

EVAL-AD7176-2SDZ是用于AD7176-2的全功能评估套件。该评估板能够以独立模式工作,或者与EVAL-SDP-CB1Z系统开发平台配合使用。 与系统开发平台配合使用时,用户通过随附的软件可以对ADC的性能执行详尽分析。 此软件包含技术笔记,其中说明评估板以独立模式工作或者与系统开发平台配合使用时的工作和设置情况。 在独立模式下工作时,建议使用ADZS-BRKOUT-EX3分线板连接各种控制引脚。

SDP控制器板在以下订购指南中单独列出(EVAL-SDP-CB1Z)。 如果以前未购买过SDP控制器板,请购买该产品以确保获得完整的评估设置。


  • Windows XP SP2,32 位
  • Windows Vista,32 和 64 位
  • Windows 7,32 和 64 位
  • USB 2.0 端口



285.72 M
AD717x Eval+ Software (Rev. V3.3.2.3)
Eval+ is single piece of software to aid in product selection, evaluation and debug of the AD717x. Eval+ enables customers to understand all performance trade-offs that a user or application should care about in an easy to use and understand way even without hardware. Eval+ does this by integrating a functional model of the AD717x. Customers don’t need to read pages of register information to understand and program the device as the interactive block diagram simplifies configuration and the integrated documentation pane contains all the same register information as that found in the data sheet. The Eval+ modelling functionality includes waveform and histogram plots with noise performance results, filter frequency response plots and information about the filter latency and delay. It also includes power consumption figures for the selected mode and timing information to show the impact of multiplexing channels on the AD717x.


1.5 MB
ACE plug-in for Board.AD717X 1.2023.47300 [6月 07 24]
The AD717X ACE plugin includes AD7172-2, AD7172-4, AD7173-8, AD7175-2, AD7175-8, AD7176-2 and AD7177-2.The AD717X family consists of 24-/32-bit, 4-/8-/16-channel, 10/31.25/250 kSPS Σ-Δ ADCs. AD7175-2 and AD7176-2 come with 20 µs settling and the AD7177-2 comes with 100 µs settling. All ADCs, except AD7173-8 and AD7176-2, also come with true rail-to-rail buffers.
157 MB
ACE Installer Software 1.30.3323.1470 [1月 10 25]
Analysis | Control | Evaluation (ACE) Software. Requires internet access. Run this executable to install ACE onto your computer. Required before installing the plug-in(s) above. Once ACE is installed, double-click on the plug-in package to install the plug-in.

硬件 (4)

