Analog Signal-Conditioning ICs Take Two Giant Steps

AD524: Low-Drift-and-Noise Wideband IC In-Amp with Pin-Programmable Gains; AD594: Monolithic Thermocouple Amplifier with Ice-Point Reference and Alarm

Monolithic technology is making ever deeper inroads into low-level analog signal conditioning: now it is less necessary than ever for the instrumentation and systems engineer ot be concerned with details of circuit design. The make-vs.-by decision continues to be tilted towards "buy" by the evolution of new generations of cost-effective monolithic signal-conditioning products. Read full article



Scott Wurcer


Moshe Gerstenhaber

Moshe Gerstenhaber现为ADI公司研究员(Fellow)。他于1978年加入ADI,数年间先后担任过制造、产品工程及设计方面的多种高级职务。Moshe目前是集成放大器产品部门的设计经理。他在放大器设计领域做出了重大贡献,特别是极高精度专用放大器,如仪表放大器和差动放大器等。