Interfacing to the MAX3108 UART

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This application note, the first in a series exploring the features of the MAX3108 high-performance universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) in detail, explains the basic interface between the MAX3108 and the controlling microprocessor. The application note briefly covers hardware connectivity via 2, 4, or 6 pins; the implementation of 31 registers, which are accessible through a SPI or an I2C interface; and three reset mechanisms. A more detailed explanation of SPI and I2C interfaces and examples of pseudocode follows.


The MAX3108 is a high-performance universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) in a wafer-level package (WLP), ideal for low-power portable devices. Its advanced features range from individual 128-word transmit and receive FIFOs to extensive hardware-mediated flow control. However, before an application can take advantage of these features, it must reliably communicate with the MAX3108 and its 31 internal registers. This application note covers the basics of MAX3108 communication. Software conventions regarding the pseudocode appear in the Appendix.

Hardware Connectivity

Communication between the MAX3108 and the microprocessor (µP) occurs through 2, 4, or 6 pins. Two dedicated pins, %-overbar_pre%IRQ%-overbar_post% and %-overbar_pre%RST%-overbar_post%, typically connect to microprocessor GPIO pins. %-overbar_pre_sentence%IRQ%-overbar_post% is an input pin to the microprocessor. As a dual-function signal, %-overbar_pre%IRQ%-overbar_post% both indicates when a MAX3108 reset has been finished and notifies the microprocessor when certain programmable UART events of note have occurred. %-overbar_pre_sentence%RST%-overbar_post% is an output pin from the microprocessor. It reliably forces a reset of the MAX3108 into a known state. Though it is possible to implement a functional application without using these pins, it is preferable to connect them unless there is a lack of GPIO pins.

The MAX3108 implements 31 registers, each a byte wide and accessible through either a SPI or an I2C interface, which is chosen in the hardware. Because of its much greater bandwidth and simpler implementation, the SPI interface is preferable. Tying the SPI/%-overbar_pre%I2C%-overbar_post% pin high implements a SPI interface. Tying it low implements an I2C interface.

The MAX3108 SPI interface works best when connected directly to the SPI hardware engines commonly available on microprocessors.

Microprocessor SPI Pin MAX3108 Pin
SS Active-low CS/A0

Unlike some other SPI interface implementations, the Slave Select (SS) signal must connect to the MAX3108, even if the MAX3108 is the only device on the SPI bus.

Similarly, the I2C interface works best when connected directly to the I2C hardware engine on the microprocessor.

Microprocessor I2C Pin MAX3108 Pin

Unlike with the SPI interface, the I2C interface relies on each peripheral on the bus having a unique I2C address. To help avoid address clashes, hardware pin strapping options on pins MOSI/A1 and %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 fix the MAX3108 I2C peripheral address to one of 16 possibilities. For more details, see the MAX3108 data sheet.


The MAX3108 has three reset mechanisms, all of which put the MAX3108 in a known state and require a subsequent register set load.

The first reset mechanism is an automatic reset at power-up. For the MAX3108 to come out of this reset, no clock is needed. However, the 1.8V supply must be up and running. Either LDOEN must be tied high, or if LDOEN is tied low, a valid 1.8V supply must be tied to the V18 pin. During reset only, the %-overbar_pre%IRQ%-overbar_post% pin is not an interrupt indicator, but a reset completion indicator. Once the %-overbar_pre%IRQ%-overbar_post% pin goes high, reset is complete. If the MAX3108 is absent or is unpowered, program flow could get stuck indefinitely in the while loop. If this is a concern, add a timer. If %-overbar_pre%IRQ%-overbar_post% has not come up after 300µs, you can assume something is amiss. To avoid writing to registers before the MAX3108 is completely ready, the application must follow the procedure below.

** Wait for the MAX3108 to come out of reset
   // Wait for the IRQ pin to come up, as this
   // indicates that the MAX3108 reset is complete
   while (POLL_MAX3108_IRQ == 0);

The second reset mechanism is a hardware reset via the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%RST%-overbar_post% pin. In this scenario, manually pulse the %-overbar_pre%RST%-overbar_post% pin low, then high. As in automatic reset at power-up, the %-overbar_pre%IRQ%-overbar_post% pin indicates reset completion. As above, to prevent getting indefinitely stuck in the while loop during an absent or unpowered MAX3108, add a timer with a minimum 300µs delay. See below for the pseudocode.

** Perform a hardware reset
   WAIT (1µs);

   // Wait for the IRQ pin to come up, as this
   // indicates that the MAX3108 reset is complete
   while (POLL_MAX3108_IRQ == 0);

The third reset mechanism is a software-controlled reset, which relies on SPI or I2C access to the MAX3108. Like other resets, the MAX3108 registers need to be re-loaded after the reset has been completed. Invoke the reset with the following pseudocode.

** Software reset of the MAX3108
   MAX3108_Write (MAX3108R_MODE2, 0x01);
   MAX3108_Write (MAX3108R_MODE2, 0x00);

Interfacing via SPI

Communication between the MAX3108 and the microprocessor occurs via the %-overbar_pre%RST%-overbar_post% pin, the %-overbar_pre%IRQ%-overbar_post% pin (both mentioned above), and an interface between the application microprocessor and the MAX3108 registers. This register interface can be either a SPI or an I2C interface. Details regarding the SPI option appear here, whereas details about the I2C interface appear in the Interfacing via I2C section.

The SPI interface is a commonly available hardware interface on microprocessors. Another advantage of the SPI interface is its speed. The MAX3108 can support SPI data rates up to 26Mbps, faster than most microprocessor SPI hardware available today.

The MAX3108 SPI interface supports not only single register reads and writes, but also burst reads and writes. These burst transactions increase the efficiency of the register interface, further pushing out the point at which the register interface becomes a bottleneck.

Unlike some other SPI implementations, the SS signal from the SPI master hardware on the microprocessor must connect to the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 pin. Besides its traditional use selecting the SPI bus peripheral, the %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 pin also signals the SPI transaction boundaries to the MAX3108. The falling edge of %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 indicates to the MAX3108 that the next byte on the SPI interface is a MAX3108 register address. The rising edge of %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 signals to the MAX3108 that a SPI transaction (single read, single write, burst read, or burst write) has concluded.

SPI transactions are inherently bidirectional. For each byte written from the microprocessor to the MAX3108, one byte comes back from the MAX3108 to the microprocessor simultaneously. These can often be ignored; register writes ignore the return bytes from the MAX3108. Similarly, register reads return their values while the microprocessor sends dummy bytes to the MAX3108. These dummy bytes do not slow down the interface because they occur simultaneously with valid register read or write data.

Single SPI Write

The pseudocode for a single write transaction is as follows:

** Write one byte to the specified register in the MAX3108
** Arguments: 
** port: MAX3108 register address to write to (0x00 through 0x1e)
** val: the value to write to that register
** return value:  TRUE
BOOL MAX3108_SPI_Write (unsigned int port,
                        unsigned char val) {
   unsigned int dummy;

   // Indicate the start of a transaction

   // Write transaction is indicated by MSbit of the
   // MAX3108 register address byte = 1.  SPI return
   // from the MAX3108 ignored
   dummy = SPI_SEND_BYTE (0x80 | port);

   // Now send the value to write, return value ignored
   dummy = SPI_SEND_BYTE (val);

   // Finally, indicate transaction completion

   return TRUE;

Burst SPI Write

The MAX3108 SPI interface also supports burst writes, which are suitable for quick FIFO fill or for quick register loads. If the register address is zero, then burst writes fill the transmit FIFO. This permits quick FIFO fills without the overhead of toggling the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 line or sending a register address for each FIFO byte written.

For any other MAX3108 register address, the register address automatically increments for each succeeding byte of the burst, thereby permitting quick register fills.

The pseudocode for a burst write transaction is as follows:

** Write a burst of bytes to the MAX3108
** Arguments:
** port: MAX3108 register address to write to
** len: number of bytes to send to MAX3108 registers
** ptr: pointer to the bytes to send
** return value:  TRUE
BOOL MAX3108_SPI_Puts (unsigned int port,
                       unsigned int len,
                       unsigned char *ptr) {

   unsigned int dummy;

   // Indicate the start of a transaction

   // Write transaction indicated by MSbit of the
   // MAX3108 register address byte = 1.  SPI return
   // from the MAX3108 ignored
   dummy = SPI_SEND_BYTE (0x80 | port);

   // Covers the case where len==0
   while (len--) {
      dummy = SPI_SEND_BYTE (*ptr++);  // return value ignored

   // Indicate transaction completion

   return TRUE;

Note that for burst write transactions, the first byte is the MAX3108 register address and all subsequent bytes are register value writes. The final register write is indicated by the %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 pin going high.

SPI hardware engines (usually DMA-based) also control the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 pin, usually via a pin labeled SS. SPI transactions end with %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 going high. When %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 goes low, this indicates the start of the next SPI transaction. The minimum time that %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 must remain high is 100ns.This time ensures that the MAX3108 recognizes that the transaction has been completed.

Single SPI Read

Reading a register byte via SPI involves sending the register address, followed by a dummy byte. The SPI feedback from the dummy byte is the value of the MAX3108 register selected.

The pseudocode for a single read is as follows:

** Read one byte from the specified register in the MAX3108
** Arguments: 
** port: MAX3108 register address to read from
** return value:  the register value
unsigned int MAX3108_SPI_Read (unsigned int port) {
   unsigned int dummy;
   unsigned int val;

   // Indicate the start of a transaction

   // Read transaction indicated by MSbit of the
   // address byte = 0.  SPI return from the MAX3108
   // ignored
   dummy = SPI_SEND_BYTE (port & 0x7f);

   // Now send a dummy byte to collect the 
   // register value
   val = SPI_SEND_BYTE (0x00);

   // Finally, indicate transaction completion

   return val;

Burst SPI Read

The MAX3108 SPI interface also supports burst reads, which are suitable for quick FIFO emptying or for quick register scans. If the register address is zero, then burst reads empty the receive FIFO. This permits quick FIFO dumps without the overhead of toggling the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 line or sending a register address for each FIFO byte read.

For any other MAX3108 register address, the register address automatically increments for each succeeding byte of the burst, thereby permitting quick register scans.

The pseudocode for a burst read transaction is as follows:

** Read a burst of bytes from the MAX3108
** Arguments:
** port: MAX3108 register address to read from
** len: number of bytes to get from MAX3108 registers
** ptr: pointer to where to place the bytes
** return value:  TRUE
BOOL MAX3108_SPI_Gets (unsigned int port,
                       unsigned int len,
                       unsigned char *ptr) {

   unsigned int dummy;

   // Indicate the start of a transaction

   // Read transaction indicated by MSbit of the
   // address byte = 0.  SPI return from the MAX3108
   // ignored
   dummy = SPI_SEND_BYTE (port & 0x7f);

   // Covers the case where len==0
   while (len--) {
      *ptr++ = SPI_SEND_BYTE (0x00);

   // Indicate transaction completion

   return TRUE;

Note that for burst read transactions, the first byte is the MAX3108 register address and all subsequent bytes are dummies whose returns are the register values. The final register read is indicated by the %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 pin going high.

Interfacing via I2C

Communication between the MAX3108 registers and the microprocessor can also occur via an I2C interface.

The I2C interface is a common hardware-assisted interface on microprocessors. Another advantage of the I2C interface is that it only uses two pins. Instead of individual chip selects for each peripheral (as in the case of a SPI interface), an I2C interface relies on each peripheral having a unique I2C address. To avoid possible clashes with other I2C peripherals on the same I2C bus, the MAX3108 can be pin-programmed to one of 16 unique I2C peripheral addresses via pin strapping of the MOSI/A1 and the %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 pins. In the pseudocode that follows, the preprocessor variable MAX3108_I2C_PERIPHERAL_ADDRESS is assumed to be defined with an appropriate I2C register write address, which is unique from that of any other I2C peripherals on the same bus.

The MAX3108 supports not only standard mode (100kbps) and fast mode (400kbps) I2C, but also fast mode plus (1Mbps) I2C.

The MAX3108 I2C interface supports not only single register reads and writes, but also burst reads and writes. These burst transactions increase the efficiency of the register interface, further pushing out the point at which the register interface becomes a bottleneck.

Single I2C Write

The pseudocode for a single write transaction is as follows:

** Write one byte to the specified register in the MAX3108
** Arguments: 
** port: MAX3108 register address to write to
** val: the value to write to that register
** return value:  TRUE – register successfully written
**                FALSE – I2C protocol error of some kind
BOOL MAX3108_I2C_Write (unsigned int port,
                        unsigned char val) {
   // Indicate the start of a transaction and send the
   // MAX3108 write peripheral address (LSbit = 0)

   // Is anybody out there?
   if (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      I2C_SET_STOP_CONDITION;  // no – close out the
      return FALSE;            //  transaction

   // The MAX3108 is out there, now send the MAX3108
   // register to write
   I2C_SEND_BYTE (port);

   // Possibly illegal MAX3108 register address?
   If (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      return FALSE;

   // Now send the byte to write
   I2C_SEND_BYTE (val);

   // Did the MAX3108 get confused?
   If (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      return FALSE;

   // The MAX3108 is OK with our write, make it so
   return TRUE;

Burst I2C Write

The MAX3108 I2C interface also supports burst writes, which are suitable for quick FIFO fill or for quick register loads. If the register address is zero, then burst writes fill the transmit FIFO. This permits quick FIFO fills without the I2C preamble overhead for each FIFO byte written.

For any other MAX3108 register address, the register address automatically increments for each succeeding byte of the burst, thereby permitting quick register fills.

The pseudocode for a burst write transaction is as follows:

** Write a burst of bytes to the MAX3108
** Arguments:
** port: MAX3108 register address to write to
** len: number of bytes to send to MAX3108 registers
** ptr: pointer to the bytes to send
** return value:  TRUE – register successfully written
**                FALSE – I2C protocol error of some kind

BOOL MAX3108_I2C_Puts (unsigned int port,
                       unsigned int len,
                       unsigned char *ptr) {

   // Indicate the start of a transaction and send the
   // MAX3108 write peripheral address (LSbit = 0)

   // Is anybody out there?
   if (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      I2C_SET_STOP_CONDITION;  // no – close out the
      return FALSE;            //  transaction

   // The MAX3108 is out there, now send the MAX3108
   // register address
   I2C_SEND_BYTE (port);

   // Possibly illegal MAX3108 register address?
   If (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      return FALSE;

   while (len--) {
      // Now send the byte to write
      I2C_SEND_BYTE (*ptr++);

      // Did the MAX3108 get confused?
      if (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
         return FALSE;

   // The MAX3108 is OK with our write, make it so
   return TRUE;

Note that for burst write transactions, the first byte is the MAX3108 I2C peripheral address, the second byte is the MAX3108 register address, and all subsequent bytes are register values to write. The final register write is indicated by the STOP condition.

Single I2C Read

Reading a register byte via I2C involves sending the MAX3108 read register address, followed by an I2C RESTART condition to turn the I2C bus around from a write (to the MAX3108 to specify the MAX3108 register) to a read (to get the register value).

The pseudocode for a single read is as follows:

** Read one byte from the specified register in the MAX3108
** Arguments: 
** port: MAX3108 register address to read from
** return value:  the register value (0x00XX)
**                0xff00 is there was some error
unsigned int MAX3108_I2C_Read (unsigned int port) {

   unsigned int val;

   // Indicate the start of a transaction and send the
   // MAX3108 write peripheral address (LSbit = 0)

   // Is anybody out there?
   if (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      I2C_SET_STOP_CONDITION;  // no – close out the
      return 0xff00;           //  transaction

   // The MAX3108 is out there, now send the MAX3108
   // register address
   I2C_SEND_BYTE (port);

   // Possibly illegal MAX3108 register address?
   If (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      return 0xff00;

   // Now turn the I2C bus around by sending the MAX3108
   // I2C peripheral read address (LSbit = 1)

   if (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      return 0xff00;

   // Now get the register value
   val = I2C_RECEIVE_BYTE;

   return (val);

Burst I2C Read

The MAX3108 I2C interface also supports burst reads, which are suitable for quick FIFO emptying or for quick register scans. If the register address is zero, then burst reads empty the receive FIFO. This permits quick FIFO dumps without the overhead associated with the I2C preamble for each FIFO byte read.

For any other MAX3108 register address, the register address automatically increments for each succeeding byte of the burst, thereby permitting quick register scans.

The pseudo code for a burst read transaction is as follows:

** Read a burst of bytes from the MAX3108
** Arguments:
** port: MAX3108 register address to read from
** len: number of bytes to get from MAX3108 registers
** ptr: pointer to where to place the bytes
** return value:  TRUE – if all read
**                FALSE – if there was any error
BOOL MAX3108_I2C_Gets (unsigned int port,
                       unsigned int len,
                       unsigned char *ptr) {

   // Indicate the start of a transaction and send the
   // MAX3108 write peripheral address (LSbit = 0)

   // Is anybody out there?
   if (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      I2C_SET_STOP_CONDITION;  // no – close out the
      return FALSE;           //  transaction

   // The MAX3108 is out there, now send the MAX3108
   // register address
   I2C_SEND_BYTE (port);

   // Possibly illegal MAX3108 register address?
   If (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      return FALSE;

   // Now turn the I2C bus around by sending the MAX3108
   // I2C peripheral read address (LSbit = 1)

   if (!I2C_TEST_ACK) {
      return FALSE;

   // Now get the register values
   while (len--) {
      *ptr++ = I2C_RECEIVE_BYTE;
      if (len)
         I2C_SEND_ACK;     // all but last read
         I2C_SEND_NACK;    // last read only
   return TRUE;

Note that for burst read transactions, the first byte is the MAX3108 I2C peripheral write address, the second byte is the MAX3108 register address, the third byte is the MAX3108 I2C peripheral read address, and all subsequent bytes are register values read. The microprocessor responds to each byte read with an ACK condition as more registers are to be read. A NACK condition indicates the final register read from the MAX3108.


Following the coding guidelines provided in this application note, one can quickly get an interface between the microprocessor and the MAX3108 up and running.

Much of the translation of the pseudocode routines in this application note will be microprocessor specific. Except for interrupt handlers, other code-specific application notes in this series, which explore the features of the MAX3108 in detail, will need little translation to a specific target microprocessor. They will rely on the read, write, gets, and puts primitives described in this application note to encapsulate microprocessor-specific issues.


This appendix contains the definitions necessary to understand the pseudocode in this application note as well as others in this series, which explore the features of the MAX3108 in detail.

Definitions Relating to Pin I/O

POLL_MAX3108_IRQ: This pseudocode returns the digital state of the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%IRQ%-overbar_post% pin. This pin requires an external pullup to work properly.

SET_MAX3108_CS_PIN_HIGH: This pseudocode drives the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 pin high.

SET_MAX3108_CS_PIN_LOW: This pseudocode drives the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%CS%-overbar_post%/A0 pin low.

SET_MAX3108_RESET_PIN_HIGH: This pseudocode drives the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%RST%-overbar_post% pin high.

SET_MAX3108_RESET_PIN_LOW: This pseudocode drives the MAX3108 %-overbar_pre%RST%-overbar_post% pin low.

WAIT: This pseudocode delays execution of the following instruction, at a minimum, by the specified time.

Definitions Relating to the I2C Interface

I2C_SEND_BYTE: This pseudocode sends one byte to the MAX3108 via the I2C bus.

I2C_SET_RESTART_CONDITION: This pseudocode puts a RESTART condition on the I2C bus.

I2C_SET_START_CONDITION: This pseudocode puts a START condition on the I2C bus.

I2C_SET_STOP_CONDITION: This pseudocode puts a STOP condition on the I2C bus.

I2C_TEST_ACK: This pseudocode returns TRUE if the MAX3108 responded to a byte written with an ACK and returns FALS if the MAX3108 responded to a byte written with a NACK.

SPI_SEND_BYTE: One byte is sent to the MAX3108 via the SPI interface, and the byte simultaneously returned by the MAX3108 is captured.

Definitions Related to the Register Interface

MAX3108_Gets: This routine is either MAX3108_I2C_Gets or MAX3108_SPI_Gets, depending on which interface is implemented in the application.

MAX3108_Puts: This routine is either MAX3108_I2C_Puts or MAX3108_SPI_Puts, depending on which interface is implemented in the application.

MAX3108_Read: This routine is either MAX3108_I2C_Read or MAX3108_SPI_Read, depending on which interface is implemented in the application.

MAX3108_Write: This routine is either MAX3108_I2C_Write or MAX3108_SPI_Write, depending on which interface is implemented in the application.

MAX3108_I2C_Gets: This routine, described in this application note, burst reads from the MAX3108 receive FIFO or other MAX3108 registers via the I2C interface.

MAX3108_I2C_Puts: This routine, described in this application note, burst writes to the MAX3108 transmit FIFO or other MAX3108 registers via the I2C interface.

MAX3108_I2C_Read: This routine, described in this application note, reads the value of one of the MAX3108 registers via the I2C interface.

MAX3108_I2C_Write: This routine, described in this application note, writes a value to one of the MAX3108 registers via the I2C interface.

MAX3108_SPI_Gets: This routine, described in this application note, burst reads from the MAX3108 receive FIFO or other MAX3108 registers via the SPI interface.

MAX3108_SPI_Puts: This routine, described in this application note, burst writes to the MAX3108 transmit FIFO or other MAX3108 registers via the SPI interface.

MAX3108_SPI_Read: This routine, described in this application note, reads the value of one of the MAX3108 registers via the SPI interface.

MAX3108_SPI_Write: This routine, described in this application note, writes a value to one of the MAX3108 registers via the SPI interface.

MAX3108 Register Defines

// MAX3108 Register map defines
#define MAX3108R_RHR          (0x00)
#define MAX3108R_THR          (0x00)
#define MAX3108R_IRQEN        (0x01)
#define MAX3108R_ISR          (0x02)
#define MAX3108R_LSRINTEN     (0x03)
#define MAX3108R_LSR          (0x04)
#define MAX3108R_SPCLCHRINTEN (0x05)
#define MAX3108R_SPCLCHARINT  (0x06)
#define MAX3108R_STSINTEN     (0x07)
#define MAX3108R_STSINT       (0x08)
#define MAX3108R_MODE1        (0x09)
#define MAX3108R_MODE2        (0x0a)
#define MAX3108R_LCR          (0x0b)
#define MAX3108R_RXTIMEOUT    (0x0c)
#define MAX3108R_HDPLXDELAY   (0x0d)
#define MAX3108R_IRDA         (0x0e)
#define MAX3108R_FLOWLVL      (0x0f)
#define MAX3108R_FIFOTRGLVL   (0x10)
#define MAX3108R_TXFIFOLVL    (0x11)
#define MAX3108R_RXFIFOLVL    (0x12)
#define MAX3108R_FLOWCTRL     (0x13)
#define MAX3108R_XON1         (0x14)
#define MAX3108R_XON2         (0x15)
#define MAX3108R_XOFF1        (0x16)
#define MAX3108R_XOFF2        (0x17)
#define MAX3108R_GPIOCONFG    (0x18)
#define MAX3108R_GPIODATA     (0x19)
#define MAX3108R_PLLCONFIG    (0x1a)
#define MAX3108R_BRGCONFIG    (0x1b)
#define MAX3108R_DIVLSB       (0x1c)
#define MAX3108R_DIVMSB       (0x1d)
#define MAX3108R_CLKSOURCE    (0x1e)



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