Video Training Series - Considerations When Designing an Input Driver for a SAR ADC
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Driving SAR ADCs Part 1: Analog Input Model
Introduction to SAR (Successive Approximation Register) ADC analog input model, kickback, and RC filter.
Try the Precision ADC Driver Tool
Driving SAR ADCs Part 1: Analog Input Model
Driving SAR ADCs Part 2: Kickback Calculations
Driving SAR ADCs Part 3: Designing the RC Filter
Driving SAR ADCs Part 4: Simulating Analog Input Model in LTspice
Driving SAR ADCs Part 5: Precision ADC Driver Tool
Driving SAR ADCs Part 6: Driver Ringing and Instability
Driving SAR ADCs Part 7: Distortion caused by large Rfilt
Driving SAR ADCs Part 8: SAR ADCs with Reduced Kickback