

双通道 18A 或单通道 36A DC/DC μModule 稳压器





  • 双通道 18A 或单通道 36A输出
  • 输入电压范围:4.5V 至 15V
  • 输出电压范围:0.6V 至 5.3V
  • 在整个电压、负载和温度范围内具有 ±1.5% 的最大总 DC 输出误差
  • 与 LTM4630 相比具有较高的轻负载效率和较宽的 VOUT 范围
  • 差分远端采样放大器
  • 电流模式控制 / 快速瞬态响应
  • 多相并联均流 (高达 144A)
  • 内部温度监视器
  • 引脚与 LTM4620A (双通道 13A,单通道 26A) 及 LTM4630 (双通道 18A,单通道 36A) 相兼容
  • 可调开关频率或同步
  • 过流折返保护
  • 可选的突发模式 (Burst Mode®) 操作、脉冲跳跃模式操作
  • 软起动 / 电压跟踪
  • 输出过压保护
  • 16mm x 16mm x 4.41mm LGA 封装和 16mm x 16mm x 5.01mm BGA 封装
双通道 18A 或单通道 36A DC/DC μModule 稳压器
36A, 1.2V Output DC/DC μModule Regulator 1.2VOUT and 3.3VOUT Efficiency vs IOUT Product Package 1
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部分模型 产品周期 描述
µModule降压稳压器 1
LTM4650 推荐新设计使用 双通道 25A 或单通道 50A DC/DC μModule 稳压器
数字电源系统管理器 1
LTC2975 推荐新设计使用 具准确输入电流和能量测量功能的 4 通道 PMBus 电源系统管理器
Modal heading
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eval board

LTM4630A 演示板 | 双通道 18A 或单通道 36A μModule 稳压器


演示电路 2268A-F 是 PCB 占板面积紧凑型 (1.5 英寸 × 1.2 英寸) 高效率、高密度、双通道 8A 开关模式降压型电源。它采用了 LTM4630A μModule® 稳压器。输入电压范围为 4.5V 至 15V。输出电压可编程范围为 0.6V 至 5.3V。DC2268A-F 每个通道可提供高达 18A (最大值) 的电流。如数据手册中所述,对于某些 VIN、VOUT 和热状况,必需进行输出电流降额。在重负载条件下,该演示板以连续导通模式运行。为了在低负载电流下实现高效率,在对噪声敏感的应用中,电阻跳线 (R1/R2) 选择脉冲跳跃模式,而在噪声不太敏感的应用中,则选择突发模式 (Burst-Mode®)。对于带可选跳线电阻器的单路 36A 输出解决方案,两个输出可以并联连接。该演示板使用户可通过 TRACK/SS 引脚设置其输出的斜坡上升和下降方式。远端输出电压检测可用于改善负载点上的输出电压调节。在对噪声敏感的应用中,可选的输入电感器 L1 可降低 EMI 噪声。DC2268A 可容易地插入边缘连接器以进行测试和调试。由于具有这些特性,加上 LTM4630A 可采用紧凑的 16mm × 16mm × 4.41mm LGA 封装,因而使其成为许多高密度负载点调节应用的理想选择。必须将本演示手册与 LTM4630A 数据手册配合阅读,以便处理或修改 DC2268A-F。

eval board

LTM4630A Demo Board | Dual 18A Step-Down uModule Regulator, 6V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT1/VOUT2 = 3.3V/5V @ 18A


Demonstration circuit 2152A features the LTM4630AEV high efficiency, high density, dual 18A, switch mode step-down µModule regulator. The input voltage is from 6V to 15V, and the output voltages are set at 3.3V and 5V, but are programmable from 0.6V to 5.3V. The DC2152A can deliver up to 18A maximum from each channel. The two outputs can be connected in parallel for a single 36A output solution with optional jumper resistors. ±3% transient accuracy can be achieved with a 25% load step.

Output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. Its many features and its compact 16mm × 16mm × 4.41mm LGA package make the LTM4630AEV ideal for use in many high-density point-of-load regulation applications.

LTM4630A 演示板 | 双通道 18A 或单通道 36A μModule 稳压器
DC2268AF Evaluation Board
LTM4630A Demo Board | Dual 18A Step-Down uModule Regulator, 6V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT1/VOUT2 = 3.3V/5V @ 18A
DC2152A - Schematic


Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX PCIe development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations an alternate power tree that allow for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with Intel PSG to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications.
  • The validated power solutions include uModules power products that address time and space constraints while delivering high efficiency, reliability, and low noise.
  • The actual power tree represents the best solution at time of design.
  • A recommended power tree has also been included to present the ideal solution at time of Stratix 10 GX SI development kit release. An updated alternate version of the power tree represents the latest solutions available from Analog Devices. For many applications, an intermediate rail is not ideal, so recommendations for an alternate power tree that allows for direct power conversion from 12V input is provided below.
Intel Stratix 10 FPGA PCIe Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit Block Diagram
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit (Recommended Simplified Power Tree: 12Vin to required I/O voltages)
Stratix 10 GX PCIE FPGA Development Kit (Actual Power Tree representative of components used on board)
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit Block Diagram
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit (Actual Power Tree representative of components used on board)
Stratix 10 GX Signal Integrity Development Kit (updated alternate Simplified Power Tree: 12Vin to required I/O voltages)


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