Peak Detector Circuit Captures 200-ns Pulses

With speed and low droop—other performance enhancement feasible Key is FET-input op amp fabricated on complementary-bipolar process

The classic peak-detector architecture achieves high speed with the Analog Devices AD847 and FET-input AD843 op amps, fabricated on ADI's complementary-bipolar (CB) process (Analog Dialogue 22-2). Both settle fast and stably , with high slew-rate and wide bandwidth—critical for acquiring fast peaks. Read full article



Lew Counts

Mark Murphy

Mark Murphy

Mark Murphy 是爱尔兰利默里克精密转换器部的产品营销工程师。他拥有梅里马克学院电子工程学士学位和利默里克大学工商管理硕士学位。