对应实际的寄存器。或者,它们可以对应一个实际寄存器,但访问这个寄存器时会实现一些附加功能。举例来说,我们将前一个例子稍作修改,采用操作码0xAF09。只是目的寄存器模块中的寄存器子译码发生了变化。这条指令现在并不加载寄存器DP[0],而是使DP[0]递减,并将源数据存储到DP[0]所指向的新存储器位置。也就是说,这条指令执行了一个预先递减指针指向位置的间接存储操作。在MAXQ汇编器中,这可以按照@ DP[0], A[0]的形式进行编程,但也可以简单地编程为M15[2], M9[0]。
表1. 模块8功能
Sub | Function | S/D | Description |
0 | Accumulator Pointer Register | S/D | Designates the active accumulator, i.e., the accumulator that serves as the destination of ALU operations. |
1 | Accumulator Pointer Control Register | S/D | Tells the AP how to behave. For this discussion, it is a general-purpose 8-bit register. |
4 | Program Status Flags Register | S/D | Contains the flags (carry, zero, equal) that a user may wish to monitor in the main program. The register is usually used as a source, but can also serve as a destination. Note that some of the bits are read-only (e.g., the Z flag is the logical NOR of all the bits in the active accumulator). |
5 | Interrupt Control Register | S/D | Manages the interrupt subsystem. |
6 | Interrupt Mask Register | S/D | Typically contains bits that mask interrupts at the module level. |
7 | Comparator Register | DO | Write-only subdecode. Not really a register, since there is no actual memory behind it. When this subdecode is written, the Equal bit is set in the PSF if the source operand matches the contents of the current accumulator; otherwise, the Equal bit is cleared. |
8 | System Control Register | S/D | Contains bits that control aspects of system operation (read/write). |
11 | Interrupt Identification Register | SO | Contains a collection of bits that identify the source of an interrupt. |
14 | Clock Control Register | S/D | Contains bits pertaining to the system clock. In particular, controls the master clock divide ratio, as well as clock source if more than one source is present in the particular microcontroller. |
15 | Watchdog Control Register | S/D | Controls the operation of the watchdog timer. Most MAXQ parts contain a watchdog timer that can reset the processor if it becomes stuck in a program loop. |
表2. 模块10作为源寄存器
Sub | Function | Description |
0 | Active Accumulator | The contents of the active accumulator are moved to the destination and the AP is changed according to the APC. |
1 | Active Accumulator | The contents of the active accumulator are moved to the destination and the AP is unchanged. |
注意,当前版本的宏汇编器并不支持子译码1。这是因为没有助记符或者修饰符表示子译码1。所以,指令move A[1], ACC生成的操作代码永远是0x990A,而绝不会是0x991A (表3)。
表3. 模块10作为目的寄存器
Sub | Function | Description |
0 | MOVE | The source is moved to the accumulator. |
1 | AND | The contents of the source are logically ANDed with the accumulator. |
2 | OR | The contents of the source are logically ORed with the accumulator. |
3 | XOR | The contents of the source are logically exclusive-ORed with the accumulator. |
4 | ADD | The contents of the source are arithmetically added to the accumulator. Overflow out of the MSB sets the carry bit. |
5 | SUB | The contents of the source are arithmetically subtracted from the accumulator. Underflow sets the carry bit. |
6 | ADDC | The contents of the source and the carry bit are added to the accumulator. |
7 | SUBB | The contents of the source and the carry bit are subtracted from the accumulator. |
表4. 模块10既作为源寄存器、又作为目的寄存器
Dest Sub | SRC Sub | Function | Description |
0 | 0 | MOVE | The contents of the accumulator are moved to the accumulator; logically, an NOP. However, the AP register can be changed. |
1 | CPL | The accumulator is complemented bitwise. | |
2 | SLA | The accumulator is shifted left one bit; low-order bit is set to zero. High-order bit is copied to carry. | |
3 | SLA2 | The accumulator is shifted left two bits; low-order two bits are set to zero. Bit 14 is copied to carry. | |
4 | RL | Accumulator is rotated left by one bit, with bit 15 copied to bit 0. Bit 15 is also copied to carry. | |
5 | RLC | Accumulator is rotated left by one bit, with bit 15 copied to carry and carry copied to bit 0. | |
6 | SLA4 | Accumulator is shifted left four bits; low-order four bits are set to zero. Bit 12 is copied to carry. | |
7 | XCHN | The nibbles in each byte of the accumulator are reversed; 0x1234 becomes 0x2143. | |
8 | XCH | The bytes of the accumulator are reversed; 0x1234 becomes 0x3412. | |
9 | NEG | The accumulator is arithmetically negated. | |
10 | SR | The accumulator is shifted right one bit. Bit 15 is loaded with zero. Bit 0 is moved to carry. | |
11 | SRA4 | Accumulator is shifted right four bits; high-order four bits are set to zero. Bit 3 is copied to carry. | |
12 | RR | Accumulator is rotated right by one bit, with bit 0 copied to bit 15. Bit 0 is also copied to carry. | |
13 | RRC | Accumulator is rotated right by one bit, with bit 0 copied to carry and carry copied to bit 15. | |
14 | SRA2 | The accumulator is shifted right two bits; high-order two bits are set to zero. Bit 1 copied to carry. | |
15 | SRA | The accumulator is shifted right one bit; high-order bit is set to zero. Low-order bit copied to carry. | |
1 | Bit | AND C | The carry bit is logically ANDed with the designated bit in the accumulator. |
2 | Bit | OR C | The carry bit is logically ORed with the designated bit in the accumulator. |
3 | Bit | XOR C | The carry bit is logically XORed with the designated bit in the accumulator. |
5 | 0 | C ← 0 | The carry bit is set to zero. |
1 | C ← 1 | The carry bit is set to one. | |
2 | C ← C | The carry bit is complemented. | |
3 | NOP | Guaranteed NOP | |
6 | Bit | C ← ACC | The designated bit in the accumulator is loaded into carry. |
7 | Bit | ACC ← C | Carry is loaded into the designated bit in the accumulator. |
注意,目的子译码5的一个源子译码为指定的NOP指令。在任何情况下,对于既无附加功能又访问空寄存器的操作都会视为NOP操作;MOVE M10[5], M10[3]命令特定用来保证在当前或将来的MAXQ器件中不执行操作。这条指令(0xDA3A)是所有当前汇编程序中的运行代码,用于NOP助记符。
表5. 模块12子译码
Sub | Description |
0 | If source, load the destination from IP. If destination, load IP from the source. |
1 | If source, load the destination from IP. If destination, load IP from source only if ACC == 0. |
2 | If source, load the destination from IP. If destination, load IP from source only if C == 1. |
3 | If source, load the destination from IP. If destination, load IP from source only if the most recent CMP instruction set the EQ flag. |
4 | If source, load the destination from IP. If destination, load IP from source only if the high-order bit of the accumulator is set. |
5 | If source, load the destination from IP. If destination, load IP from source only if ACC == 0. |
6 | If source, load the destination from IP. If destination, load IP from source only if C == 0. |
7 | If source, load the destination from IP. If destination, load IP from source only if the most recent CMP instruction cleared the EQ flag. |
这个模块仅仅支持指令指针寄存器(IP)的简单加载与存储。CALL指令被当作一个可同样加载IP的堆栈指令,而不是作为一个执行压栈的IP指令。因此,CALL指令的传送在堆栈指针模块(模块13)中实现。同样,不存在直接RET指令,它由POP IP所代替。
表6. 模块13子译码
Sub | Function | S/D | Description |
0 | PUSH/POP | S/D | If the destination, increment the stack pointer and store the source operand on the stack. If the source, load the value on the stack to the destination and decrement the stack pointer. |
1 | Stack Pointer | S/D | Points to the most recently used location on the internal dedicated stack. |
2 | Interrupt Vector | S/D | Points to the location in program memory where the interrupt service routine resides. |
3 | CALL | DO | Pushes the current IP to the stack, then loads IP from the source operand. Will cause unpredictable results if used as a source operand. |
4 | DJNZ LC[0] | DO | Decrements LC[0] and loads IP with the source IF LC[0] != 0. Will cause unpredictable results if used as a source operand. |
5 | DJNZ LC[1] | DO | Decrements LC[1] and loads IP with the source IF LC[1] != 0. Will cause unpredictable results if used as a source operand. |
6 | LC[0] | S/D | Data is moved to/from loop counter 0. |
7 | LC[1] | S/D | Data is moved to/from loop counter 1. |
8 | POPI | SO | The value on the stack is copied to the destination, the stack point is decremented, and the IN SERVICE bit is cleared. Primarily used to implement a RETI operation. |
子译码3、4和5用作IP寄存器的代理。将递增后的指令指针压栈之后,子译码3加载指令指针,从而实现一个传统的CALL指令。子译码4和5将指定的循环计数器递减后重新加载到循环计数器,并且如果预先递减的循环计数器不为零,则将源操作数也加载到指令指针中。载入目的子译码的源可以是任意形式,例如,指令DJNZ LC[0], A[1]完全有效,该指令会递减LC[0],当递减结果不为零时跳转至A[1]存储的地址位置。
表7. 模块14子译码
Sub | Function | S/D | Description |
0 | @BP[offs] | S/D | Reads or writes the data memory location pointed to by BP+offs |
1 | @BP[offs++] | S/D | If source, reads the data memory location pointed to by BP+offs and then increments offs. If destination, increments offs and then stores the source data at BP+offs. |
2 | @BP[offs--] | S/D | If source, reads the data memory location pointed to by BP+offs and then decrements offs. If destination, decrements offs and then stores the source data at BP+offs. |
3 | offs | S/D | The 8-bit offset register |
4 | DPC | S/D | The data pointer control register defines which data pointer is the current source pointer and the word/byte status of each data pointer. |
5 | GR | S/D | The 16-bit general register |
6 | GRL | S/D | The low-order byte of the 16-bit general register |
7 | BP | S/D | The 16-bit base memory pointer |
8 | GRS | SO | The byte-swapped version of the GR |
9 | GRH | S/D | The high-order byte of the 16-bit general register |
10 | GRXL | SO | The sign-extended low byte of the GR |
11 | BP[offs] | SO | The sum of the base pointer and the offset |
表8. 模块15子译码
Sub | Function | Description |
0 | @DP[0] | Reads or writes the data memory location pointed to by DP[0]. |
1 | @DP[0]++ | If source, reads the data memory location pointed to by DP[0] and then increments DP[0]. If destination, increments DP[0] and then stores the source data at DP[0]. |
2 | @DP[0]-- | If source, reads the data memory location pointed to by DP[0] and then decrements DP[0]. If destination, decrements DP[0] and then stores the source data at DP[0]. |
3 | DP[0] | Data pointer 0 |
4 | @DP[1] | Reads or writes the data memory location pointed to by DP[1] |
5 | @DP[1]++ | If source, reads the data memory location pointed to by DP[1] and then increments DP[1]. If destination, increments DP[1] and then stores the source data at DP[1]. |
6 | @DP[1]-- | If source, reads the data memory location pointed to by DP[1] and then decrements DP[1]. If destination, decrements DP[1]. and then stores the source data at DP[1]. |
7 | DP[1] | Data pointer 1 |
图7. 模块7的子译码指定了要提取或者替换的位,如果作为源标识符,则表示要加载的立即数位值。
图8. 当前缀寄存器作为目的寄存器时,8位立即数源提供16位立即操作数的高字节;目的子译码则为源操作数和目的操作数提供附加位,以寻址每个模块当中的所有32个寄存器。
图9. 前缀寄存器可提供附加位,以实现16位立即操作数,以及寻址每个模块中所有32个源和目的寄存器。
为了说明这个过程,我们考虑指令move A[0], #010h。这条指令将一个立即数传送到模块9的寄存器0中,因此汇编器会生成如下的操作码:0910。但如果指令是A[10], #0320h的话,汇编器会自动地插入一条前缀指令:2B03 2920。
如果没有前缀指令,操作码2920会被解释为A[2], #020h。而前缀将一位添加到目的标识符,并将一些位添加到立即数中,从而允许处理器向任意寄存器子译码加载任意值,并且永远不会超过两个执行周期。
0000: IRET 0001: jump SERVICE_DEVICE_A 0002: jump SERVICE_DEVICE_B 0003: jump SERVICE_DEVICE_A该例中,设备A具有中断服务优先权。也就是说,如果两个中断请求线同时有效(端口0上位0和位1均有效),先响应设备A。在中断服务程序结束时,只有当设备A中断不再有效时,才能够响应设备B中断。
task_wheel_init: move dp[0], #task_list task_wheel: move dp[0], dp[0] jump @dp[0]++ . . . task_list: dw task_01 dw task_02 dw task_03 dw task_wheel_init在该例子中,DP[0]指向任务列表。在task_wheel程序中,DP[0]被选中用来作为源指针,并接着从任务列表中加载指令指针。每当完成一个任务时,不是执行一个RET,而是简单地跳转至task_wheel程序即可。
TAG | LEN | Data | |||||||||||||
3F | 09 | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | |||||
17 | 0E | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 1A | 1B | 1C | 1D |
35 | 07 | 20 | 21 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
item_seek: move acc, @dp[0]++ ;Get tag jump z, item_not_found ;Tag==0 means end of list cmp a[1] ;A[1] has target tag jump e, item_found ;If item==target, exit move acc, @dp[0]++ ;If no match, get data len add dp[0] ;Add to pointer move dp[0], acc ;Store pointer back jump item_seek ;...and seek next item.该程序8个指令遍历列表,寻找匹配项或标记为零的项,以此来终止列表。采用8MHz MAXQ20内核时,该程序每秒遍历一百万次。
- {{defaultSelectedText}} {{#each projectNames}}
- {{name}} {{/each}} {{#if newProjectText}}