

  • AD9083 的全功能评估板
  • 使用 ACE 软件进行控制的 PC 软件
  • AD9528 的板载时钟用于管理套件和 FPGA 时钟
  • 选择切换到外部直接时钟






API Device Drivers


JESD204x Frame Mapping Table Generator
The JESD204x Frame Mapping Table Generator tool consists of two Windows executables that will allow the user to input any valid combination of JESD204x parameters (L, M, F, S, NP) in order to output a .csv file that illustrates the frame mapping of the JESD204x mode in table format. There is an executable that allows the user to input a single JESD204x mode and another, that allows the user to input the parameters for multiple JESD204x modes in a specified .csv format in order to output a .csv file that illustrates the frame mapping of each of the JESD204x modes that were input into separate tables.


ADC Companion Transport Layer RTL Code Generator Tool (Rev. 1.0)
This command line executable tool generates a Verilog module which implements the JESD204 receive transport layer. The user specifies in a configuration file one or more modes to be supported by the transport layer module. These modes are defined as a set of JESD204 parameter values: L, M, F, S, N', and CF. The transport layer converts JESD204 lane data output from a JESD204 link layer IP to a data bus with a fixed width, containing interleaved virtual converter samples. Both JESD204B and JESD204C link layers are supported.


26 MB
ACE plug-in for Board.AD9083 1.2021.29300 [8月 16 21]
Plugin to evaluate the AD9083EBZ evaluation board for the AD9083 high-speed ADC.
157 MB
ACE Installer Software 1.30.3323.1470 [1月 10 25]
Analysis | Control | Evaluation (ACE) Software. Requires internet access. Run this executable to install ACE onto your computer. Required before installing the plug-in(s) above. Once ACE is installed, double-click on the plug-in package to install the plug-in.

硬件 (2)
