Demonstration circuit DC1043A-A features the LTM4601EV and LTM4601-1EV, the high efficiency, high density switch mode step-down power modules. The input voltage range is from 5.0V to 20V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 3.3V; refer to step down ratio curve in the LTM4601 datasheet. The rated load current is 20A, while de-rating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. 24A load current can be achieved by applying forced airflow convection or attaching heatsinks. Master module U1 provides differential remote sensing to accurately regulate output voltage independent of load current. Integrated input and output filters enable a simple PCB layout. Only bulk input and output capacitors are needed externally. The DC1043A-A has on-board 180 degree interleaving clock generator.
DC1043A - Schematic2009/9/24PDF101K
DC1043A - Demo Manual2009/9/24PDF1M
DC1043A - Design File2009/9/24ZIP1M