Buck DC/DC Controller Achieves High Efficiency over Four Decades of Load Current



The impressive efficiency of a buck DC/DC regulator at the upper end of the load current range often overshadows its low- or no-load current performance. Efficiency numbers at the lower end of the load spectrum can be misleading. Zero load current means zero power out and therefore zero efficiency, but if the output voltage must remain in regulation even at no load, then the no-load quiescent current—not efficiency—of the regulator is the important limiting factor in battery life. Burst Mode operation makes it possible for the LTC3801 buck DC/DC controller to achieve high efficiency over a wide range of load currents (greater than 10,000: 1), and yet it consumes only 16µA of input DC supply current under no-load conditions.

The LTC3801 includes many of the features expected in a high-performance switcher: high efficiency (up to 94%), wide VIN range (2.4V to 9.8V), high constant frequency operation (550kHz), and current mode control for excellent AC and DC line and load regulation. The LTC3801 provides ±1.5% output voltage accuracy. It consumes only 195µA of quiescent current in normal operation (dropping to 16µA under no-load conditions) and only 6µA in shutdown. The device incorporates a fixed internal soft start to limit in-rush currents. The LTC3801 is offered in a tiny low-profile (1mm) SOT-23 package.

2.5V/2A High Efficiency Micropower Step-Down DC-DC Regulator

Figure 1 shows the LTC3801 regulating a 2.5V/2A output. Figure 2 shows the efficiency of this circuit at various input voltages. Efficiencies up to 93% are achieved at higher currents while still maintaining good efficiency at lighter currents. Even at a load current of only 200µA, a full four decades below the maximum load current of 2A, the LTC3801’s efficiency beats an “ideal” linear regulator with the same input voltage.

Figure 1. Compact 2.5V, 2A buck regulator

Figure 2. The regulator shown in Figure 1 achieves high efficiency over four decades of load current—an important feature for conserving batteries in portable applications.

Powered from a Li-Ion battery, the circuit of Figure 1 sips a mere 17.5µA of input current at 4.2V. This is significantly less than the self-discharge rate of a typical Li-Ion battery of standard capacity. This feature allows for continuous operation from a Li-Ion battery without the need to shut down and start up (as load conditions change) to save battery life. This is critical in handheld applications where the device may be idle, but not off, for much of the time, and calls for several amps when active.


Mark Vitunic
Mark Vitunic是ADI公司Power by Linear™部门的设计经理。他于2017年正式加入ADI公司(随ADI收购凌力尔特公司加入),之前他已在凌力尔特公司工作了19年。Mark负责管理美国马萨诸塞州北切姆斯福德和德国慕尼黑的众多项目开发工作,专注于无线功率传输、超低功耗IC、能量收集、主动电池平衡和多通道DC-DC稳压器开发。Mark拥有卡内基梅隆大学电气工程学士学位和加州大学伯克利分校电气工程硕士学位。
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