Design Note 38: Applications for a New Micropower, Low Charge Injection Analog Switch

With greater accuracy for both charge and voltage switching, the LTC201A is a superior replacement for the industry standard DG201A. In addition, the micropower LTC201A operates from a single 5V supply, and has lower on-resistance and faster switching speed. These improvements are critical to the operation of the following three circuits.

Micropower V-F Converter

Figure 1 shows a 100Hz to 1MHz voltage-to-frequency converter. This V-to-F operates from a single supply and draws only 90μA quiescent current, rising to 360μA at 1MHz. Linearity is 0.02% over a 100Hz to 1MHz range.

The circuit consists of an oscillator, a servo amplifier and a charge pump. The oscillator’s divided down output is expressed as current (charge per time) by the LTC201A-500pF combination. The input voltage is converted to current by the 220k trimmer pair. The amplifier controls the oscillator frequency to force the net value of the current into A1’s summing point to zero.

The 1.5MΩ resistor between VIN and the reference buffer amplifier sums a small input related voltage to the reference, improving linearity. The 0.022μF capacitor prevents excessive negative transitions at LTC201A D1-D2 pins. The series diodes in the oscillator divider supply the lower supply voltage, decreasing current consumption. The 10MΩ resistor at Q8’s collector dominates node leakages ensuring low frequency operation by forcing Q8 to always source current.

Precision Voltage Doubler

The precision micropower voltage doubler of Figure 2 has an input voltage range of 4.5V to 15V. The low supply current of the LTC201A allows it to be powered directly from the input voltage. Total no load supply current of the circuit ranges from 20μA at VIN = 4.5V to 130μA at VIN = 15V. Output impedance is only 1.2kΩ at VIN = 4.5V and reduced to 600Ω at VIN = 15V. The accuracy of this circuit is better than 0.2% over the 4.5V to 15V input range.

The MC14093 is used to form an oscillator with complementary non-overlapping outputs. R1 and C1 determine the frequency of oscillation (roughly 1.2kHz at VIN = 4.5V). The oscillator outputs drive two sets of switches in the LTC201A and ensure that one pair of switches shuts off before the other set turns on. CIN is alternately charged to VIN and then stacked on top of VIN to charge COUT. R2 reduces the supply voltage to the MC14093 which keeps current drain low. The diode ensures latch-free power-up for any input rise time condition.

Quad 12-Bit Sample and Hold

Figure 3’s sample and hold uses the low charge injection of the LTC201A combined with the low offset voltage of the LT1014 to produce a sample to hold offset of only 0.6mV. This makes it accurate enough for 12-bit applications. Acquisition time to 0.6mV is 20μs. Aperture time is 300ns (the off time of the LTC201A). Droop rate is 2mV/ms and is limited by the IB of the LT1014. The input range is 3.5V to –5V with ±5V supplies.



Guy Hoover

Guy Hoover是一名拥有超过30年凌力尔特公司工作经验的工程师,曾担任技术员、IC设计工程师和应用工程师。

T他的职业生涯始于LTC,当时的职位是技术员,并向参与多个产品工作的Bob Dobkin、Bob Widlar、Carl Nelson和Tom Redfern学习,涉及产品包括运算放大器、比较器、开关稳压器和ADC。在此期间,他还花了大量时间来编写测试程序以对这些器件的特性进行表征。

他在LTC的下一段职业生涯是学习PSpice和设计SAR ADC。由Guy设计的产品包括LTC1197系列10位ADC和LTC1864系列12位和16位ADC。

Guy目前是混合信号部的应用工程师,专门从事SAR ADC应用支持工作。这包括为SAR ADC演示板设计、编写Verilog代码和测试程序,帮助客户优化包含LTC SAR ADC的产品,并希望编写有用的应用文章,将有关使用这些器件的知识传递给客户。



Jim Williams

James M. Williams(1948年4月14日-2011年6月12日)是一名模拟电路设计人员兼技术文章作者,先后就职于麻省理工学院(1968–1979)、Philbrick、National Semiconductor (1979–1982)和凌力尔特公司(LTC) (1982–2011)。[1]他撰写了350多篇有关模拟电路设计的论文[2],包括5本书、21篇National Semiconductor应用笔记、62篇凌力尔特应用笔记以及超过125篇《EDN》杂志文章。 Williams于2011年6月10日中风,6月12日去世


William Rempfer