

  • TMC4671-LA Hardware Servo Controller
  • TMC6100-LA Hardware Gate Driver + MOSFETs
  • Supply and I/O voltage 3.3V and 5V
  • Motor supply voltage input (8 to 50V)
  • Motor phase current up to 10A peak (Please consider proper soldering)
  • Communication and configuration via SPI
  • Real-time Monitoring Interface for live debugging and tuning using ADI Trinamic’s RTMI adapter
  • Additional Step/Direction Interface from a motion controller
  • Encoder- and Hall-Feedback, analog hall via solder pads
  • Driver Fault and Status indicator LEDs
  • Board width 2", board height 1.5"
  • 2x15 pin 0.1" header rows for pins/connectors, distance of rows 1.9"
  • 10A RMS, 50V


The TMC4671+TMC6100 breakout board is a development board with the dedicated TMC4671 and TMC6100 chip. It is designed to give users the chance to rapidly prototype their applications - making it possible to immediately check how the motor performs with TMC chips while developing the application's software.

Please find a dedicated firmware in the download section below, when using TMC4671+TMC6100-BOB with Landungsbruecke interface board.



Use a DRV_STRENGTH setting of 0 = (“weak”) in the DRV_CONF register of TMC6100 for proper operation

Use a BBM_TIME setting of 400ns in the TMC4671 for proper operation