AN-0990: Terminating a Differential Amplifier in Single-Ended Input Applications

Properly terminating differential amplifiers for single-ended input applications can be challenging. This application notesimplifies the process by walking through the calculations from start to finish. The first step is to determine the input impedance of the amplifier.

Calculating The Input Impedance

The effective input impedance of a circuit depends on whether the amplifier is being driven by a single-ended or differential signal source. For balanced differential input signals, as shown in Figure 1, the input impedance (RIN, dm) between the inputs (+DIN and -DIN) is simply:

RIN, dm = 2 × RG

Figure 1. Differential Amplifier Configured for Balanced (Differential) Inp.

Figure 1. Differential Amplifier Configured for Balanced (Differential) Inp.

For an unbalanced, single-ended input signal (see Figure 2), calculate the input impedance using Equation 1.

Equation 01.

Figure 2. Differential Amplifier Configured for Unbalanced (Single-Ended) Input.

Figure 2. Differential Amplifier Configured for Unbalanced (Single-Ended) Input.

The input impedance of the circuit is effectively higher than it would be for a conventional op amp connected as an invertThis is because a fraction of the differential output voltage appears at the inputs as a common-mode signal, partialbootstrapping the voltage across the input resistor RC.

Terminating a Single-Ended Input

In this example, the circuit features an ADA4937-1, configured for unity gain. Note that this approach can be used with any differential amplifier.

The gain of the amplifier can be calculated using the gain equation:

Equation A.

The Analog Devices, Inc., ADA4937-1 data sheet recommends using 200 Ω resistors. The signal source applied to the circuit is 2 V, with a source resistor of 50 Ω. The input termination can now be calculated by following these four simple steps.

  1. Calculate the input impedance using Equation 1.

    Equation B.

    Figure 3. Single-Ended Input Impedance RIN.

    Figure 3. Single-Ended Input Impedance RIN.

  2. For the source termination to be 50 Ω, calculate the termination resistor (RT) using RT||RIN = 50 Ω, which makes RT equal to 61.9 Ω.

    Figure 4. Adding Termination Resistor RT.

    Figure 4. Adding Termination Resistor RT.

  3. To compensate for the imbalance of the gain resistors, a correction resistor (RTS) is added in series with the inverting input gain resistor RG. RTS is equal to the Thevenin equivalent of the source resistance RS||RT.

    Figure 5. Calculating the Thevenin Equivalent.

    Figure 5. Calculating the Thevenin Equivalent.

    RTS = RTH = RS||RT = 27.4 Ω

    Note that VTH is not equal to VS/2, which would be the case if the termination were not affected by the amplifier circuit input impedance RIN.

    Figure 6. Balancing Gain Resistor RG.

    Figure 6. Balancing Gain Resistor RG.

  4. The feedback resistor must be recalculated to adjust the output voltage as shown below.
    To make the output voltage VOUT = 1 V, recalculate RF using the following formula:

    Equation C.

    To make VO = VS = 2 V to recover the loss due to the input termination, RF should be:

    Equation D.

    Figure 7. Complete Single-Ended-to-Differential System.

    Figure 7. Complete Single-Ended-to-Differential System.


Calculating the input termination for a single-ended input differential amplifier is accomplished in four steps. First, calculate the amplifier input impedance RIN, then calculate the termination resistor RT. Rebalance the amplifier gain paths, by adding RTS in series with the inverting input gain resistor. Finally, calculate and adjust the feedback resistor for the correct gain. More information on differential amplifiers is available at


ADA4927-1 Data Sheet. Analog Devices, Inc., 2008.

AN-584 Application Note. Analog Devices, Inc., 2002.



Jonathan Pearson

Jonathan Pearson自2002年起一直担任高速放大器组的应用工程师。加入ADI公司之前,他在电信行业从事模拟电路和系统设计工作。他拥有美国东北大学电气工程学士学位(BSEE)、伍斯特理工学院(WPI)电气工程硕士学位(MSEE)和两项专利。

John Ardizzoni

John Ardizzoni

John自2002年开始在ADI公司工作,担任高速放大器部门应用工程师。 加入ADI公司之前,他曾在IBM的RFIC应用部门和M/A-COM公司工作了20年。 John还是ADI公司“非常见问题解答”(RAQ)栏目的共同作者。 他拥有30多年的电子行业工作经验,曾撰写过许多文章和设计构想。