EVAL-AD7960FMCZ是一款全功能评估套件,用于演示低功耗、18位、5 MSPS PulSAR®差分ADC AD7960的性能。该评估板可与EVAL-SDP-CH1Z系统演示平台(SDP)板配合使用。用户通过随附的评估软件可以对AD7960的性能执行详尽分析。该技术用户指南详细介绍评估板和软件与系统演示平台板配合使用时的操作和设置。
The EVAL-SDP-CH1Z is the required controller board for this evaluation system. If you have previously purchased an SDP-H1, you will not need to purchase another SDP-H1 controller board. Evaluation boards requiring the SDP-H1 board will not work with the SDP-B or SDP-S controller board. Visit the System Demonstration Platform page for more information.
- Windows XP SP2, 32 bits
- Windows Vista, 32 and 64 bits
- Windows 7, 32 and 64 bit
- USB 2.0 Port
UG-490: Evaluating the AD7960 18-Bit, 5 MSPS PulSAR Differential ADC2013/8/6PDF2483 kB
AD7960 Schematic, Rev. A2013/7/30PDF
AD7960 Gerber Files, Rev. A2013/7/30ZIP
AD7960 Bill of Materials, Rev. A2013/7/30XLS
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