Maxim的每片1-Wire器件都有唯一的64位注册码,它存储在只读存储器(ROM)中。在1-Wire网络中,注册码用于1-Wire主机对从机器件进行逐一寻址。如果1-Wire网络中从机 器件的ROM码是未知的,可以通过搜索算法来找到此码。本文不仅详细地解释了搜索算法,而且 还提供了实现快速整合的例程。该算法适用于任何具有1-Wire接口特性的现有产品及未来产品。
图1. 64位唯一的ROM注册码
搜索算法采用的是二叉树型结构,搜索过程沿各分节点进行,直到找到器件的ROM码即叶子为 止;后续的搜索操作沿着节点上的其它路径进行,按照同样的方式直到找到总线上的所有器件代 码。
搜索算法首先通过复位(reset)和在线应答脉冲(presence pulse)时隙将1-Wire总线上的所有器 件复位;成功地执行该操作后,发送1 个字节的搜索命令;搜索命令使1-Wire器件准备就绪、开 始进行搜索操作。
搜索命令分为两类:标准搜索命令(F0 hex)用来搜索连接到网络中所有器件;报警或有条件搜索命 令(EC hex)只用来搜索那些处于报警状态下的器件,这种方式缩小了搜索范围,可以快速查找到所 需要注意的器件。
搜索命令发出之后,开始实际的搜索过程。首先总线上的所有从机器件同时发送ROM码(也叫 注册码)中的第一位(最低有效位) (参见图1)。与所有的1-Wire通信一样,无论是读取数据 还是向从机器件写数据,都由1-Wire主机启动每一位操作。按照1-Wire的特性,当所有从机器 件同时应答主机时,结果相当于全部发送数据位的逻辑AND;从机发送其ROM码的第一位后, 主机启动下一位操作、接着从机发送第一位数据的补码;从两次读到的数据位可以对ROM码的 第一位做出几种判断(参见表1)。
Bit (true) | Bit (complement) | Information Known |
0 | 0 | There are both 0s and 1s in the current bit position of the participating ROM numbers. This is a discrepancy. |
0 | 1 | There are only 0s in the bit of the participating ROM numbers. |
1 | 0 | There are only 1s in the bit of the participating ROM numbers. |
1 | 1 | No devices participating in search. |
按照搜索算法的要求,1-Wire主机必须向总线上的从机发回一个指定位;如果从机器件中ROM码的当前位的值与该数据位匹配,则继续参与搜索过程;若从机器件的当前位与之不匹配,则该 器件转换到等待状态,并保持等待状态直到下一个1-Wire复位信号到来。其余63位ROM码的搜 索依然按照这种‘读两位’、‘写一位’的模式进行重复操作(参见表2)。按照这种搜索算法 进行下去,最终除了一个从机器件外所有从机将进入等待状态,经过最后一轮检测,就可得到最 后保留(未进入等待状态)器件的ROM码。在后续搜索过程中,选用不同的路径(或分支)来 查找其它器件的ROM码。需要注意的是本文ROM码的数据位用第1位(最低有效位)到第64 位(最高有效位)表示,而不是我们常用的那种第0位到第63位的模式;这样设置允许将差异位 置计数器初始值置为0,为以后的比较提供了方便。
Master | Slave |
1-Wire reset stimulus | Produce presence pulse |
Write search command (normal or alarm) | Each slave readies for search. |
Read 'AND' of bit 1 | Each slave sends bit 1 of its ROM number. |
Read 'AND' of complement bit 1 | Each slave sends complement bit 1 of its ROM number. |
Write bit 1 direction (according to algorithm) | Each slave receives the bit written by master, if bit read is not the same as bit 1 of its ROM number then go into a wait state. |
Read 'AND' of bit 64 | Each slave sends bit 64 of its ROM number. |
Read 'AND' of complement bit 64 | Each slave sends complement bit 64 of its ROM number. |
Write bit 64 direction (according to algorithm) | Each slave receives the bit written by master, if bit read is not the same as bit 64 of its ROM number then go into a wait state. |
从表1可以看出:如果所有总线上的器件在当前位具有相同值,那么只有一条分支路径可选;总 线上没有器件响应的情况是一种异常状态,可能是要查找的器件在搜寻过程中与1-Wire总线脱 离。如果出现这种情况,应中止搜索,并发出1-Wire复位信号起始新的搜索过程。如果当前位既有0也有1,这种情况称为位值差异,它对在后续搜索过程中查找器件起关键 作用。搜索算法指定在第一轮查询中若出现差异(数据位/补码 = 0/0),则选用‘0’路径。注 意:这一点是由本文档中介绍的特定算法决定的,其它算法中或许首先选用‘1’路径。记录最 后一次值差异的位置以供下一次搜索使用,表3列出了出现值差异时路径的选取情况。
Search Bit Position vs Last Discrepancy | Path Taken |
= | take the '1' path |
< | take the same path as last time (from last ROM number found) |
> | take the '0' path |
搜索算法计算还对最初8位过程中出现的最后一次位差异保持跟踪;64位注册码的前8位是家族 码,在器件的搜索过程中可以按照其家族码进行分类。记录家族码的最后一次差异可以用于有选 择性地跳过1-Wire器件的整个分组。如需进行选择性的搜索,可参考关于高级变量搜索的详细解 释。64位ROM码中包含8位循环冗余校验码(CRC);CRC值用于验证是否搜索到正确的ROM码。ROM码的排列如图1所示。
DS2480B系列串口到1-Wire线路的驱动程序在硬件中实现了部分与本文档中相同的搜索算法;详 细资料请参阅DS2480B数据资料和应用笔记192,DS2480B串行接口1-Wire线驱动器的使用的详细介绍;从DS2490 USB口到1-Wire桥接器硬件电路 中实现了整个搜索过程。
图2列出了对一个从器件进行搜索的流程图;注意:右侧Reference栏对在流程图中出现的符号进行了 说明;在本文档的源代码附录中也将用到这些专用符号。
图2. 搜索流程
图2. 搜索流程,第2部分
‘FIRST’操作是搜索1-Wire总线上的第一个从机器件。该操作是通过将LastDiscrepancy、 LastFamilyDiscrepancy和LastDeviceFlag置零,然后进行搜索完成的。最后ROM码从ROM_NO寄存器中读出。若1-Wire总线上没有器件,复位序列就检测不到应答脉冲,搜索过程中止。
‘NEXT’操作是搜索1-Wire总线上的下一个从机器件;一般情况下,此搜索操作是在‘FIRST’操作之后或上一次‘NEXT’操作之后进行;保持上次搜索后这些值的状态不变、执行又一次搜 索即可实现‘NEXT’操作。之后从ROM_NO寄存器中来读出新一个ROM码。若前一次搜索到 的是1-Wire上的最后一个器件,则返回一个无效标记FALSE,并且把状态设置成下一次调用搜 索算法时将是‘FIRST’操作的状态。
图3 (a, b, c)例举了三个器件的搜索过程,为便于说明,设器件的ROM码只有2位。
图3a. 搜索过程举例
图3b. 搜索过程举例
图3c. 搜索过程举例
有3种利用同一组状态变量LastDiscrepancy、LastFamilyDiscrepancy、LastDeviceFlag、ROM_NO实现的高级变量搜索算法,这几种高级搜索算法允许来指定作为搜索 目标或需要跳过搜索的器件的类型(家族码)以及验证某类型的器件是否在线(参见表4)。
‘VERIFY’操作用来检验已知ROM码的器件是否连接在1-Wire总线上,通过提供ROM码并对 该码进行目标搜索就可确定此器件是否在线。首先,将ROM_NO寄存器值设置为已知的ROM码 值,然后将LastDiscrepancy和LastDeviceFlag标志位分别设置为64 (40h)和0; 进行搜索操作, 然后读ROM_NO的输出结果;如果搜索成功并且ROM_NO中存储的仍是要搜索器件的ROM码 值,那么此器件就在1-Wire总线上。
Target Setup
‘TARGET SETUP’操作就是用预置搜索状态的方式首先查找一个特殊的家族类型,每个1-Wire器件都有一个字节的家族码内嵌在ROM码中(参见图1),主机可以通过家族码来识别器件所具 有的特性和功能。若1-Wire总线上有多片器件时,通常是将搜索目标首先定位在需注意的器件类 型上。为了将一个特殊的家族作为搜索目标,需要将所希望的家族码字节放到ROM_NO寄存器 的第一个字节中,并且将ROM_NO寄存器的复位状态置零,然后将LastDiscrepancy设置为64 (40h);把LastDeviceFlag和LastFamilyDiscrepancy设置为0。在执行下一次搜索算法时就能找出 所期望的产品类型的第一个器件;并将此值存入ROM_NO寄存器。需要注意的是如果1-Wire总 线上没有挂接所期望的产品类型的器件,就会找出另一类型的器件,所以每次搜索完成后,都要 对ROM_NO寄存器中存储的结果进行校验。
Family Skip Setup
‘FAMILY SKIP SETUP’操作用来设置搜索状态以便跳过搜索到的指定家族中的所有器件,此操 作只有在一个搜索过程结束后才能使用。通过把LastFamilyDiscrepancy复制到LastDiscrepancy, 并清除LastDeviceFlag即可实现该操作;在下一搜索过程就会找到指定家族中的下一个器件。如 果当前家族码分组是搜索过程中的最后一组,那么搜索过程结束并将LastDeviceFlag置位。
LastDiscrepancy | LastFamilyDiscrepancy | LastDeviceFlag | ROM_NO | |
FIRST | 0 | 0 | 0 | result |
NEXT | leave unchanged | leave unchanged | leave unchanged | result |
VERIFY | 64 | 0 | 0 | set with ROM to verify, check if same after search |
TARGET SETUP | 64 | 0 | 0 | set first byte to family code, set rest to zeros |
FAMILY SKIP SETUP | copy from LastFamilyDiscrepancy | 0 | 0 | leave unchanged |
本文提供的搜索算法可以找出任意给定的1-Wire器件组中独一无二的ROM码,这是保证多点1-Wire总线应用的关键,已知ROM码后就可以对逐一选定的某个1-Wire器件来进行操作。本文还 对一些变量搜索算法做了详细论述,这些变量搜索算法能够查找或跳过特定类型的1-Wire器件。附录给出了实现搜索过程和所有变量搜索算法的例程,并给出了‘C’程序代码。
下面给出了搜索算法的‘C’程序代码及实现每个变量搜索算法的函数。FamilySkipSetup和TargetSetup函数实际上并没有进行搜索操作,它们只不过是用来设置搜索寄存器,以便在下一次 执行‘NEXT’操作时能跳过或找到所期望的类型。需要注意的是低级1-Wire函数可通过调用TMEX API实现。这些程序调用只是用于系统测试,也可以用特定平台调用。关于TMEX API和其它一些1-Wire API的详细资料请参考应用笔记155。
下列TMEX API测试程序的源代码可从Maxim网页下载。
// TMEX API TEST BUILD DECLARATIONS #define TMEXUTIL #include "ibtmexcw.h" long session_handle; // END TMEX API TEST BUILD DECLARATIONS // definitions #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 // method declarations int OWFirst(); int OWNext(); int OWVerify(); void OWTargetSetup(unsigned char family_code); void OWFamilySkipSetup(); int OWReset(); void OWWriteByte(unsigned char byte_value); void OWWriteBit(unsigned char bit_value); unsigned char OWReadBit(); int OWSearch(); unsigned char docrc8(unsigned char value); // global search state unsigned char ROM_NO[8]; int LastDiscrepancy; int LastFamilyDiscrepancy; int LastDeviceFlag; unsigned char crc8; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Find the 'first' devices on the 1-Wire bus // Return TRUE : device found, ROM number in ROM_NO buffer // FALSE : no device present // int OWFirst() { // reset the search state LastDiscrepancy = 0; LastDeviceFlag = FALSE; LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0; return OWSearch(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Find the 'next' devices on the 1-Wire bus // Return TRUE : device found, ROM number in ROM_NO buffer // FALSE : device not found, end of search // int OWNext() { // leave the search state alone return OWSearch(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Perform the 1-Wire Search Algorithm on the 1-Wire bus using the existing // search state. // Return TRUE : device found, ROM number in ROM_NO buffer // FALSE : device not found, end of search // int OWSearch() { int id_bit_number; int last_zero, rom_byte_number, search_result; int id_bit, cmp_id_bit; unsigned char rom_byte_mask, search_direction; // initialize for search id_bit_number = 1; last_zero = 0; rom_byte_number = 0; rom_byte_mask = 1; search_result = 0; crc8 = 0; // if the last call was not the last one if (!LastDeviceFlag) { // 1-Wire reset if (!OWReset()) { // reset the search LastDiscrepancy = 0; LastDeviceFlag = FALSE; LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0; return FALSE; } // issue the search command OWWriteByte(0xF0); // loop to do the search do { // read a bit and its complement id_bit = OWReadBit(); cmp_id_bit = OWReadBit(); // check for no devices on 1-wire if ((id_bit == 1) && (cmp_id_bit == 1)) break; else { // all devices coupled have 0 or 1 if (id_bit != cmp_id_bit) search_direction = id_bit; // bit write value for search else { // if this discrepancy if before the Last Discrepancy // on a previous next then pick the same as last time if (id_bit_number < LastDiscrepancy) search_direction = ((ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] & rom_byte_mask) > 0); else // if equal to last pick 1, if not then pick 0 search_direction = (id_bit_number == LastDiscrepancy); // if 0 was picked then record its position in LastZero if (search_direction == 0) { last_zero = id_bit_number; // check for Last discrepancy in family if (last_zero < 9) LastFamilyDiscrepancy = last_zero; } } // set or clear the bit in the ROM byte rom_byte_number // with mask rom_byte_mask if (search_direction == 1) ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] |= rom_byte_mask; else ROM_NO[rom_byte_number] &= ~rom_byte_mask; // serial number search direction write bit OWWriteBit(search_direction); // increment the byte counter id_bit_number // and shift the mask rom_byte_mask id_bit_number++; rom_byte_mask <<= 1; // if the mask is 0 then go to new SerialNum byte rom_byte_number and reset mask if (rom_byte_mask == 0) { docrc8(ROM_NO[rom_byte_number]); // accumulate the CRC rom_byte_number++; rom_byte_mask = 1; } } } while(rom_byte_number < 8); // loop until through all ROM bytes 0-7 // if the search was successful then if (!((id_bit_number < 65) || (crc8 != 0))) { // search successful so set LastDiscrepancy,LastDeviceFlag,search_result LastDiscrepancy = last_zero; // check for last device if (LastDiscrepancy == 0) LastDeviceFlag = TRUE; search_result = TRUE; } } // if no device found then reset counters so next 'search' will be like a first if (!search_result || !ROM_NO[0]) { LastDiscrepancy = 0; LastDeviceFlag = FALSE; LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0; search_result = FALSE; } return search_result; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Verify the device with the ROM number in ROM_NO buffer is present. // Return TRUE : device verified present // FALSE : device not present // int OWVerify() { unsigned char rom_backup[8]; int i,rslt,ld_backup,ldf_backup,lfd_backup; // keep a backup copy of the current state for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) rom_backup[i] = ROM_NO[i]; ld_backup = LastDiscrepancy; ldf_backup = LastDeviceFlag; lfd_backup = LastFamilyDiscrepancy; // set search to find the same device LastDiscrepancy = 64; LastDeviceFlag = FALSE; if (OWSearch()) { // check if same device found rslt = TRUE; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (rom_backup[i] != ROM_NO[i]) { rslt = FALSE; break; } } } else rslt = FALSE; // restore the search state for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) ROM_NO[i] = rom_backup[i]; LastDiscrepancy = ld_backup; LastDeviceFlag = ldf_backup; LastFamilyDiscrepancy = lfd_backup; // return the result of the verify return rslt; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup the search to find the device type 'family_code' on the next call // to OWNext() if it is present. // void OWTargetSetup(unsigned char family_code) { int i; // set the search state to find SearchFamily type devices ROM_NO[0] = family_code; for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) ROM_NO[i] = 0; LastDiscrepancy = 64; LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0; LastDeviceFlag = FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup the search to skip the current device type on the next call // to OWNext(). // void OWFamilySkipSetup() { // set the Last discrepancy to last family discrepancy LastDiscrepancy = LastFamilyDiscrepancy; LastFamilyDiscrepancy = 0; // check for end of list if (LastDiscrepancy == 0) LastDeviceFlag = TRUE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // 1-Wire Functions to be implemented for a particular platform //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset the 1-Wire bus and return the presence of any device // Return TRUE : device present // FALSE : no device present // int OWReset() { // platform specific // TMEX API TEST BUILD return (TMTouchReset(session_handle) == 1); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Send 8 bits of data to the 1-Wire bus // void OWWriteByte(unsigned char byte_value) { // platform specific // TMEX API TEST BUILD TMTouchByte(session_handle,byte_value); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Send 1 bit of data to teh 1-Wire bus // void OWWriteBit(unsigned char bit_value) { // platform specific // TMEX API TEST BUILD TMTouchBit(session_handle,(short)bit_value); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read 1 bit of data from the 1-Wire bus // Return 1 : bit read is 1 // 0 : bit read is 0 // unsigned char OWReadBit() { // platform specific // TMEX API TEST BUILD return (unsigned char)TMTouchBit(session_handle,0x01); } // TEST BUILD static unsigned char dscrc_table[] = { 0, 94,188,226, 97, 63,221,131,194,156,126, 32,163,253, 31, 65, 157,195, 33,127,252,162, 64, 30, 95, 1,227,189, 62, 96,130,220, 35,125,159,193, 66, 28,254,160,225,191, 93, 3,128,222, 60, 98, 190,224, 2, 92,223,129, 99, 61,124, 34,192,158, 29, 67,161,255, 70, 24,250,164, 39,121,155,197,132,218, 56,102,229,187, 89, 7, 219,133,103, 57,186,228, 6, 88, 25, 71,165,251,120, 38,196,154, 101, 59,217,135, 4, 90,184,230,167,249, 27, 69,198,152,122, 36, 248,166, 68, 26,153,199, 37,123, 58,100,134,216, 91, 5,231,185, 140,210, 48,110,237,179, 81, 15, 78, 16,242,172, 47,113,147,205, 17, 79,173,243,112, 46,204,146,211,141,111, 49,178,236, 14, 80, 175,241, 19, 77,206,144,114, 44,109, 51,209,143, 12, 82,176,238, 50,108,142,208, 83, 13,239,177,240,174, 76, 18,145,207, 45,115, 202,148,118, 40,171,245, 23, 73, 8, 86,180,234,105, 55,213,139, 87, 9,235,181, 54,104,138,212,149,203, 41,119,244,170, 72, 22, 233,183, 85, 11,136,214, 52,106, 43,117,151,201, 74, 20,246,168, 116, 42,200,150, 21, 75,169,247,182,232, 10, 84,215,137,107, 53}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate the CRC8 of the byte value provided with the current // global 'crc8' value. // Returns current global crc8 value // unsigned char docrc8(unsigned char value) { // See Application Note 27 // TEST BUILD crc8 = dscrc_table[crc8 ^ value]; return crc8; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TEST BUILD MAIN // int main(short argc, char **argv) { short PortType=5,PortNum=1; int rslt,i,cnt; // TMEX API SETUP // get a session session_handle = TMExtendedStartSession(PortNum,PortType,NULL); if (session_handle <= 0) { printf("No session, %d\n",session_handle); exit(0); } // setup the port rslt = TMSetup(session_handle); if (rslt != 1) { printf("Fail setup, %d\n",rslt); exit(0); } // END TMEX API SETUP // find ALL devices printf("\nFIND ALL\n"); cnt = 0; rslt = OWFirst(); while (rslt) { // print device found for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) printf("%02X", ROM_NO[i]); printf(" %d\n",++cnt); rslt = OWNext(); } // find only 0x1A printf("\nFIND ONLY 0x1A\n"); cnt = 0; OWTargetSetup(0x1A); while (OWNext()) { // check for incorrect type if (ROM_NO[0] != 0x1A) break; // print device found for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) printf("%02X", ROM_NO[i]); printf(" %d\n",++cnt); } // find all but 0x04, 0x1A, 0x23, and 0x01 printf("\nFIND ALL EXCEPT 0x10, 0x04, 0x0A, 0x1A, 0x23, 0x01\n"); cnt = 0; rslt = OWFirst(); while (rslt) { // check for incorrect type if ((ROM_NO[0] == 0x04) || (ROM_NO[0] == 0x1A) || (ROM_NO[0] == 0x01) || (ROM_NO[0] == 0x23) || (ROM_NO[0] == 0x0A) || (ROM_NO[0] == 0x10)) OWFamilySkipSetup(); else { // print device found for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) printf("%02X", ROM_NO[i]); printf(" %d\n",++cnt); } rslt = OWNext(); } // TMEX API CLEANUP // release the session TMEndSession(session_handle); // END TMEX API CLEANUP }
05/16/03版1.1—修改内容:Search ROM命令修改为F0 (十六进制)。