按照设计,DS31256上电以后不会控制PCI总线。所有的物理端口(端口0至15)发送全1 (非HDLC空闲码),因此在上电之后DS31256处于空闲状态。另一方面,DS31256可以初始化基于RAM的存储器,包括直接和间接的,用于存储内部状态机的状态。DS31256有许多非常复杂的状态机和相互作用的功能模块,因此上电之后,在发送和接收任何数据包之前,所有的这些内部寄存器/RAM必须初始化到一个已知状态。建议使用者在发送数据包之前按照表1的步骤进行初始化。
Initialization Step |
Comments |
System reset can be invoked by either hardware action via the PRST-bar signal or software action via the RST control bit in the Master Reset and ID register; all the internal device configuration registers are set to zero (0000h). |
2. |
Configure Local Bus Bridge Mode Control register (LBBMC), if DS31256 is used in bridge mode. |
Please note that these registers are not affected by a software-invoked system reset. It will be forced to all zeros only by hardware reset. |
3. |
Initialize the PCI configuration registers. |
Achieved by asserting the PIDSEL signal. |
4. |
Master software reset. |
Master software reset in MRID register. |
5. |
Initialize all indirect registers to zero. |
It is recommended that all the indirect registers be set to 0000h. See Table 2 for a list of all indirect registers. |
6. |
Master software reset. |
Master software reset in MRID register. |
7. |
Configure the device for operation. |
Program all the necessary registers, which includes the Layer One, HDLC, FIFO, and DMA registers, but except: |
1. |
Ports are disabled; keep layer-one ports off by leaving the TFDA1 bits to 0 (default state) in TP[n]CR register. |
2. |
HDLC channels are disabled. |
3. |
DMA and DMA channels are disabled. |
4. |
In high-speed unchannelized mode, set it to low-speed unchannelized mode in the RP[n]CR register and enable it to high-speed unchannelized mode in Step 12 (see below). |
8. |
Enable the HDLC channels. |
Done via the RCHEN and TCHEN bits in the R[n]CFG[j] and T[n]CFG[j] registers. |
9. |
Load the DMA descriptors. |
Indicate to the DMA where packet data can be written and where pending data (if any) resides. |
Done via the RDE and TDE control bits in the Master Configuration (MC) register. |
11. |
Enable DMA for each HDLC channel. |
Done via the channel-enable bit in the receive and transmit configuration RAM. |
12. |
Turns on HDLC channels. |
Enable and allow ports to transmit normally, set TFDA1 bits to 1 in TP[n]CR registers. Note: For high-speed unchannelized mode only, enable high-speed unchannelized in RP[n]CR register. |
13. |
Wait enough time for all configurations to take effect. |
It is going to take a minimum of 500µs or 768 RC and TC clock cycles (which ever is longer) before packet data can be processed. |
Offset/Address |
Register Name |
Number of Indirect Registers |
Data Sheet Section |
0x3xx |
Channelized Port Data Indirect Select (CP0RDIS to CP15RDIS) |
6144 (16 Ports x 128 DS0 Channels x 3 Registers for each DS0 Channel) |
6.3 |
0x400 |
Receive HDLC Channel Definition Indirect Select (RHCDIS) |
256 (one for each HDLC Channel) |
7.2 |
0x480 |
Transmit HDLC Channel Definition Indirect Select (THCDIS) |
256 (one for each HDLC Channel) |
7.2 |
0x770 |
Receive DMA Configuration Indirect Select (RDMACIS) |
1536 (one for each HDLC Channel) |
9.3.5 |
0x870 |
Transmit DMA Configuration Indirect Select (TDMACIS) |
3072 (one for each HDLC Channel) |
9.3.5 |
0x900 |
Receive FIFO Staring Block Pointer Indirect Select (RFSBPIS) |
256 (one for each HDLC Channel) |
8.2 |
0x910 |
Receive FIFO Block Pointer Indirect Select (RFBPIS) |
1024 (one for each FIFO Block) |
8.2 |
0x920 |
Receive FIFO High Watermark Indirect Select (RFHWMIS) |
256 (one for each HDLC Channel) |
8.2 |
0x980 |
Transmit FIFO Staring Block Pointer (TFSBPIS) |
256 (one for each HDLC Channel) |
8.2 |
0x990 |
Transmit FIFO Block Pointer Indirect Select (TFBPIS) |
1024 (one for each FIFO Block) |
8.2 |
0x9A0 |
Transmit FIFO Low Watermark Indirect Select (TFLWMIS) |
256 (one for each HDLC Channel) |
8.2 |