DS3134 Step By Step Configuration Unchannelized Port—Configuration Mode
Application Note 369 provides an example of how to construct, send, receive, and check a packet in loopback mode on a DS3134 unchannelized port. A coding example is discussed for easy adaptation to end user applications.
This application note describes an example of how to configure a single port for unchannelized operation
on the DS3134 in configuration mode. Additionally, this example describes how to construct, send,
receive, and check a packet in loopback mode on that port. This application note is presented as a coding example for easy adaptation to end user applications.
There is an errata that would be helpful to reference: Internal Chip Timing in the Unchannelized Mode. Currently, (die rev B2) the chip does not correctly handle unchannelized mode. The errata sheet describes the work around and this application note will also configure the part according to the errata sheet. The workaround is to configure the chip to think that it is operating in the channelized mode (this note will use 8MHz).
The Local Bus can operate in two modes in DS3134:
- PCI Bridge Mode
- Configuration Mode
This example has the following configuration:
- Port 1 of the DS3134 is operated as an unchannelized port. That is, the port gets receive/transmit clocks, but no sync pulse. All other ports are not used.
- Port 1 DS0's 0-127 of the DS3134 is assigned to HDLC channel 3. HDLC channel 3 of the DS3134 is assigned 10 RX FIFO blocks, 10 TX FIFO blocks, an RX FIFO high water mark of 8, and a TX low water mark of 4.
- Ten 16-byte packets are constructed in host memory using 10 TX buffers, 10 TX descriptors and one TX pending queue entry. The TX pending queue entry points to a descriptor and that packet descriptor is chained to a total of 10 descriptors via the Next Descriptor Pointer field and the EOF and CV being set (see page 130 of the datasheet).
- Since the DS3134 is in loopback mode, when the packet is transmitted it will also be received by the DS3134. The received packet is written to host memory using ten RX buffers, ten RX descriptors and ten RX done queue entries.
- The host memory is configured as follows:
- Receive Side:
- RX free queue base address (RFQBA1/0) = 0x10000000
- RX done queue base address (RDQBA1/0) = 0x10000B00
- RX descriptor base address (RDBA1/0) = 0x10001080
- RX buffer base address = 0x10002680
- Transmit Side:
- TX pending queue base address (TPQBA1/0) = 0x10059084
- TX done queue base address (TDQBA1/0) = 0x10059604
- TX descriptor base address (TDBA1/0) = 0x10059B84
- TX buffer base address = 0x1005B184
- Receive Side:
Definition of the Coding Example Function Calls
In order to improve readability, the code in this example uses several function calls. The definitions of these functions are as follows:
- write_reg(address, data)
- Write the specified data to the specified DS3134 register address
- address = the register address where data is to be written
- data = the data to be written to the specified register
Outputs: None - read_reg(address, data)
- Read the contents of the DS3134 register at the specified address
Input: address = the register address which is to be read
Output: data = the value read from the register - write_reg_IS(address, data)
- Write the specified data to the specified DS3134 indirect select register and then wait for that register's busy bit to clear before returning
- address = the indirect select register where data is to be written
- data = the data to be written to the specified register
Outputs: NoneFunction Code:
write_reg(address, data); bit_check = 0x8000; while (bit_check & 0x8000) read_reg(address, bit_check);
- wr_dword(address, data)
- Write the specified 32-bit data value to the specified 32-bit host memory address
- address = the host memory address where data is to be written
- data = the data to be written to the specified memory address
Outputs: None - rd_dword(address, data)
- Read a 32-bit data value from the specified 32-bit host memory address
Input: address = the host memory address which is to be read
Output: data = the 32-bit data value read from host memory - frame_wait(count)
- Provides a delay equal to count number of frame periods where a frame period is 125 microseconds
Input: count = number of frame periods to wait
Outputs: None
Unchannelized Configuration Mode Coding Example
This application note-coding example consists of the following steps:
- Reset the DS3134
- Configure the DS3134
- Enable the HDLC channel
- Put the HDLC channel in loopback mode
- Queue, send, receive, and check a data packet
Reset The DS3134
Resetting the DS3134 consists of two steps. First the internal RAM's of the DS3134 must be zeroed and
then the DS3134 internal registers must be reset.
Zero The DS3134 Internal RAM's
The DS3134 internal configuration RAM's are not cleared by resetting the chip and therefore must be
manually zeroed. This task is accomplished performing a series of writes to each internal ram in the
DS3134 using the appropriate data and indirect select registers of the DS3134. This section details the procedure for accomplishing this task.
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
03xx | CP[n]RDIS | Channelized Port n Register Data Indirect Select | 5.3 |
03xx | CP[n]RD | Channelized Port n Register Data | 5.3 |
// Zero RX configuration and TX configuration RAM's for all ports for(port=0; port<16; port=port+1) { write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, 0x0000); for(ds0=0; ds0<128; ds0=ds0+1) { // Set bits 9-8 = 01 to select RX Configuration RAM // Set bits 9-8 = 10 to select TX Configuration RAM write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, (0x0100 + ds0)); write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, (0x0200 + ds0)); } }
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0400 | RHCDIS | Receive HDLC Channel Definition Indirect Select | 6.2 |
0404 | RHCD | Receive HDLC Channel Definition | 6.2 |
// Zero the RX HDLC channel definition RAM write_reg(RHCD, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(RHCDIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0480 | THCDIS | Transmit HDLC Channel Definition Indirect Select | 6.2 |
0484 | THCD | Transmit HDLC Channel Definition | 6.2 |
// Zero the TX HDLC channel definition RAM write_reg(THCD, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(THCDIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0900 | RFSBPIS | Receive FIFO Staring Block Pointer Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0904 | RFSBP | Receive FIFO Starting Block Pointer | 7.2 |
// Zero the RX FIFO Starting Block Pointer RAM write_reg(RFSBP, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(RFSBPIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0910 | RFBPIS | Receive FIFO Block Pointer Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0914 | RFBP | Receive FIFO Block Pointer | 7.2 |
// Zero the RX FIFO Block Pointer RAM write_reg(RFBP, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(RFBPIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0920 | RFHWMIS | Receive FIFO High Water Mark Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0924 | RFHWM | Receive FIFO High Water Mark | 7.2 |
// Zero the RX FIFO High Water Mark RAM write_reg(RFHWM, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(RFHWMIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0980 | TFSBPIS | Transmit FIFO Starting Block Pointer Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0984 | TFSBP | Transmit FIFO Starting Block Pointer | 7.2 |
// Zero the TX FIFO Starting Block Pointer registers write_reg(TFSBP, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(TFSBPIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0990 | TFBPIS | Transmit FIFO Block Pointer Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0994 | TFBP | Transmit FIFO Block Pointer | 7.2 |
// Zero the TX FIFO Block Pointer RAM write_reg(TFBP, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(TFBPIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
09A0 | TFLWMIS | Transmit FIFO Low Water Mark Indirect Select | 7.2 |
09A4 | TFLWM | Transmit FIFO Low Water Mark | 7.2 |
// Zero the TX FIFO Low Water Mark RAM write_reg(TFLWM, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(TFLWMIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0770 | RDMACIS | Receive DMA Configuration Indirect Select | 8.1.5 |
0774 | RDMAC | Receive DMA Configuration | 8.1.5 |
// Zero the RX DMA configuration RAM write_reg(RDMAC, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(RDMACIS, 0x0400 + channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0870 | TDMACIS | Transmit DMA Configuration Indirect Select | 8.2.5 |
0874 | TDMAC | Transmit DMA Configuration | 8.2.5 |
// Zero the TX DMA configuration RAM write_reg(TDMAC, 0x0000); for(channel=0; channel<256; channel=channel+1) write_reg_IS(TDMACIS, 0x0400 + channel);Reset The DS3134 Internal Registers
A software reset can be performed on all registers in the DS3134 using the Master Reset Register (MRID). All internal registers will be set to a default value of 0 when bit 0 of the MRID register is set to 1.The Host must set this bit back to 0 before the device can be programmed for normal operation.
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0000 | MRID | Master Reset & ID Register | 4.1 |
// Reset DS3134 using MRID registers master reset bit. write_reg(MRID, 0x0001); write_reg(MRID, 0x0000);
Configure the DS3134
Configuration of the DS3134 consists of the following steps:
- Configure the PCI registers
- Configure the Layer 1 registers
- Configure the HDLC registers
- Configure the FIFO registers
- Configure the DMA registers
// This example uses port 1 channel 3 port = 1; channel = 3; // RX free queue base address rfq_base_addr = 0x10000000; // RX free queue end address // - RX free queue size = 16 rfq_end_idx = 0x000F; // RX done queue base address rdq_base_addr = 0x10000B00; // RX done queue end address // - RX done queue size = 16 rdq_end_idx = 0x000F; // RX descriptor base address // - RX descriptor table size = 256 rdscr_base_addr = 0x10001080; // RX data buffer base address rx_buf_base_addr = 0x10002680; // TX pending queue base address tpq_base_addr = 0x10059084; // TX pending queue end address // - TX pending queue size = 16 tpq_end_idx = 0x000F; // TX done queue base address tdq_base_addr = 0x10059604; // TX done queue end address // - TX done queue size = 16 tdq_end_idx = 0x000F; // TX descriptor base address // - TX descriptor table size = 256 tdscr_base_addr = 0x10059B84; // TX data buffer base address tx_buf_base_addr = 0x1005B184;Configure the PCI Registers
In configuration mode the PCI registers control how the DS3134 interfaces to the PCI bus when performing DMA operations. PCI register configuration is system dependent and therefore the coding example below may need to be modified to support a particular user application.
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0x004/0A04 | PCMD0 | PCI Command Status 0 | 9.2 |
// PCI command/status register 0 - controls DS3134 DMA functionality // Set Bit 2 = 1 to allow device operation as bus master on PCI bus (required for DMA) // Set bit 6 = 1 to act on parity errors // Set bit 8 = 1 to enable PSERR pin write_reg(PCMD0, 0x0144);Configure the Layer 1 Registers
Each port of the DS3134 contains a layer 1 controller that performs several functions including:
- Assigning the HDLC channel number to the incoming and outgoing data
- Channelized local and network loopbacks
- Channelized selection of 64 kps, 56 kps or no data
- Channelized transmit DS0 channel fill of all ones
- Routing data to and from the BERT function
- Routing data to the V.54 loop pattern detector
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
01xx | RP[n]CR | Receive Port n Control Register | 5.2 |
02xx | TP[n]CR | Transmit Port n Control Register | 5.2 |
03xx | CP[n]RDIS | Channelized Port n Register Data Indirect Select | 5.3 |
03xx | CP[n]RD | Channelized Port n Register Data | 5.3 |
// Set RX Port Control Register // Set bits 2-0 = 000 for clock, data and sync are not inverted // Set bits 5-4 = 00 for sync pulse 0 clocks early // Set bits 7-6 = 11 for 8 MHz mode // Set bit 10 = 0 to disable local loopback write_reg(RP0CR + 4*port, 0x00C0); // Set TX Port Control Register // Set bit 2-0 = 000 for clock, data and sync are not inverted // Set bit 3 = 0 to force all data at TD to be 1 // Set bits 5-4 = 00 for sync pulse 0 clocks early // Set bits 7-6 = 11 for 8 MHz mode write_reg(TP0CR + 4*port, 0x0C00); // RX Port Configuration Registers // DS0's 0-126 disabled, assigned to HDLC channel // CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 01 for Receive Configuration write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, 0x0000 + channel); for(ds0=0; ds0<127; ds0=ds0+1) write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x0100 + ds0); // TX Port Configuration Registers // DS0's 0-126 disabled, assigned to HDLC channel // CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 10 for Transmit Configuration write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, 0x0000 + channel); for(ds0=0; ds0<127; ds0=ds0+1) write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x0200 + ds0); // Unchannelized workaround // Set one DS0 to a separate HDLC channel // After the chateau initializes, set it to the same as the other 127 (done later) // Setting DS0 127 to HDLC channel 4 // RX Port write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, 0x0000 + (channel+1)); write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x0100 + 127); // TX port write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, 0x0000 + (channel+1)); write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x0200 + 127);Configure the HDLC Registers
The DS3134 contains a 256-channel HDLC controller, which performs the layer 2 functions. Functions performed by this controller include:
- Zero stuffing and de-stuffing
- Flag detection and byte alignment
- CRC generation and checking
- Data inversion and bit flipping
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0400 | RHCDIS | Receive HDLC Channel Definition Indirect Select | 6.2 |
0404 | RHCD | Receive HDLC Channel Definition | 6.2 |
0480 | THCDIS | Transmit HDLC Channel Definition Indirect Select | 6.2 |
0484 | THCD | Transmit HDLC Channel Definition | 6.2 |
// RX HDLC configuration // Set bits 3-2 = 10 for 32-bit CRC write_reg(RHCD, 0x0008); write_reg_IS(RHCDIS, channel); // TX HDLC configuration // Set bit 1= 0 to select an interfill byte of 7E // Set bits 3-2 = 10 for 32-bit CRC // Set bits 11-8 = 0000 share closing and opening flag write_reg(THCD, 0x0008); write_reg_IS(THCDIS, channel);Configure the FIFO Registers
The DS3134 contains a 16K-byte transmit FIFO and a 16K-byte receive FIFO. Each FIFO is divided into 1024 blocks of 4 dwords or 16 bytes. FIFO memory is allocated on an HDLC channel basis. The amount of FIFO memory allocated to each HDLC channel is programmable and can be a minimum of 4 blocks and a maximum of 1024 blocks. FIFO memory is allocated to HDLC channels by creating a circular linked list out of a group of blocks where each block points to the next block in the chain and the last block points to the first. The FIFO block linked list is assigned to a specific HDLC channel by assigning one block in the linked list to be that channel's FIFO starting block pointer.
In this example ten TX FIFO blocks and ten RX FIFO blocks are assigned to the HDLC channel. This example also uses an RX FIFO high water mark of 8 and TX FIFO low water mark of 4. The RX FIFO high water mark indicates how many blocks should be written into RX FIFO by the HDLC engines before the DMA will begin sending the data to the PCI Bus. The high water mark setting must be between one block and one less than the number of blocks in the link-list chain for the particular channel involved. The TX FIFO low water mark indicates how many blocks should be left in the TX FIFO before the DMA should begin getting more data from the PCI Bus. The amount of FIFO memory, RX FIFO high water mark, and TX FIFO low water mark required by an HDLC channel to prevent transmit underflows and receive overflows from occurring is application dependent. The TX FIFO and RX FIFO of the DS3134 are configured independently on an HDLC channel basis via the registers listed in the following tables.
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0910 | RFBPIS | Receive FIFO Block Pointer Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0914 | RFBP | Receive FIFO Block Pointer | 7.2 |
// Build the RX FIFO block linked list // 0->1->2->3->4 .... 9->0 for (block=0; block<9; block=block+1) { // Bits 9-0 in RFBP register indicate which block is next in the // linked list write_reg(RFBP, block+1); write_reg_IS(RFBPIS, block); } // The last block points to the first block to create a circular linked list write_reg(RFBP, 0x0000); write_reg_IS(RFBPIS, 0x0009); // Assign the circular linked list to a specific channel write_reg(RFSBP, 0x0000); write_reg_IS(RFSBPIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0920 | RFHWMIS | Receive FIFO High Water Mark Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0924 | RFHWM | Receive FIFO High Water Mark | 7.2 |
// Set RX FIFO high water mark for channel to 8 write_reg(RFHWM, 0x0008); write_reg_IS(RFHWMIS, channel);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0990 | TFBPIS | Transmit FIFO Block Pointer Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0994 | TFBP | Transmit FIFO Block Pointer | 7.2 |
// TX FIFO block linked list // 0->1->2->3->4 ... 9->0 for (block=0; block<9; block=block+1) { // Bits 9-0 in RFBP register indicate which block is next in the linked list write_reg(TFBP, block+1); write_reg_IS(TFBPIS, block); } // The last block points to the first block to create a circular linked list write_reg(TFBP, 0x0000); write_reg_IS(TFBPIS, 0x0009);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0980 | TFSBPIS | Transmit FIFO Starting Block Pointer Indirect Select | 7.2 |
0984 | TFSBP | Transmit FIFO Starting Block Pointer | 7.2 |
// Assign the circular linked list to a specific channel write_reg(TFSBP, 0x0000); write_reg_IS(TFSBPIS, channel); // Set TX FIFO low water mark for channel to 4 write_reg(TFLWM, 0x0004); write_reg_IS(TFLWMIS, channel);Configure the DMA Registers
The DMA block handles the transfer of packet data from the FIFO block to the PCI block and vice versa. The PCI block controls data transfers between the DS3134 and the external PCI bus. The host, defined as the CPU or intelligent controller that sits on the PCI bus, instructs the DS3134 on how to handle the incoming and outgoing data.
This is accomplished using descriptors which are defined as pre-formatted messages passed from the host to the DMA block or vice versa. Via these descriptors, the host informs the DMA about the location and status of packet data to be transmitted, and where to place packet data that is received. The DMA uses these descriptors to tell the host the status of packet data that has been transmitted, and the status and location of packet data that has been received.
On the receive side the host will write to the free queue descriptors informing the DMA where it can place incoming packet data. Associated with each free queue entry is a receive data buffer location and packet descriptor. As the DS3134 uses receive free queue entries to write received packet data to host memory it creates entries in the RX done queue. These RX done queue entries inform the host about the location and status of received data. Refer to the DS3134 data sheet for more detailed information. The host must configure the RX DMA by writing to all the of the registers at the following table:
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0700 | RFQBA0 | Receive Free Queue Base Address 0 (lower word) | 8.1.3 |
0704 | RFQBA1 | Receive Free Queue Base Address 1 (upper word) | 8.1.3 |
0708 | RFQEA | Receive Free Queue end Address | 8.1.3 |
070C | RFQSBSA | Receive Free Small Buffer Start Address | 8.1.3 |
0710 | RFQLBWP | Receive Free Queue Large Buffer Host Write Pointer | 8.1.3 |
0714 | FQSBWP | Receive Free Queue Small Buffer Host Write Pointer | 8.1.3 |
0718 | RFQLBRP | Receive Free Queue Large Buffer DMA Read Pointer | 8.1.3 |
071C | RFQSBRP | Receive Free Queue Small Buffer DMA Read Pointer | 8.1.3 |
0730 | RDQBA0 | Receive Done Queue Base Address 0 (lower word) | 8.1.4 |
0734 | RDQBA1 | Receive Done Queue Base Address 1 (upper word) | 8.1.4 |
0738 | RDQEA | Receive Done Queue end Address | 8.1.4 |
073C | RDQRP | Receive Done Queue Host Read Pointer | 8.1.4 |
0740 | RDQWP | Receive Done Queue DMA Write Pointer | 8.1.4 |
0750 | RDBA0 | Receive Descriptor Base Address 0 (lower word) | 8.1.2 |
0754 | RDBA1 | Receive Descriptor Base Address 1 (upper word) | 8.1.2 |
0770 | RDMACIS | Receive DMA Configuration Indirect Select | 8.1.5 |
0774 | RDMAC | Receive DMA Configuration | 8.1.5 |
0790 | RLBS | Receive Large Buffer Size | 8.1.1 |
// RX large buffer size = 256 bytes write_reg(RLBS, 0x0100); // RX free queue base address write_reg(RFQBA0, rfq_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF); write_reg(RFQBA1, (rfq_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); // RX free queue large buffer read and write pointers = 0 write_reg(RFQLBRP, 0x0000); write_reg(RFQLBWP, 0x0000); // RX free queue small buffer start address = 16 write_reg(RFQSBSA, rfq_end_idx); // RX free queue small buffer read and write pointers = 0 write_reg(RFQSBRP, 0x0000); write_reg(RFQSBWP, 0x0000); // RX free queue end address write_reg(RFQEA, rfq_end_idx); // RX done queue base address write_reg(RDQBA0, rdq_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF); write_reg(RDQBA1, (rdq_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); // RX done queue read and write pointers = 0 write_reg(RDQRP, 0x0000); write_reg(RDQWP, 0x0000); // RX done queue end address write_reg(RDQEA, rdq_end_idx); // RX descriptor base address write_reg(RDBA0, rdscr_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF); write_reg(RDBA1, (rdscr_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); // RX DMA Channel Configuration // The data in RDMAC register is written to or read from the Receive Configuration RAM // Set bit 0 = 0 to disable the HDLC Channel // Set bit 201 = 00 for large buffers only // Set bit 6-3 = 0000 for 0 byte offset from the data buffer address of the first data buffer // Set Bit 9-7 = 000 for DMA write to the Done Queue only after packet reception is complete // Set the HDLC Channel Number by RDMACIS register write_reg(RDMAC, 0x0000); write_reg_IS(RDMACIS, 0x0400 + channel);On the transmit side the host will write to the pending queue informing the DMA which channels have packet data that is ready to be transmitted. Associated with each pending queue descriptor is a linked list of one or more transmit packet descriptors that describe the packet data. Each of these transmit packet descriptors also has a pointer to a transmit data buffer that contains the actual data payload of the HDLC packet.
As the DS3134 processes transmit pending queue descriptor entries it creates transmit done queue descriptor queue entries. The DMA will write to the done queue when it has completed transmitting either a complete packet or data buffer depending on how the DS3134 is configured. Via these done queue descriptors, the DMA informs the host about the status of the outgoing packet data. Refer to the DS3134 data sheet for more detailed information. The host must configure the TX DMA by writing to all the of the registers at the following table:
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0800 | TPQBA0 | Transmit Pending Queue Base Address 0 (lower word) | 8.2.3 |
0804 | TPQBA1 | Transmit Pending Queue Base Address 1 (upper word) | 8.2.3 |
0808 | TPQEA | Transmit Pending Queue end Address | 8.2.3 |
080C | TPQWP | Transmit Pending Queue Host Write Pointer | 8.2.3 |
0810 | TPQRP | Transmit Pending Queue DMA Read Pointer | 8.2.3 |
0830 | TDQBA0 | Transmit Done Queue Base Address 0 (lower word) | 8.2.4 |
0834 | TDQBA1 | Transmit Done Queue Base Address 1 (upper word) | 8.2.4 |
0838 | TDQEA | Transmit Done Queue end Address | 8.2.4 |
083C | TDQRP | Transmit Done Queue Host Read Pointer | 8.2.4 |
0840 | TDQWP | Transmit Done Queue DMA Write Pointer | 8.2.4 |
0850 | TDBA0 | Transmit Descriptor Base Address 0 (lower word) | 8.2.2 |
0854 | TDBA1 | Transmit Descriptor Base Address 1 (upper word) | 8.2.2 |
0870 | TDMACIS | Transmit DMA Configuration Indirect Select | 8.2.5 |
0874 | TDMAC | Transmit DMA Configuration | 8.2.5 |
// TX pending queue base address write_reg(TPQBA0, tpq_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF); write_reg(TPQBA1, (tpq_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); // TX pending queue read and write pointers = 0 write_reg(TPQRP, 0x0000); write_reg(TPQWP, 0x0000); // TX pending queue end address write_reg(TPQEA, tpq_end_idx); // TX done queue base address write_reg(TDQBA0, tdq_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF); write_reg(TDQBA1, (tdq_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); // TX done queue read and write pointers = 0 write_reg(TDQRP, 0x0000); write_reg(TDQWP, 0x0000); // TX done queue end address write_reg(TDQEA, tdq_end_idx); // TX descriptor base address write_reg(TDBA0, tdscr_base_addr & 0x0000FFFF); write_reg(TDBA1, (tdscr_base_addr >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); // TX DMA Channel Configuration // The data in TDMAC register is written to or read from the Receive Configuration RAM // Set bit 0 = 0 to disable HDLC Channel // Set bit 1 = 0 for write done queue after packet transmitted // Set the HDLC Channel Number by TDMACIS register write_reg(TDMAC, 0x0000); write_reg_IS(TDMACIS, 0x0200 + channel);
Enable The HDLC Channel
After the DS3134 has been initialized the next step is to enable the HDLC channel. In addition to the configuration steps already described, the following steps must be performed to enable packet transmission and reception in the DS3134:
- Enable the channel in the port TX and RX configuration RAM's
- Enable port data transmission in Layer 1
- Enable TX DMA and RX DMA for the DS3134
- Enable HDLC channel TX DMA and RX DMA
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0010 | MC | Master Configuration Register | 4.2 |
02xx | TP[n]CR | Transmit Port n Control Register | 5.2 |
03xx | CP[n]RDIS | Channelized Port n Register Data Indirect Select | 5.3 |
03xx | CP[n]RD | Channelized Port n Register Data | 5.3 |
0770 | RDMACIS | Receive DMA Configuration Indirect Select Register | 8.1.5 |
0774 | RDMAC | Receive DMA Configuration Register | 8.1.5 |
0870 | TDMACIS | Transmit DMA Configuration Indirect Select Register | 8.2.5 |
0874 | TDMAC | Transmit DMA Configuration Indirect Select Register | 8.2.5 |
// Enable packet reception in port layer 1 RX configuration RAM for (ds0=0; ds0<128; ds0=ds0+1) { // Read the current data value from the RX Configuration RAM // Set CP[n]RDIS bits 6-0 = DS0 // Set CP[n]RDIS bit 14 = 1 to read data from the RAM // Set CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 01 to select RX configuration RAM write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x4100 + ds0); read_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, data); // Activate DS0s // Set CP[n]RDIS bits 6-0 = DS0 // Set CP[n]RDIS bit 14 = 0 to write data to the RAM // Set CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 01 to select RX configuration RAM // Enable DS0 by setting bit 15 = 1 in CP[0]RD register write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, data | 0x8000); write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x0100 + ds0); } // Enable packet transmission in Port Layer 1 TX configuration RAM for (ds0=0; ds0<128; ds0=ds0+1) { // Read the current data value from the TX Configuration RAM // Set CP[n]RDIS bits 6-0 = DS0 // Set CP[n]RDIS bit 14 = 1 to read data from the RAM // Set CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 10 to select TX configuration RAM write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x4200 + ds0); read_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, data); // Activate DS0s // Set CP[n]RDIS bits 6-0 = DS0 // Set CP[n]RDIS bit 14 = 0 to write data to the RAM // Set CP[n]RDIS bits 9-8 = 10 to select TX configuration RAM // Enable DS0 by setting bit 15 = 1 in CP[0]RD register write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, data | 0x8000); write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x0200 + ds0); } // TX port control register // Set Bit 3 = 1 to allow data to be transmitted normally read_reg(TP0CR + 4*port, data); write_reg(TP0CR + 4*port, data | 0x0008);
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0010 | MC | Master Configuration | 4.2 |
// Enable TX and RX DMA in the DS3134 master configuration register // Set bit 0 = 1 to enable Receive DMA // Set bits 2-1 = 00 to burst length maximum is 32 dwords // Set bit 3 = 1 to enable Transmit DMA // Set bits 6 = 1 for HDLC packet data on PCI bus is big endian // Set bits 11-7 = 00000 to select Port 0 has the dedicated resources of the BERT write_reg(MC, 0x0049); // Read the current channel value from the RX DMA Configuration RAM // Set RDMACIS bits 7-0 = channel // Set RDMACIS bits 10-8 = 100 to read lower word of dword 2 // Set RDMACIS bit 14 = 1 to read from RAM write_reg_IS(RDMACIS, 0x4400 + channel); read_reg(RDMAC, data); // Enable channel RX DMA // Update RAM with new value // Set RDMAC bit 0 = 1 to enable the HDLC channel // Set RDMACIS bits 7-0 = channel // Set RDMACIS bits 10-8 = 100 to write lower word of dword 2 // Set RDMACIS bit 14 = 0 to write to RAM write_reg(RDMAC, data | 0x0001); write_reg_IS(RDMACIS, 0x0400 + channel); // Read the current channel value from the TX DMA Configuration RAM // Set TDMACIS bits 7-0 = channel // Set TDMACIS bits 11-8 = 0010 to read lower word of dword 1 // Set TDMACIS bit 14 = 1 to read from RAM write_reg_IS(TDMACIS, 0x4200 + channel); read_reg(TDMAC, data); // Enable channel TX DMA // Update RAM with new value // Set TDMAC bit 0 = 1 to enable the HDLC channel // Set TDMACIS bits 7-0 = channel // Set TDMACIS bits 11-8 = 0010 to write lower word of dword 1 // Set TDMACIS bit 14 = 0 to write to RAM write_reg((TDMAC, data | 0x0001); write_reg_IS(TDMACIS, 0x0200 + channel);
Place the HDLC Channel in Loopback Mode
After the channel has been configured and enabled it takes approximately 5 frame periods, or 625 microseconds, for the internal logic of the DS3134 to complete the transition to the new configuration. Once this transition has completed the HDLC channel can then be placed in loopback mode so that all data transmitted on the channel will also be received on that channel. Placing the HDLC channel in loopback mode prior to the 5-frame wait period may result in garbage data being written into the channel's RX FIFO.
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
01xx | RP[n]CR | Receive Port n Control Register | 5.2 |
// Wait for at least 5 frame periods for the internal DS3134 initialization to complete frame_wait(5);Unchannelized WorkaraoundReassign DS0 127 to correct HDLC channel
// Setting DS0 127 to HDLC channel 3 // bit 15 of CP[port]RD must be a one to activate the DS0 // RX Port write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, 0x8000 + channel); write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x0100 + 127); // TX port write_reg(CP0RD + 8*port, 0x8000 + channel); write_reg_IS(CP0RDIS + 8*port, 0x0200 + 127); // Wait for 5 frame periods to allow new initialization to complete frame_wait(5); // Set Bit 10 = 1 to enable loopback - routes transmit data back to the receive port read_reg(RP0CR + 4*port, data); write_reg(RP0CR + 4*port, data | 0x0400);
Queue, Send, Receive, And Check A Data Packet
Once the DS3134 initialization has been completed, data can be transmitted and received. Since the DS3134 is in loopback mode all data transmitted on the HDLC channel will also be received on that channel. This section will describe the process of how to build a data packet in host memory, transmit and receive the packet, and check the results. The following sections describe this process in detail.
Initialize the RX Free Queue
Before the DS3134 can transfer received packets from its internal FIFO to host memory, the host must
instruct the DS3134 where to put the data. This is done via the RX free queue. Each entry in the RX free queue contains a pointer to an RX data buffer and an RX packet descriptor index. This example uses ten RX free queue entries. Each entry contains one RX free queue large buffer and one RX packet descriptor. The DS3134 RX large data buffer size has been set to 256 bytes (RLBS = 256). Additionally, the DS3134 has been configured to use a 4-byte CRC and to write the RX CRC into the RX data buffer. Therefore one RX large data buffer is capable of holding up to 252 bytes of packet data.
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0710 | RFQLBWP | Receive Free Queue Large Buffer Host Write Pointer | 8.1.3 |
0718 | RFQLBRP | Receive Free Queue Large Buffer DMA Read Pointer | 8.1.3 |
// check for space in RX large free queue read_reg(RFQLBWP, wr_ptr); read_reg(RFQLBRP, rd_ptr); if (rd_ptr > wr_ptr) cnt = rd_ptr - wr_ptr - 1; else cnt = rfq_end_idx - wr_ptr + rd_ptr; // If room in RX free queue then put 10 entries in the queue // dword 0 = RX data buffer address // (use RX data buffer starting at RX buffer area base address) // dword 1 = corresponding RX descriptor index (use RX descriptor table index 0) if (cnt > 9) { rx_dscr_idx = 0; for (index=0, index<10, index++) { wr_dword(rfq_base_addr + wr_ptr*8, rx_buf_base_addr+index*256); wr_dword(rfq_base_addr + wr_ptr*8+4, index); if (wr_ptr == rfq_end_idx) wr_ptr = 0; else wr_ptr++; } // Advance the RX free queue large buffer write pointer by 10 write_reg(RFQLBWP, wr_ptr); }Build the Packet In Host Memory
This example will send a 16-byte data packet. Before a packet can be sent it must be constructed in the host memory. Additionally, a corresponding TX packet descriptor must also be constructed in host memory. Each of these tasks is detailed in the following code.
// Create a 16-byte data packet in memory in a TX buffer whose start address is the TX buffer area base // address wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr, 0x01234567); wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 4, 0x89ABCDEF); wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 8, 0x02468ACE); wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 12, 0x13579BDF); //Second data packet goes in second data buffer (16 byte packet in 256 byte buffer). wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr+256, 0x08192A3B); wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 256+4, 0x4D5E6F70); wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 256+8, 0x8192A3B4); wr_dword(tx_buf_base_addr + 256+12, 0xC5D6E7F8); // Create 8 more packets with unique data in each.Create Ten TX Descriptors (4 dwords each)
// TX descriptor table index 0 // dword0 = TX buffer address // dword1 = EOF, CV, byte count (10h), next descriptor pointer // dword2 = HDLC channel // dword3 = PV, next pending descriptor pointer (set to 0) tx_dscr_idx = 0; for (index=0, index<10, index++) { wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + index*16, tx_buf_base_addr+index*256); if (index==9) wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + index*16 + 4, 0x80100000); // end of chain, CV set to 0 else wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + index*16 + 4, 0xC0100000 + index+1); wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + index*16 + 8, 0x00000000 + channel); wr_dword(tdscr_base_addr + index*16 + 12, 0x00000000); } // This creates 10 TX descriptors that are chained or linked together via the 'next descriptor pointer'.Transmit and Receive The Packet
In order to transmit the packet, the TX descriptor must be placed in the transmit pending queue and then the transmit pending queue write pointer (TPQWP) must be incremented. When the DS3134 detects that pending queue is not empty (TPQWP not equal to TPQRP) it will begin processing queue entries and the packet will be transmitted.
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0028 | SDMA | Status Register for DMA | 4.3.2 |
080C | TPQWP | Transmit Pending Queue Host Write Pointer | 8.2.3 |
0810 | TPQRP | Transmit Pending Queue DMA Read Pointer | 8.2.3 |
// Read SDMA register to clear any previously set status bits read_reg(SDMA, data);Write the TX Pending Queue Entry
// check free space in TX pending queue read_reg(TPQWP, wr_ptr); read_reg(TPQRP, rd_ptr) if (rd_ptr > wr_ptr) cnt = rd_ptr - wr_ptr - 1; else cnt = rfq_end_idx - wr_ptr + rd_ptr; // If room in the TX pending queue create an entry for the packet if (cnt > 0) { // Bits 0-15 Descriptor Pointer (0000h) // Bits 16-23 HDLC channel - (channel << 16) wr_dword(tpq_base_addr + wr_ptr*4, 0x0000000 + (channel << 16)); // Advance the TX pending queue write pointer if (wr_ptr == tpq_end_idx) wr_ptr = 0; else wr_ptr = wr_ptr + 1; write_reg(TPQWP, wr_ptr); }Check the Results
After waiting a sufficient period of time for the packet to be transmitted and received several checks can be performed to determine if packet transmission and reception was successful. The following code details these checks.
Offset/ Address | Acronym | Register Name | Data Sheet Section |
0028 | SDMA | Status Register for DMA | 4.3.2 |
0710 | RFQLBWP | Receive Free Queue Large Buffer Host Write Pointer | 8.1.3 |
0718 | RFQLBRP | Receive Free Queue Large Buffer DMA Read Pointer | 8.1.3 |
073C | RDQRP | Receive Done Queue Host Read Pointer | 8.1.4 |
0740 | RDQWP | Receive Done Queue DMA Write Pointer | 8.1.4 |
083C | TDQRP | Transmit Done Queue Host Read Pointer | 8.2.4 |
0840 | TDQWP | Transmit Done Queue DMA Write Pointer | 8.2.4 |
// wait 2 frame periods for packet to be transmitted/received frame_wait(2); // Check SDMA register // Expected value = 0x6440, if not, it means there was error read_reg(SDMA, data); // Check to see how many entries are in the TX done queue (distance from TDQRP to TDQWP) // Expected value is 0Ah - ten entries in the TX done queue corresponding to the 10 packets that were sent read_reg(TDQRP, rd_ptr); read_reg(TDQWP, wr_ptr); if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr) cnt = wr_ptr - rd_ptr; else cnt = tdq_end_idx + 1 - rd_ptr + wr_ptr; // Check TX done queue descriptor // Expected value = 0x0003000 // Bits 15-0 indicates the descriptor pointer // Bits 23-16 indicate the channel number, it should be 3 in this example // Bits 28-26 indicate the packet status, all 0 means the packet transmission is complete and the descriptor // pointer field corresponds to the first descriptor in the HDLC packet that has been transmitted for (index=0; index<10; index++) { rd_dword(tdq_base_addr + rd_ptr*4, tdq_entry); // Advance the TX done queue read pointer if (rd_ptr == tdq_end_idx) rd_ptr = 0; else rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1; write_reg(TDQRP, rd_ptr); } // Check the RX large free queue to see how many RX buffers are in the queue (distance from RFQLBRP // to RFQLBWP) // Expected number is 0 since the queue had 10 buffers before the packet was received and packet // reception required 10 buffers read_reg(RFQLBRP, rd_ptr); read_reg(RFQLBWP, wr_ptr); if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr) cnt = wr_ptr - rd_ptr; else cnt = rfq_end_idx + 1 - rd_ptr + wr_ptr; // Check RX done queue to see if any packets were received (distance from RDQRP to RDQWP) // Expected value is 10 - ten entries in the RX done queue entry corresponding to the ten packets that // should have been received read_reg(RDQRP, rd_ptr); read_reg(RDQWP, wr_ptr); if (wr_ptr >= rd_ptr) cnt = wr_ptr - rd_ptr; else cnt = rdq_end_idx + 1 - rd_ptr + wr_ptr; // Check the RX done queue descriptor // Expected value = 0x40030000, // Bits 15-0 indicates the descriptor pointer // Bits 23-16 indicate the channel number, it should be 3 in this example // Bits 26-24 indicate the buffer count, all 0 means that a complete packet has been received // Bit 30 EOF=1 indicates the Receiver Descriptor is the last one in the chain for (index=0;index<10;index++) //check all 10 entries { rd_dword(rdq_base_addr + 8*rd_ptr, rdq_entry); // Check the corresponding RX descriptor (4 dwords) // dword 0 expected value = 0x10002680 the RX buffer address // dword 1 expected value = 0x80140000 // Bits 15-0 is the next descriptor pointer // Bits 28-16 is the number of bytes stored in the data buffer // Bits 31-29 indicates buffer status // dword 2 expected value = 0xxxxxxx03 // Bits 7-0 indicates HDLC channel number (should match TDQ entry channel) // Bits 31-8 indicates the timestamp (varies) rdscr_idx = rdq_entry & 0x0000FFFF; rd_dword(rdscr_base_addr + 16*rdscr_idx, rdscr_dword0); rd_dword(rdscr_base_addr + 16*rdscr_idx + 4, rdscr_dword1); rd_dword(rdscr_base_addr + 16*rdscr_idx + 8, rdscr_dword2); // Check the data in the RX buffer // 16 bytes of data + 4-byte CRC // Expected values = 0x01234567 // 0x89ABCDEF // 0x02468ACE // 0x13579BDF // 0x05127B09 (4-byte CRC) byte_count = (rdscr_dword1 >> 16) & 0x00001FFF; for (addr=rdscr_dword0, addr<rdscr_dword0+byte_count; addr=addr+4) rd_dword(addr, data); // Advance the RX done queue read pointer if (rd_ptr == rdq_end_idx) rd_ptr = 0; else rd_ptr = rd_ptr + 1; write_reg(RDQRP, rd_ptr); }