Documentation Errata for ADSP-2184: DSP Microcomputer Data Sheet
Doc ID: DOC-492
The last sentence of 6th paragraph in the right column, provides some incorrect information about the IAL and IS signals.
The sentence should change from:
"The falling edge of the IDMA address latch signal (IAL) or the missing edge of the IDMA select signal (IS) latches this value into the IDMAA register."
The sentence should change to:
"Either the falling edge of the IDMA address latch signal (IAL) or the rising edge of the IDMA select signal (IS) will latch the address into the IDMAA register."
Doc ID: DOC-447
In the 100-Lead LQFP Package Pinout diagram (page 29) and LQFP Pin Configurations diagram (page 30), pins 37 through 40 don't show the multiplexed SPORT1 pin names. These pins should be changed to the following:
Pin# | Pin Name |
37 | DT1/FO |
38 | TFS1/IRQ1 |
39 | RFS1/IRQ0 |
40 | DR1/FI |
Last Update Date: 2017-05-08