DC2279A is a linear regulator evaluation board featuring the LT3088EDD, which is a 36VIN, 800mA, rugged single resistor programmable linear regulator.
This LT3088 requires a single resistor to program output the voltage to any level between 0V and 34.5V if the load current is larger than 2mA. The demo circuit is configured for output voltages of 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V and 5V, and operates over an input voltage range of 1.6V to 36V. A key feature of the LT3088 is its extended safe operation area (SOA). The IC also features paralleled capability for higher output current or heat spreading.
DC2279A - Schematic2015/7/13PDF29K
DC2279A - Demo Manual2015/7/13PDF621K
DC2279A - Design Files2015/7/13ZIP2M