Documentation Errata for ADSP-2183: 16-bit, 52 MIPS, 3.3 v, 2 serial ports, host port, 80 KB RAM Data Sheet

Chapter: N/A / Page 14

Doc ID: DOC-890


In the Clock Signals and Reset timing parameter table, change the line for parameter tCKI from:

Change From ...
Clock Signals and Reset
Parameter Min Max Unit
tCKI CLKIN Period 38 100 ns

Change to:

Change To ...
Clock Signals and Reset
Parameter Min Max Unit
tCKI CLKIN Period 38 120 ns

Note that this specification change applies to all part numbers and speed versions of ADSP-2183.

Chapter: N/A / Page 24

Doc ID: DOC-454


In Figure 19 (Typical Drive Currents), the x-axis (SOURCE VOLTAGE) is incorrectly marked. This axis should range from 0 to 3.6 volts, not 0 to 5.25 volts.

Chapter: N/A / Page 31

Doc ID: DOC-608


Recommendations for solder mask opening and ball pad size are missing from the Outline dimensions figure. Add the following note:

Recommended solder mask opening is X.XXmm, recommended ball pad size is Y.YYmm.
The information for X.XX and Y.YY comes from the table at

Last Update Date: 2017-05-08