3 New CMOS Monolithic Multiplying DACs

At $6 (1000's), 10-Bit Linear AD7533LN Is Lowest In Cost AD7525 Is 3 1/2 BCD; 8-Bit AD7524 Is Buffered For µP Applications

The AD7500 families of CMOS DACs are useful both for conventional d/a conversion and for applications as "digital pots", for precise adjustments of gain in ac and dc circuitry, with simplicity and low cost. Following the recent introduction of the AD7541 laser-wafer-trimmed 12-bit DAC and the AD7523 lowest-cost 8-bit DAC, here are three more members of the clan, each optimized for a class of application: the lowest-cost 10-bit AD7533, the 3 1/2BCD AD7525, and AD7524 buffered 8-bit DAC. Read full article



Phil Burton


Steve Stephenson