Complete Monolithic 8-Bit, 10-µs A/D Converter

AD670 is Fully μP-Compatible, Accepts Low-Level Differential Analog Signals; Completely Self-Contained, It Operates from +5-Volt Computer Supplies

The AD670 "ADCPORT", the near-ideal 8-bit ADC, is a complete, microprocessor-compatible easy-to-use a/d converter on a single monolithic chip. A successive-approximation device, it contains its own buffer amplifier, voltage reference, d/a converter, latching comparator, successive-approximation register, 3-state output latches, and control logic. Read full article



Doug Grant


Diane Heerema

Doug Mercer

Doug Mercer

Doug Mercer 在1977至2009年间一直在ADI公司从事全职工作,最后14年担任ADI公司研究员。ADI公司高速转换器产品系列的30多款标准产品都有他的贡献,AD783就是其中一款。自2009年起,他转而担任ADI公司的兼职顾问研究员,最近主要是作为ADI公司与伦斯勒理工学院的联络人,从事本科生电气工程教育推广和发展方面的工作。