Symbols, Footprints & 3D Models
Analog Devices has partnered with Ultra Librarian to offer vendor neutral Symbols, Footprints and 3D Models compatible with most of today’s CAD systems. You may either download the BXL file and convert to the format of your choice using the Ultralibrarian Reader software OR simply click a link under “ECAD Models” to download directly in your preferred format.
未搜索到相应的结果 ADRV9361
Symbols For ADRV9361
- 提供的器件
- ECAD模型
Ultra Librarian Reader
Ultra Librarian Reader工具可将BXL文件转换为Ultra Librarian当前支持的22种CAD文件格式中的任意格式。
产品型号: ADRV9361