逻辑分析仪内存不足? “拼”出解决之道!




要评估一个高速模数转换器(ADC)的性能,就需要捕获其数字输出码,然后进行分析。逻辑分析仪的存储深度常常成为一个重要局限,妨碍系统捕获足够的数据点,以生成高分辨率FFT,或者精确的INL/DNL图。解决该问题的一个简单办法是使用某种数学工具,例如MATLAB (图1),将多组数据连接起来。连接数据的一个缺点是,通常会在两组数据之间的连接点出现很大的不连续性。尽管不连续性对INL/DNL图的影响极小,但对高分辨率FFT而言,几乎是毁灭性的(图2)。

图1. 连接后的数据在两组数据之间出现不连续。
图1. 连接后的数据在两组数据之间出现不连续。

图2. a) 捕获单组16384点数据并分析;b) 捕获两组8192点数据,连接,然后分析“拼接”技术。
图2. a) 捕获单组16384点数据并分析;b) 捕获两组8192点数据,连接,然后分析“拼接”技术。


图3. 基本数码拼接后得到的最终“拼接”数组
图3. 基本数码拼接后得到的最终“拼接”数组。


图4. 采用超前拼接技术寻找理想拼接点,最终得到“拼接”后的数组。
图4. 采用超前拼接技术寻找理想拼接点,最终得到“拼接”后的数组。


图5. 反转拼接的处理时间加倍,但常常收效甚微。
图5. 反转拼接的处理时间加倍,但常常收效甚微。

表1. 三种拼接技术对比*

Stitch Technique Size of Final Data Set Description
Data Set Numbers # of codes
% of two data sets
1 + 2 3 + 4 1 + 4
Concatenate† N/A 16384 100% Will produce erroneous FFT; however, INL/DNL can be extracted from this data.
Basic 11060 8192‡ 14384 11212 68.4% FFT is useable for calculating figures of merit.
Reverse 11060 8192‡ 14384 11212 68.4%
Advanced 13790 16046 16022 15286 93.3%
15427 16176 16022 15875 96.9%

*采用上述拼接技术对两组8K (8192个)数据进行拼接。为确保准确性,采用四组8192点数据(分别编号为1至4)重复本测试。每组测试所合成的数据取平均后列于测试数据的右侧。
† 直接连接总能得到100%的数据。
‡ 无法拼接数据。





图6. 数码拼接后得到精确的FFT图。
图6. 数码拼接后得到精确的FFT图。


function [StitchedMatrix, StitchBins] = StitchMatrices(MatrixA, ...
   				MatrixB, StitchNumber, PrevStitchBins, ...
				AdvCodeStitchEnabled, ReverseStitchEnabled);
%Stitch Matrices Function
%Revision 1.0
%By Donald Schelle, May 2005
%Maxim Integrated
%160 Rio Robles
%Sunnyvale, CA, 94086
%This function will take two matrices (MatrixA and MatrixB), find a 
%given number (StitchNumber) of identical points in each and 
%concatenate the two matrices into one.
%Inputs = MatrixA, MatrixB (Data Matrices)
%		    StitchNumber (Number of points to match)
%			 PrevStitchBins (Bins of Previous Stitches in MatrixA)
%			 AdvStitchEnabled (0 = NO, 1 = YES)
%			 ReverseStitchEnabled (0 = NO, 1 = YES)
%Output = StitchedMatrix (MatrixA + MatrixB)
%			 StitchBins (bins of StitchedMatrix where the two 
%						    matrices were joined.)
%If the matrices can not be joined the function will output a NaN
%for both the StitchedMatrix variable and the StitchBins variable

%Check to see that there are at least TWO StitchNumber Points
if StitchNumber < 2,
   %Requested less than 2 stitch points
   StitchedMatrix = NaN;
   StitchBins = NaN;

%Calculate Size of MatrixA and MatrixB
[SizeA, Junk] = size(MatrixA);
[SizeB, Junk] = size(MatrixB);

%Find the Stitch Points in MatrixB
[NormalA, NormalB] = FindStitchPoint(MatrixA, MatrixB, ...
   					StitchNumber, AdvCodeStitchEnabled);
%Calculate the size of the NormalStitched Matrix
NormalStitchedSize = NormalA + SizeB - NormalB + 1;
%Check to see if the reverse function is enabled
if ReverseStitchEnabled == 1,
   %Find Stitch Points for Reverse Matrices
   [ReverseB, ReverseA] = FindStitchPoint(MatrixB, MatrixA, ...
      					StitchNumber, AdvCodeStitchEnabled);
   %Calculate the size of the Revered Stitched Matrix
   ReverseStitchedSize = ReverseB + SizeA - ReverseA + 1;
   %Set Values to defaults
   ReverseStitchedSize = NaN;		%MatrixB/A Stitch Size
   ReverseA = NaN;
   ReverseB = NaN;

%Check to if it's possible to stitch two matrices
if isnan(NormalStitchedSize) & isnan(ReverseStitchedSize) == 1,
   %The two matrices could not be stitched
   StitchedMatrix = NaN;
   StitchBins = NaN;

%--------------------- Normal Matrix Stitching Routine ---------------
if (NormalStitchedSize >= ReverseStitchedSize)| ...
   			isnan(ReverseStitchedSize) == 1,
   %Stitch MatrixB to the end of MatrixA
   StitchedMatrix = cat(1, MatrixA(1:NormalA), MatrixB(NormalB:SizeB));
   %Update Stitch Bins
   if isnan(PrevStitchBins) == 1,
      %There are no previous stitch bins
      StitchBins = [NormalA, NormalA + StitchNumber - 1];
      %There are previous stitch bins
      %Check for Snipped Stitches
      [SizeStitchBins, Junk] = size(PrevStitchBins);
      while (PrevStitchBins(SizeStitchBins, 2) > (NormalA - 1)),
         %Second Bin is snipped from matrix. Check if first bin is snipped.
         if (PrevStitchBins(SizeStitchBins, 1) > (NormalA - 1)),
            %First Bin is snipped too. Delete Bin Pair
            PrevStitchBins = PrevStitchBins(1:(SizeStitchBins-1),:);
            %First Bin is not snipped but second bin is snipped
            %Shrink Stitch Size
            PrevStitchBins(SizeStitchBins, 2) = NormalA - 1;
         %Calculate size of new PrevStitchBin Matrix
         [SizeStitchBins, Junk] = size(PrevStitchBins);
      %Insert New StitchBins      
      [SizeStitchBins, Junk] = size(PrevStitchBins);
      StitchBins = PrevStitchBins;
      StitchBins(SizeStitchBins + 1, :) = ...
      [NormalA, NormalA + StitchNumber - 1];
      %Check to see if the last two stitches need to be combined
      [SizeStitchBins, Junk] = size(StitchBins);
      if StitchBins(SizeStitchBins,1) == ...
            (StitchBins((SizeStitchBins - 1),2) + 1),
         %Combine Stitches
         StitchBins((SizeStitchBins - 1),2) = StitchBins((SizeStitchBins),2);
         %Shorten StitchBin Matrix
         StitchBins = StitchBins(1:(SizeStitchBins - 1),:);

%--------------------- Reverse Matrix Stitching Routine ---------------
if (ReverseStitchedSize >= NormalStitchedSize)| ...
   			isnan(NormalStitchedSize) == 1,
   %Stitch MatrixA to the end of MatrixB
   StitchedMatrix = cat(1,MatrixB(1:ReverseB), MatrixA(ReverseA:SizeA));
   %Update Stitch Bins
   if isnan(PrevStitchBins) == 1,
      %There are no previous stitch bins
      StitchBins = [ReverseB, ReverseB + StitchNumber - 1];
      %There are previous stitch bins
      %Check for Snipped Stitches            
      while (PrevStitchBins(1,1) < (ReverseA + StitchNumber - 1)),
         %First Bin is snipped from matrix. Check if second is snipped
         if (PrevStitchBins(1,2) < (ReverseA + StitchNumber - 1)),
            %Second Bin is snipped too. Delete Bad Pair
            [SizeStitchBins, Junk] = size(PrevStitchBins);
      	     PrevStitchBins = PrevStitchBins(2:SizeStitchBins, :);
            %Second Bin is not snipped, but first bin is snipped
            %Shrink Old Stitch Size
            PrevStitchBins(1,1) = ReverseA + StitchNumber - 1;
      %Offset Stitch Bins by inserted amount
      StitchBins = PrevStitchBins + ReverseB - ReverseA + 1; 
      %Make Room for new StitchBins
      [SizeStitchBins, Junk] = size(PrevStitchBins);
      StitchBins(2:SizeStitchBins+1, :) = StitchBins;
      %Insert New Stitch Bins
      StitchBins(1,:) = [ReverseB, ReverseB + StitchNumber - 1];
      %Combine close stitches
      if StitchBins(1,2) == StitchBins(2,1) - 1,
         %Combine Stitches
         StitchBins(2,1) = StitchBins(1,1);
         %Shrink Stitch Bins Matrix
	 [SizeStitchBins, Junk] = size(StitchBins);
         StitchBins = StitchBins(2:SizeStitchBins,:);   


function [OutputBinA, OutputBinB]=FindStitchPoint(MatrixA, MatrixB, ...
   				MatchNumber, AdvancedStitchFindEnabled)
%Find Stitch Points Function
%Revision 1.0
%By Donald Schelle, May 2005
%Maxim Integrated
%160 Rio Robles
%Sunnyvale, CA, 94086
%This function will find the IDEAL stitch point in Matrix B given
%the number of data points to match
%Inputs = MatrixA
%			 MatrixB
%			 Number of Records to Match
%			 Advanced Stitch Find Enabled (0 = NO, 1 = YES)
%Output = (OutputBinA) End Bin of MatrixA to stitch data
%			 (OutputBinB) Start Bin of Matrix B to stitch data
%If no bins are found, the function will output a NaN

%Do argument error checking to see if there is enough arguments
if nargin < 2,
   %The user has not supplied enough arguments
   disp('Function requires TWO Matrices');
   OutputBinA = NaN;
   OutputBinB = NaN;
elseif nargin < 3,
   disp('Select a number of points to match');
   OutputBinA = NaN;
   OutputBinB = NaN;
elseif nargin == 3,
   %Advanced code stitching is NOT enabled
   OutputBinA = NaN;

%Ensure that Matrix A and B are single ROW matrices
[row col] = size(MatrixA);
if row > col, MatrixA = MatrixA'; end;
[row col] = size(MatrixB);
if row > col, MatrixB = MatrixB'; end;

%Determine Size of Matrices
[Junk, SizeA] = size(MatrixA);
[Junk, SizeB] = size(MatrixB);

%Initialize OutputBinB to NaN (which means that NO stitch points are found)
OutputBinB = NaN;
%Set initial size of BinA
BinA = SizeA - MatchNumber + 1;
%Initialize BinStop Variable
BinStop = SizeA-100;

%Loop to search through Matrix B numerous times.  This loop is only
%excuted once if Advanced Stitch Find is disabled.  The loop will stop when
%the 'ideal' stitch point is found
while BinA > BinStop, 
   %Stuff the Match Numbers into a separate Matrix
	MatchMatrix = MatrixA(BinA:BinA+MatchNumber - 1);
   %Find all bins in MatrixB that match the first number of the Match Matrix
	MatchedBins = find(MatrixB == MatchMatrix(1));
   %Compare the 2nd through nth number of the Match Matrix with the
   %prospective series of numbers in MatrixB
   %Calculate the size of the Matched Bins Matrix
   [Junk, SizeMatchedBins] = size(MatchedBins);
   %The advanced stitch mode optimizes search time by eliminating
   %bad stitch points that would result in the final concatenated
   %matrix being smaller than the last set of stitch points
   if isnan(OutputBinB) == 0,
      %A Stitch Point exists from a previous run.  Elimiate bad stitch points
      %Calculate critical Stitch Point
      MatrixSize = OutputBinA + (SizeB-OutputBinB) + 1;
      CriticalBin = BinA + SizeB - MatrixSize - 1;
      %Find maximum number in the MatchMatrix
      BadBin = find(MatchedBins > CriticalBin);
      %Eliminate Bad Bins (if there are any)
      if isempty(BadBin) == 0,
         MatchedBins = MatchedBins(1:BadBin(1) - 1);
      %Calculate size of new Matched Bins Matrix
      [Junk, SizeMatchedBins] = size(MatchedBins);       
   %loop to cycle through initial matched bins
   for i=1:SizeMatchedBins,
      %Check to make sure that there isn't a MatrixB overrun
      if (MatchedBins(i) + MatchNumber - 1) > SizeB,
      %Assume that next few codes will match and set StitchBinGood = true
      StitchBinGood = 1;	   
      %Initialize MatchMatrixCounter
      Count = 1;
      %Cycle through MatrixB and compare Numbers with the MatchMatrix
      for j=MatchedBins(i):(MatchedBins(i) + MatchNumber - 1),
         if MatchMatrix(Count)==MatrixB(j),
            %Number is good, continue and check next number
	     Count = Count + 1;
            %Number is bad, break loop and try next sequence
            StitchBinGood = 0;
      if StitchBinGood == 1,
         %The optimal (first) stitch has been found
         %Record the End bin of MatrixA
         %Record the Start bin of MatrixB
         OutputBinA = BinA;
         OutputBinB = MatchedBins(i) + 1;
         %Calculate the size of the joined Matrix and a new BinStop#
         BinStop = OutputBinA-OutputBinB+1;
   if AdvancedStitchFindEnabled == 1,
      %Advanced Stitch Find is enabled and we should make a new match
      %matrix and search for these numbers
      BinA = BinA - 1;
      %Advanced Stitch Find is disabled and we should end the loop

%Check to see if NO Bins Matched
if isnan(OutputBinB) == 1,
   %NO Bins matched
   OutputBinA = NaN;