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ADI公司的高速模数转换器(ADC)提供市场上较佳的性能和高的采样速度。该系列产品包括高中频ADC(10 MSPS至125 MSPS)、低中频ADC(125 MSPS至1 GSPS)、集成接收器和宽带ADC (>1GSPS)。高速ADC系列产品提供面向所有高速转换应用的解决方案。
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为了满足全球市场的多样化需求,ADI提供多种集成式以及特殊功能转换器,为各行各业提供支持。 这些特殊功能转换器可在各类应用中提供特定解决方案,包括通信、能源、医疗、仪器仪表和测量、电机和功率控制、工业自动化以及航空航天与国防。
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Analog Devices provides an unrivalled portfolio for precision A/D converters. When you select an ADI precision ADC, you are selecting from the industry leading portfolio in ac and dc performance, power, speed and size, with products ranging from 8-bit to 32-bit resolution.

ADI champions ease of use, with ever increasing emphasis on helping our customers to more quickly arrive at their end design objective, at a component level and signal chain level.

Choose from a comprehensive suite of tools to simplify design in from selection to prototyping. Products are available in a range of architectures:
SAR—Successive Approximation ADCs
Σ-Δ Modulators
Isolated ADCs
分辨率(位) ADC吞吐速率(SPS)
<1K 1 - 100k 100 - 250k 250 - 500k 500k - 1M 1M - 20M
21 - 32
17 - 20
14 - 16
8 - 13
分辨率(位) ADC吞吐速率(SPS)
10 - 50M 50 - 100M 100 - 250M 250M - 1G >1G
14 - 15
12 - 13

High Speed Converter Innovations on 28 nm CMOS

Introducing the first of a new line of RF converters designed for GHz bandwidth applications such as 4G/5G multiband wireless communications base stations, multi-standard production test systems, and defense electronics. Based on 28 nm CMOS technology, these ADCs and DACs provide best-in-class bandwidth, power and dynamic range to cover the largest number of signal bands.

High Speed Converter Innovations on 28 nm CMOS

Introducing the first of a new line of RF converters designed for GHz bandwidth applications such as 4G/5G multiband wireless communications base stations, multi-standard production test systems, and defense electronics. Based on 28 nm CMOS technology, these ADCs and DACs provide best-in-class bandwidth, power and dynamic range to cover the largest number of signal bands.