Highest-Performance 10-Bit IC DAC

AD561 is Fast, Accurate, Stable, and Low Cost; Laser-Trim-on-Wafer and Buried Zener are Keys

The AD561 is a 10-bit single-chip digital-to-analog converter in a 16-pin ceramic DIP; it contains its own high-stability voltage reference. In response to a positive-true TTL or CMOS parallel digital input, it produces a high-compliance (-2V to +10V) 0 to 2mA current output. Read full article



David Kress

David Kress拥有美国麻省理工学院的土木工程学士学位(BSCE)和硕士学位(MSCE)。他原先从事医疗电子设备设计工作,后于1972年加入ADI公司,担任IC设计师。 多年来,他从事过模拟芯片设计、晶圆制造工程、新产品开发和管理。多年来,David领导着ADI公司的技术支持团队,在2018年退休之前曾担任技术营销总监。